Monday, August 12, 2013
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Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Monday, August 12, 2013
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Congress to Consider Reforms of Food Stamp Eligibility LIBRE'S Garza: Time to Promote Economic Opportunity
For Immediate Release
August 12, 2013
Media Contact: Judy Pino, 202-578-6424 or Brian Faughnan, 571-257-3309
Congress to Consider Reforms of Food Stamp Eligibility
LIBRE'S Garza: Time to Promote Economic Opportunity
(Washington, D.C.) - With a slow economy, growing government dependence, and a federal deficit still in the hundreds of billions of dollars per year, the House of Representatives may soon consider legislation to reform eligibility rules for the rapidly-growing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or Food Stamps). The bill would reportedly end waivers allowing able-bodied adults without dependents to get food stamps for more than three months. It would allow states to exempt 15 percent of those currently on the rolls from this reform.
The intent is to promote economic opportunity, provide temporary assistance that would encourage participants to get out of poverty, and reduce out of control federal spending.
Daniel Garza, Executive Director of The LIBRE Initiative, released the following statement:
"When President Obama came into office, 32 million Americans received Food Stamps. If the economy were growing as it should, that number would fall as more Americans found work and were able to support themselves. Instead it has grown to 48 million overall. This is a serious problem. No one is helped when millions are unable to find work, and become wards of the taxpayers.When the modern Food Stamp program was created in the 1970s, one in 50 Americans participated. Now the number is one in six. The millions of Americans who are unemployed or underemployed don't need another check from the government. They need jobs that allow them to earn a wage, to develop valuable skills, and to support their families. Congress should focus on ending a system that measures compassion based on how many people receive government assistance, rather than by how many no longer need it."
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Monday, August 12, 2013
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August 9, 2013 |
Miami Beach Implements Independent Review FDLE Reviews Israel Hernandez Investigation The City of Miami Beach requested the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to conduct an independent review of the facts and findings of the investigation being conducted by the Miami Beach Police Department into the in-custody death of Israel Hernandez. "I have complete confidence in the integrity and capacity of the Miami Beach Police Department to conduct a fair and thorough investigation. But the role of the FDLE will provide further assurance to the public of the thoroughness and transparency of the investigation," said Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales. This independent review will be in addition to the review being conducted by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office and the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner's Office, both of which have been involved since the first day. |
It's Back to School on August 19
Remember to obey traffic and pedestrian laws in school zones.
Back to School Bash
Friday, August 16, 2013; 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Flamingo Park - 14 Street & Meridian Avenue
Free entertainment, arts & crafts and rides. Carnival game tickets and concessions sold.
School Orientations Nautilus Middle School: August 14 and August 16, 9:30 a.m. North Beach Elementary: August 16, 2:00 p.m. Miami Beach Senior High School: August 17, 9:00 a.m. School calendar:
Miami Beach All Stars
For Public School Fifth & Sixth Graders This weekly program includes activities, games and projects that inspire for foster positive self-esteem. |
Free Pediatric Mobile Clinic By Appointment
University of Miami Pediatric Mobile Clinic & the City of Miami BeachFREE health care services to youth with no access or limited access to health care / medical insurance. Next: August 21 & September 26 More info:, click on the Education tab. To make an appointment, please call 305.243.6407. |
Register for the Free Leadership Academy & Learn the In & Outs of Your City Fall Session Begins September 9 Add the Neighborhood Leadership Academy to your resume. Get a fresh perspective on how to become more active in your community. The free, 15-week session provides information and resources to become a more knowledgeable member and participant in our community.
Learn more here:
Caroline Defreze, 305.673.7010 or carolinedefreze@miamibeachfl.
SoundScape Cinema Series Fall 2013 Movie Schedule Begins October 5 The new fall season kicks off with "The Great Gatsby" (2013). The popular free outdoor movie series will run every Wednesday night through December. Other movies include "Les Miserables," "Hello Dolly" and "Man of Steel."
Cinema Series Schedule:
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest
5PM - 10PM, North Shore Bandshell, 73 St & Collins Av Wednesday, August 28 Food Trucks: 5PM - 10PM Live music: 6PM - 9PM Share the event with your Facebook friends & family More > |
Beachwalk Project Begins South Pointe Park to Third Street, Third to Fifth Street Delayed When completed, the on-grade paver pathway will connect South Pointe Park to the existing serpentine promenade in Lummus Park. Phase I includes South Pointe Park to Third Street west of the sand dunes, along the hard packed area currently used by pedestrians. The second phase (Third to Fifth streets) lies in obtaining the easements and the approval of the upland properties. |
Wooden Boardwalk at Former Seville to Close & Detour Approved Construction Continues The boardwalk behind the former Seville at 29 Street will close soon for approved demolition. Passage along the boardwalk will detour to Collins Avenue. The City continues to pursue options on elevation and surface materials of the new beachwalk in that area. |
It's Hurricane Season! Plan, Prepare and Register
New Flood Relief Parking Program
If your address has been identified as one that is located within a potential flood area, you qualify for temporary parking accommodation voucher during a flood activation. Notices sent to those affected areas. Click here for more info.
More information about how to prepare for hurricane season, including early registrations such as condo managers' re-entry passes, special needs, and pet evacuation): visit http://web.miamibeachfl.
Paint & Hurricane Shutter Program Low-income Homeowners May Qualify Have you home painted or hurricane shutter installed for free. Qualified Miami-Dade County homeowners may be eligible. Homeowners will be required to participate in a forgivable mortgage program which requires them in the home for up to 10 years after the upgrades have been completed. Click for for more information on how to qualify. |
Alton Road / MacArthur Cswy Flyover Closed for FDOT Repairs Through August 13, 2013 FDOT is working with Miami-Dade County to adjust traffic signalization to improve mobility during construction. Miami Beach Police will also assist with the monitoring and mobilization. The Julia Tuttle Causeway is an alternate route. |
It's WasteFULL Weekends
Keep It Clean the First Weekend of Every Month | September 7 & 8 | 8AM - 8PM
During WasteFull Weekends, take your bulk trash to the two dumpster locations: 75 St + Dickens Avenue (North Beach) < RECYCLE HERE
541 Jefferson Avenue (South Beach)
Remember to recycle, it's the law!
Protect Your Properties Volunteer Opportunities to Restore the Sand Dunes Saturday, August 24 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Volunteer Registration begins at 8:30 AM) Pancoast Park (Meet west of the dunes at 36 Street) |
Caring for Animals
Keep Public Areas Clean & Follow the CodeAnimal Resource Officer Know of crimes against animals or other unlawful issues with animals in your neighborhood? Contact the Police Department's new animal resource officer, Mariana Jomarron at 305.673.7000, ext 3705. Spay & Neuter / Volunteer The Meow Mobile comes to Miami Beach twice a month to spay and neuter community cats at North Shore Open Space Park. This program is made possible by a grant from PetSmart Charities, Inc. Upcoming date: September 7. For an appointment and/or to volunteer: Feed Them, Don't Litter Be aware of littering laws. If you are feeding stray animals, food cannot be placed directly on the ground including plants or leaves and sand dunes. Also when using plates, cans or other containers, these objects must be removed immediately. Do not trespass in sand dunes. Report Contact Code Compliance at 305.673.7555 if you see any dogs off leash; any dogs owners failing to clean after the animal; and littering; or any trespassing in sand dunes. |
Commission Selects South Beach ACE (Tishman) for Convention Center Development
Next Steps | Also, Ballot Question Coming in November ElectionAfter several months and an open public process, Miami Beach Commission selected South Beach ACE over Portman CMC to continue to the next development phase. Click here for additional upcoming meetings, videos, information and more. Email us your comments atmbconventioncenter@ |
All residential buildings and businesses must have recycling programs. It is required by City Code. Contact your waste hauler or other recycling company to initiate a recycling program for your building or business.
Need community hours? Volunteers are needed for these two events.
International Coastal Cleanup Day
Saturday, September 21, 8AM - noonCommunity Outreach at 305.673.7010,
Community Service Day
Saturday, September 28, 9AM - noon
Office of Community Services at 305.673.7491, TalmageThornhill@miamibeachfl. |
Traffic Alert: Road Construction Projects
For real-time traffic reports, call 511 or go to
Check out the city's online GIS Traffic report. Call 511 for up-to-the-minute traffic reports throughout South Florida. Also listen to MB Radio 1670AM for weekly updates in Miami Beach. Also, subscribe to weekly Traffic Advisories via email. Click update profile on the bottom of this email and then add yourself to the list. Construction information & updates> |
Alton Road & Collins Avenue Construction: Detour Up Ahead
Northbound at 17 Street will be Detoured to Meridian Avenue for Several Months
Bookmark the FDOT Alton Rd project page:
More information on both projects: 305.905.5876 or
Download Free Miami Beach Report It App
Ask and Receive Answers, Report Problems, Request Services, Track and More Learn more about Report It. | Report It Online Just download Miami Beach Report It from any phone app store. It's free. How to Download to your Phone |
Stop Government Corruption
Report Suspected Wrongdoing to FBIYour cooperation is needed to root out corruption. If you suspect any wrongdoing of a government employee, please report it anonymously to the FBI hotline at 305.944.9101. |
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Monday, August 12, 2013
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Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Monday, August 12, 2013
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