Please join us on Monday at the State Attorney's Office at 10am (1350 N.W. 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136)
Dear family,
As you may know, two important things happened this week. The medical examiner's office determined on Thursday that Israel "Reefa" Hernandez was killed by a taser. This confirms what we have been saying for 7 months, that Israel wasn't on drugs, wasn't in a state of excited delirium, he was killed by Officer Jorge Mercado, an officer with a history of alleged misconduct.Dear family,
Please join us on Monday at the State Attorney's Office at 10am (1350 N.W. 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136)
The officer who killed Israel is still on the police force in Miami Beach. He has never been punished for essentially killing a teenager. We believe that both state law and Miami Beach policy are on our side and that Jorge Mercado had no right to use the force he used when Israel was killed. But we fear that if we don't up our pressure, the State Attorney (prosecutor) will rule Israel's death accidental and will refuse to press charges. We need you now more than ever. On Monday, we will hold a press conference at the State Attorney's office to demand justice. We need your support. We need your help. We need your presence. Will you join us? Will you demand #JusticeforReefa?
Please join us on Monday at the State Attorney's Office at 10am (1350 N.W. 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136)
Please join us on Monday at the State Attorney's Office at 10am (1350 N.W. 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33136)

Justice for Israel Hernandez "Reefa"
Join us on Facebook: JusticeForIsraelHern andez
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Join the conversation on Twitter and IG: #JusticeForReefa