Friday, July 12, 2013

Hoy Noche de Gala en la presentación de la pieza teatral mas vista en el mundo A 2,50 la Cuba Libra

A 2,50 la Cuba libre
Información general

Esta pieza emblemática del Teatro Contemporáneo Latinoamericano se monta por cuarta vez en Miami. En esta oportunidad, en su versión original, dirigida por su autor Ibrahim Guerra.
Las dos primeras veces estuvo bajo la responsabilidad de Roberto Stopello, luego la produjo una de las actrices del primer montaje, Alexa Kube, y, recientemente, el afinadísimo Leandro Fernández, en el Teatro Bar, de Coral Gables, estuvo presentándola hasta hace apenas unas semanas. Ahora lo hace su autor Ibrahim Guerra, luego de haberla montado por última vez hace unos 15 años en Venezuela. En efecto, son muchas las veces que productores y directores de teatro de Argentina, Brasil, Puerto Rico, Francia, entre otros, han tenido oportunidad de hacerla.  Por esta razón, en 2005 le fue otorgado en el premio mexicano El Quetzal de Onix  como la pieza teatral venezolana mas representada fuera el país. En Venezuela, y de manera ininterrumpida, desde hace cinco años y en Colombia, se mantiene en cartelera permanente desde hace cuatro.
El Espectáculo:
La obra se desarrolla en un bar, en un restaurante, en un nigth-club, en un sitio real. Por naturaleza, el Hiperrealismo que la caracteriza evita los espacios teatrales convencionales. Presenta el acontecimiento escénico a la vista del público, pero no enfrente o alejado de él, como lo hace el teatro tradicional, sino en medio de él, casi como si estos espectadores fuesen participantes de lo que ocurre teatralmente. Es la  primera pieza teatro escrita específicamente con esta modalidad escénica. El público adicionalmente que disfruta de la representación puede ser atendido desde todas las ópticas gastronómicas posibles
El elenco:
Es francamente impresionarte, cinco actrices de gran magnitud escénica. Lo encabeza  la primerísima actriz venezolana Gladys Cáceres. Nacida en Santiago de Cuba, participó en el Teatro Universitario durante sus estudios de pedagogía en la Habana. Luego viajó a Venezuela invitada por una compañía de comedias, y se quedó, iniciándose casi conjuntamente con la televisión de ese país, para convertirse en poco tiempo en una de las más destacadas protagonistas. En el teatro ha recibido todos los elogios, reconocimientos y premios que se otorgan en el país. Zajarís Fernández y Aly Sánchez, ambas nacidas en Cuba, y estrellas estelares de los programas de comedias variedades de America TV.  Zajaris posee una versatilidad única, inimaginable. Canta y baila magistralmente, y en el campo de la actuación su registro es extraordinariamente amplio. Se mueve con soltura en todos los géneros posibles del arte dramático. Resume en su escultural figura toda la gracia y el talento de nuestros países caribeños. Por su lado, Ali Sánchez En televisión, para sábado gigante, y en la telenovela Alma Indomable, dirigida por Yaki Ortega, para Azteca America, interpretó el personaje antagónico Azul. Participó en el programa Juntos y Revueltos, dirigida por Edgar Moreno, quien también la dirige en el espectáculo Bayú.  En Miami, fue merecedora del premio Carteles 2011, como Mejor Actriz humorística. Jamie Sasson, la primera vez que pisó en firme un escenario, aun no había cumplido los 8 años de edad, manteniendo hasta el presente una ininterrumpida y fructífera labor como actriz entre Europa y Venezuela. Durante los últimos años participa en las telenovelas "Gato Tuerto"  Televen (Venezuela),  "Corazón Valiente" y "El Rostro de la Venganza" de Telemundo (Miami) y en la serie por Internet "Erinnia" de (Colombia) Se inicia como presentadora, primero en Yahoo! Y, luego, en el programa Dr. Chago, transmitido por la cadena Telemundo51. Participa en "Mesalina", párale Micro Teatro, Miami. Y, por último, y no por esto, la menos importante, Andrea Núñez, una actriz que a pesar de sus pocos años de vida, concentra un talento extraordinario. Posee un linaje escénico que no deja lugar a dudas a su calidad interpretativa. Es hija de dos consagrados actores venezolanos, Flor Núñez y Félix Loreto. De ellos heredó no sólo el talento, sino toda la tradición escénica del país.
La dirección de Producción corre a cargo de Zaida Silva.

Uno de los locales de recreación nocturna mas prestigiosos y mejor acondicionados de todo el condado, ubicado en la Calle 8 del South West, 29 Av., en el corazón de Miami. En sus espacios se han presentado artistas de proyección  internacional, tales como Alexis Valdez, Albita, Lupita Ferrer, razón  por la que ya es conocido como el Lugar de las Estrellas. Ahora lo hace con las cinco protagonistas de esta singular pieza teatral venezolana, catalogada ya como la comedia mas divertida, delirante y trágica del Teatro latinoamericano.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Interesante reflexion enviada por unos de nuestros lectores

Ceguera del Comunismo-Socialismo

Un hombre se encuentra en una gasolinera a la orilla de la carretera bebiendo un refresco cuando observó a dos hombres trabajando a lo largo del acotamiento. Uno de ellos hacía un hoyo de 70 u 80 cms de profundidad y continuaba hacia delante. El otro venía detrás de él rellenando el hoyo.Los dos hombres pasaron frente al hombre del refresco y continuaron su camino. Este último pensó: "No es posible esto!!", tiró el bote al contenedor de basura y alcanzó a los dos hombres."Esperen, esperen un momento", les dijo. "¿Me pueden explicar qué hacen, porqué excavan y rellenan hoyos?""Pues mire Vd., trabajamos para el gobierno y simplemente hacemos nuestro trabajo", dijo uno de los hombres."Pero uno de Vds. está cavando un hoyo y el otro lo está volviendo a rellenar. No están produciendo nada. ¿No creen que están derrochando el dinero de los contribuyentes?""Vd. no lo entiende, señor", respondió el hombre apoyándose en su pala y secándose el sudor. "Normalmente somos tres los que trabajamos: Pepe, Juan y yo. Pepe excava el hoyo, Juan mete el árbol en el hueco y yo vuelvo a rellenarlo con la misma tierra que hemos sacado"."Debido a los recortes, han despedido a Juan. Así que solo quedamos Pepe y yo" 

Saludos, Huguito!

Enviado por Hugo Urribarri

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs

City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs=July 11 - July 17, 2013

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The City of Miami Beach provides this information to you as a courtesy. The inclusion of this information does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any event. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information is correct at the time of distribution, information is subject to change. The City of Miami Beach cannot be held liable for exchange of monies, ticket transactions or cancellations with the individual event producers/venues.
The Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, with guidance from the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council, develops, coordinates and promotes the performing and visual arts groups in Miami Beach. To date, Cultural Affairs has awarded over $9 million in grants to approximately 130 diverse not-for-profit arts groups, which contribute so richly to the artistic landscape of the City, proving that the Council plays an integral leadership role in supporting, promoting and advocating the unique and extensive scope of cultural offerings in Miami Beach.
For more events visit:


"FRITZ LANG: From Austria to America" MINISTRY OF FEAR
Thursday, July 11, 8:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Suffused with dread and paranoia, this Fritz Lang adaptation of a novel by Graham Greene is a plunge into the eerie shadows of a world turned upside down by war. En route to London after being released from a mental institution, Stephen Neale stops at a seemingly innocent village fair, after which he finds himself caught in the web of a sinister underworld with possible Nazi connections.
Friday, July 12, 6:00 p.m.
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
If you make, craft, think, hack, or just like to hang with those who do, come make some serious fun at The Wolfsonian. Join other local DYIers from MIAMade, Make Shop, Tinker Tank, Pecha Kucha, and Meetup groups like Miami Crafters. Sponsored by Perrier.
hot nights | cool jazz
Friday, July 12, 7:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Chuck Bergeron Quartet. A Master bass player and educator, Mr Bergeron will perform original compositions in a quartet format. Mr. Bergeron has a longstanding career as both a performer (Arturo Sandoval, Rick Margitza, Joe Willisams, Stan Getz) and educator (University of Miami, Florida International University).
Friday, July 12 - Saturday, July 13, 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
In writer/director François Ozon's dramatic thriller In the House, sixteen-year-old Claude insinuates himself into the house of fellow high school student Rapha, writing about his family in essays that perversely blur the lines between reality and fiction for his jaded literature teacher Germain. (In French with English subtitles)
Museum Tours
Saturday, July 13, 2:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Docent led tours of the museum exhibitions. For more Info: www.bassmuseum.orgor call 305.673.7530 Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission).
Saturday, July 13, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14, 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Once upon a time there was a little girl who had never known her mother. She learned the art of her father, a famous bullfighter, but was hated by her evil stepmother. Set in southern Spain in 1920s, Blancanieves is a tribute to silent films.
Air Supply
Saturday, July 13, 8:00 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
Air Supply is an Australian soft rock duo, consisting of Graham Russell as guitarist and singer-songwriter and Russell Hitchcock as lead vocalist. They had a succession of hits worldwide, including eight Top Ten hits in the United States, in the early 1980s. They formed in Bitchfield, England in 1975 and have included various accompanying musicians and singers. They have sold more than 100 million albums.
Il Tabarro and Gianni Schicchi
Saturday, July 13, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14, 4:00 p.m.
Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road
Music: Giacomo Puccini. Operas in 1 Act each. IL TABARRO and GIANNI SCHICCHI. Admission: $35, $30. Students with ID $25 only at Box Office. Purchase Online at Ticket Master or Box Office from Noon to 5 p.m.
Yamil Piedra: The Pretty Rock Project
Saturday, July 13, 9:00 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
Yamil was born in Havana, Cuba and arrived in Miami in 1980 by way of the famous Mariel boatlift. In 2007, he was featured in Ocean Drive Espańol Magazine's "En Caliente" (What's Hot) section. He's appeared on Last Comic Standing, ComicView, Las Vegas, Boston Legal, From Justin to Kelly, and Burn Notice.
The Zoo Story FREE
Sunday, July 14, 5:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Peter is a middle-class publishing executive with a wife, two daughters, two cats and two parakeets. Jerry is an isolated and disheartened man. The two meet on a park bench in New York's Central Park. The play explores themes of isolation, loneliness, and miscommunication as anathematization, social disparity and dehumanization in a commercial world. Please visit for additional showtimes.
Sunday, July 14, 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 17, 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
FRANCES HA is a modern comic fable in which Noah Baumbach explores New York, friendship, class, ambition, failure, and redemption.
Monday, July 15, 3:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Regional Library, 227 22 Street
The Miami-Dade Public Library System and MCCJ present a summer reading discussion program which strives to foster dialogue about diversity across the many neighborhoods that make up Miami-Dade County. Open to everyone, the program hopes to inspire readers to share their own stories and learn about their neighbors.
Tuesday, July 16, 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Minds in the Wateris an award winning documentary following the quest of professional surfer Dave Rastovich and his friends to protect dolphins, whales and the oceans they all share. Five years in the making, it is the story of one surfer's international journey to help protect dolphins, whales and their ocean environment.
SOUTH BEACH: Stories of a Renaissance FREE
Wednesday, July 17, 6:00 p.m.
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
Join Miami Design Preservation League for the preview of a film about the story of South Beach, yesterday and today "SOUTH BEACH: Stories of a Renaissance" with a special book-signing to celebrate the second edition of this best-selling hardcover book. Complimentary hor d'oeuvres, wine and beverages will be served.
Picasso to Koons: The Artist as Jeweler 
Continues through July 21, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The exhibition of some 200 works by 135 artists is an intimate, often whimsical side of some of the greatest artists of recent times, each offering a singular vision of adornment. The exceptional and little-known works of wearable sculpture will reward viewers with new insights into the creative wellsprings of such artistic giants as Georges Braque, Max Ernst, Lucio Fontana, Louise Nevelson, Anthony Caro, Yoko Ono, and Anish Kapoor.
<body>matter: the body queered, queerness embodiedFREE
Continues though July 30, 2013
Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS), 420 Lincoln Road, Suite 420
Exhibition of artwork exploring gender and sexuality by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, alternative and queer-identified students at Florida International University (FIU); curated by recent FIU BFA in studio art alumnus Ian Honoré and produced by FIU Postdoctoral Fellow in Counseling Dr. Tyler Wasson.
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation
Continues through August 11, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation is a presentation of the video artist's recent projects. This exhibition will present two major video installations, including an entirely new exploration of her noted film The Rape of the Sabine Women. The exhibition continues through August 11, 2013. 
Modern Meals: Remaking American Foods from Farm to Kitchen
Continues through August 18, 2013
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Modern Mealsexamines how people in the U.S. began eating foods that were mass-produced in the first half of the 20th century. Images and artifacts from The Wolfsonian's collection illustrate the movement of food from the field, to the factory, supermarket, and kitchen table, in order to explore how modern technology, design, and business practices created new meanings for food and eating in this era.
Women in Motion: Fitness, Sport, and the Female Figure
Continues through August 18, 2013
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Women in Motiondisplays images of physically active women produced by governments, fitness advocates, advertisers, and artists in Europe and the United States during the first half of the twentieth century. Both exhibitions examine aspects of everyday culture in the early 20th century that are still of great concern today, from the methods through which our foods are produced, to equal access to athletic opportunities for women. 
Bat Mitzvah Comes Of Age
Continues through September 15, 2013
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
On Saturday morning, March 18, 1922 - two years after American women received the right to vote - Judith Kaplan, daughter of Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, became the first American girl to mark her bat mitzvah during a public worship service. In the decades that followed, many other girls and women became the "first" in their communities, helping to reshape American Judaism.
Chapungu artists--Fresh out of Fairchild FREE
Continues through November 16, 2013
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
These monolithic stone sculptures are carved by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. The pieces express human ecology at its core, and will be on display throughout the Garden.
Pleasure, Fear and the Pursuit of Happiness FREE
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Nayda Collazo-Llorens will be installing 2D textual art along the meandering concrete pathways in the Garden. The text is based on thoughts and memories--both real and imagined--collected from Miami Beach locals and visitors. An opening reception will be held June 28, 5-7 p.m.
Untitled ([construction of good)]
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
The Wolfsonian-FIU presents a new site-specific exhibit, Untitled ([construction of good)] by artist Bhakti Baxter in The Wolfsonian Bridge Tender House beginning November 29th. The installation will take place in the steel structure created in the Art Deco style outside of the museum entrance. The focus of the exhibit will be on the construction of good for mankind, focusing on how the meanings of things are perpetually shaped by their human and historical contexts.
Egyptian Gallery
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art invites visitors to experience the ancient world at the only Egyptian Gallery in Florida.  The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about one of the world's oldest and most mysterious civilizations from its surviving objects, including an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy.
Watercolors-English and American
World Erotic Art Museum, 1205 Washington Avenue
The extraordinary persona of Sylvie Jones, the famed London artist who has also written such popular children's books as "Who's in the Tub," will be on view. Tickets are $15 with no one under 18 admitted. 
Art and Design in the Modern Age: Selections from the Wolfsonian Collection
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
The nearly 300 works on display, 1885 to 1945,  provide insight into the ways design has influenced and adapted to the modern world.
Artcenter/South Florida Artists-In-Residence Ongoing
 Artcenter/South Florida, 800, 810 and 924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter/South Florida ("ACSF") announces the arrival of four new Artists-in-Residence and welcomes visitors to their working studios. 
Selections from the Collection
Bass Museum of Art2100 Collins Avenue
The permanent collection of the Bass Museum of Art spans more than five hundred years and four continents, including works from Renaissance and Baroque paintings; Rococo court painting and English portraiture; painting and sculpture of North America and much more.
MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida
OngoingJewish Museum of Florida301 Washington Avenue
More than 500 photos and artifacts that depict the Jewish experience in Florida since 1763. The exhibit includes three films and a timeline wall of Jewish history.
Nightly -- Varying Times
1342 Washington Avenue
Jazid is proud to be the longest-running nightclub on Miami Beach with live music every night of the week. Jazid's diverse music includes a multi-cultural mix of Latin and American jazz, funk, cumbia, reggae, rock, and more.
Van Dyke Cafe
Live Jazz Nightly
846 Lincoln Road
Join us Upstairs at the Van Dyke, the perfect place to enjoy live music, lounge and socialize. 
Free Fridays at the Wolf  FREE 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. 
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 pm. 
Guided, Private and Self-Guided Tours of the Art Deco Historic District
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
All tours take approximately 90 minutes. Prices vary.
Art Deco Bike and Segway Tours
Bike and Roll, 210 Tenth Street
$39 adults/$29 kids and students.


The Colony Theater Miami Beach
2 Operas from Puccini IL Tabarro (the cloack) and Gianni Schicchi-Miami Lyric Opera
July 13, 2013 at 8pm
July 14, 2013 at 4pm 
Miami Beach Convention Center
IDOL Cheerleading Showcase
July 12-14, 2013
Miami Take Over
July 13-14, 2013
The Bass Museum
Hot Nights|Cool Jazz
Friday July 12, 2013 at 7:00pm
Funkshion Swim Fashion Week Miami Beach
July 16-21, 2013
The Fillmore Miami Beach
Air Supply
Saturday, July 13, 8:00pm 
Yamil Piedra: The Pretty Rock Project
Saturday, July 13, 9:00pm
Fridays at the Wolf* 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 p.m.

FREE Gallery Admission to: The Wolfsonian
1001 Washington Avenue 

Passes to go out and enjoy a FREE gallery admission for one adult each are available now in our office location provided below.

City of Miami Beach
Tourism and Cultural Development Office
1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 500
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please reply to this email if you are interested!  

For additional listing of cultural events going on in Miami Beach this season visit:
Coming Soon
Food Truck & Music Festival FREE
Wednesday, July 24, 5:00 p.m. 
North Shore Park Band Shell, 7275 Collins Avenue
Click here for more info

 Ongoing Events & Attractions
Lincoln Road Outdoor Antiques
& Collectibles Market
Every other Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Lincoln Road Farmers' Market
Every Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Normandy Village Marketplace
7802 Rue Vendome, at the Normandy Isle Fountain 
Every Saturday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Click for more>

The Market at St. John's on the Lake
4760 Pinetree Drive, Miami Beach, 33140
Every Thursday(Seasonal), Free
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Jewish Museum of Florida
301 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach 33139,
Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Mondays
For information: 305-672-5044 
For Current Exhibitions and more info Click for more>

World Erotic Art Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

Bass Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

The Fillmore at the Jackie Gleason Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Colony Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Byron Carlyle Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>


LATIN PEOPLE NEWS - EL PERIODICO DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA: AMERICAS COMMUNITY CENTER Y LATIN PEOPLE NEWS INFO...:   E ste Jueves 11 de Julio: Doral's Networking Breakfast   Dear Juan, Esta semana en el B2B de Doral:   ...


  Este Jueves 11 de Julio:

Doral's Networking Breakfast
Dear Juan,

Esta semana en el B2B de Doral: 
Promueva su negocio y servicios a la comunidad del Doral y entérese de los eventos que ocurrieron esta semana en Americas Community Center!

Junta Directiva y Angela Gers Abril 2013

Además de eso:

  - Expanda su red de contactos
- Comparta información sobre su compañía o servicios
- Aprenda de temas nuevos
- Desarrolle y promueva su negocio!

Lugar: Carlos Albizu University
2173 NW 99th Ave
Miami, Fl. 33172 
Room: 250

Hora: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM    

Costo: $10.00 
Registración:  7:50AM 
Te esperamos!

Para más información búscanos en:


The Americas Community Center