Wednesday, August 21, 2013




~Calls on Federal Government to Fund $1.6 Billion in Owed Projects~

MARTIN COUNTY – Today, Governor Rick Scott, along with several members of the Florida Legislature, announced a $40 million commitment to speed up completion of the C-44 Storm Water Treatment Area project, which will cut the project time in half. The project will clean diverted water from Lake Okeechobee and storm water runoff year-round. The Governor also called on the federal government to meet its obligations in maintaining the federally operated Lake Okeechobee dike system and fulfilling its cost-share obligations to the State of Florida for environmental projects. To view the Governor’s letter to the Army Corps of Engineers click HERE.
Governor Scott said, “We’re here because the Corps is not maintaining the Lake Okeechobee dike system and they’re not fulfilling their financial commitment to Florida. Florida families are paying the price for federal inaction.  Despite federal inaction, we are speeding up solutions because Florida’s families and the environment can’t wait any longer.
“We need federal action immediately, but Florida will not stand by and do nothing while we wait on Washington. Today, I’m announcing a $40 million commitment to fully fund the C-44 Storm Water Treatment Area project, which will divert harmful water away from the St. Lucie River and clean it. I will include this $40 million in my upcoming fiscal year budget request. This $40 million investment in the C-44 STA project will reduce the time needed to complete this project by half.”
The Governor made the announcement during a tour of the S-80 Control Structure where he was joined by Senator Joe Negron, Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto, Representative Gayle Harrell, Representative MaryLynn Magar, Army Corps of Engineers Colonel Alan Dodd, Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Herschel Vinyard, Ernie Barnett of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and a number of local elected officials.
Senator Joe Negron said “I want to thank Governor Rick Scott for his commitment to families in the region. Each and every step we take in cleaning polluted water and keeping it out of our estuaries is another positive step forward for families that rely on our area’s natural treasurers for their livelihoods. I look forward to working with the Governor as well as my colleagues in the Legislature to deliver on this $40 million commitment.”
During the tour, Governor Scott called on the federal government to get engaged and honor their responsibilities to South Florida. While the State of Florida has invested $2.5 billion in South Florida environmental projects, the federal government, which agreed to a 50-50 cost share, is approximately $1.6 billion behind in funding for projects. Moreover, Congress has yet to authorize critical projects for construction that would help mitigate damage to the region, including the C-43 reservoir project which would store water on the Westside of Lake Okeechobee until it could be incrementally released back into the Caloosahatchee River and Florida’s estuaries to avoid additional impacts.  
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto said, “I want to applaud Governor Scott for his leadership in fighting for families in the area. This $40 million commitment is a good step forward toward improving the St. Lucie River and a model I hope we can replicate as we work to tackle these same ecological impacts to help restore the Caloosahatchee.”
Representative Gayle Harrell said, “The Governor’s $40 million commitment to this storm water treatment project means we’ll end delays and get this project completed on a much more reasonable timeline. This endeavor requires the focus and investments of our leaders, and the Governor has demonstrated his commitment to families in the region with these dollars. Had we waited for the federal government to make good on their promises, this project may have taken a lot longer.”
Representative MaryLynn Magar said, “I want to thank Governor Scott and the South Florida Water Management District for their efforts in restoring area waterways. The state has done a good job in making important investments in projects that mitigate damage to our waterways, but because we lack of a good federal partner, we have to do that much more in revitalizing our waterways. The Governor’s $40 million commitment to the storm water treatment area project is an example of what’s right in government.”    
Representative Debbie Mayfield said, “Too many families are feeling the effects of the Corps’ decision to dump bad water into the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Rivers – and I applaud the Governor for taking positive steps to support the region. This $40 million in funding will be used to clean water year-round, which is critical to restoring the region’s environment and supporting the economy.”
Additional Measures
Governor Scott said, “We are also taking action right now. The South Florida Water Management District took prudent measures by entering into emergency contracts to store water on state and private lands to reduce impacts on the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee rivers.”
Just last week, the SFWMD Board voted to move forward with a suite of projects outlined in the Central Everglades Planning Project to help provide a lasting solution to this problem. Now the State is waiting on the Corps and Congress to provide final approval. Within a month the SFWMD will enter into the first contract for the design of the C-44 STA.
Additionally, this year Governor Rick Scott signed into law HB 7065, which provides $32 million, annually, in state funding for the Governor’s $880 million long-term Everglades water quality restoration plan. The $32 million annual appropriation is an historic step forward in restoring America’s Everglades by improving water quality and water flow. This set of projects will ensure that water flowing into the Everglades meets the state’s stringent water quality standards. 



~Approval is first step for Florida International University to lease Coconut Grove Playhouse~

MIAMI – Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Cabinet today approved Florida International University's business plan, the first step to enable the university -- in partnership with Miami-Dade County and GableStage -- to offer a world-class theater program in Southeast Florida at the state-owned Coconut Grove Playhouse.
Governor Scott said, "The approval of this business plan allows Florida International University to create a one-of-a-kind educational opportunity in Southeast Florida.”
"By approving the business plan for the Coconut Grove Playhouse, the foundation for a long-term partnership with FIU, Miami-Dade County, and the State will be solidified," stated Attorney General Pam Bondi.
"I am hopeful that the partnership between FIU, the County and GableStage will allow the Grove Playhouse to once again become a premier centerpiece for the arts in South Florida,” said CFO Jeff Atwater. “By supporting the arts, we are helping promote a vibrant and creative future for our state.” 
The Coconut Grove Playhouse property was originally purchased by the state in 1980 and the Board of Trustees conveyed the property – at no cost – to the Coconut Grove Playhouse, LLC, with a deed restriction that required it to manage the property as a theater. The company struggled to continue offering theatrical productions and in April 2006, the final performance occurred in the facility and it closed amid financial problems. After years of inability to revitalize the facility, failure to keep it running as a theater and allowing a commercial parking venture, the Department, in 2012, exercised its right to revert the property back to the Board of Trustees.
The Division of State Lands noticed the property, as it does with all property it sells, and Florida International University showed interest in leasing, which universities and colleges have first preference to do upon notice. Per Florida Statutes, a lessee must provide a business plan that requires Governor and Cabinet approval. Miami-Dade County has secured $20 million for capital expenditures for the development and construction of the Playhouse. GableStage, a non-profit theater group, will partner on managing the property.
After approval, the next step will be to finalize the lease between the Board of Trustees, the university and the county. Also, the county, with concurrence of the university, will be working with the Department in pursuing options to obtain the Playhouse property in fee simple ownership, including a potential exchange of lands.  All sales or land exchanges relating to this property are subject to Board of Trustees’ approval.
"This plan shows the benefits of a partnership between the state, the county and the university working together to benefit our youth and contribute to the arts community in Miami-Dade County," said DEP Secretary Herschel T. Vinyard Jr. "I'm proud that DEP can support Gov. Scott as he continues to emphasize education in our state."
According to the business plan, the university plans to use the Coconut Grove Playhouse to re-establish a robust theater program for the region, providing professional theater opportunities for university students and faculty. Proper training of theater students can provide job opportunities, keep theater professionals in Miami to improve the culture of the city and serve as an incubator for new theatrical works, providing a platform for playwrights to develop their work.
“We are excited about the opportunity to partner with the State and Florida International University on the Coconut Grove Playhouse project,” said Michael Spring, Director of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs. ”In collaboration with GableStage, one of Florida’s great theater companies, we intend to re-establish great regional theater and develop innovative programs that not only will benefit FIU’s students, faculty and alumni but also will serve as a catalyst for jobs, economic development and the growth of theater throughout South Florida.” 


Americas Community Center Events
August 20, 2013

On Wednesday August 21st at our B2B  

Americas would like to invite you to the best 
networking breakfast in town!
 Use this opportunity to:  
- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service 
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business! 
 "El mejor encuentro de negocios en la mañana!"
We look forward to seeing you there!

Rick Case Honda 
  Rick Case Automotive Group
15700 Rick Case Honda Way  Davie, FL 33331 
Hora: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM  - Registro: 7:50Am
Costo: $10.00
We kindly ask for your support to this great organization by donating or sponsoring school books for a child. 
Mission Utica
We thank you for your support!  

Este Jueves 22 de Agosto en el B2B de Doral

Promueva su negocio y servicios a la
 comunidad del Doral y entérese de los eventos que ocurrieron esta semana en Americas Community Center!
Junta Directiva y Angela Gers Abril 2013
Además de eso:

- Expanda su red de contactos
- Comparta información sobre su compañía o servicios  
- Aprenda de temas nuevos
- Desarrolle y promueva su negocio!
         Chamber of Commerce ACCNuevo

 Carlos Albizu University
2173 NW 99th Ave Miami, Fl. 33172 Room 250 
Hora: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM Registración:  7:50AM 
Costo: $10.00 

Charla de Productividad
Tratamientos de fertilidad 
para pacientes internacionales

Muchas parejas conciben sus hijos naturalmente.
Otras dan a luz en las cercanias de su domicilio.
Aun asi hay muchas parejas que para lograr el embarazo
deben viajar fuera de su pais para conseguir
el tratamiento adecuado que permitira el embarazo deseado

Dr. Roberto Infante
El Dr. Roberto Infante Gómez es Médico Cirujano, especializado en
Obstetricia & Ginecología y en Medicina Reproductiva. Es egresado de la 
Universidad Central de Venezuela en donde se graduó en 1983. Completo su
especialización en 1987, en el Hospital Antoine Beclere, en Clamart, Francia.
Con más de 20 años de experiencia en los aspectos relacionados con la
infertilidad de la pareja, hoy es uno de los más valiosos recursos profesionales
para las parejas que tiene el sueño de lograr el embarazo deseado.
    Dia:  4 de Septiembre 2013
Hora: 7:00pm a 9:00pm
Lugar: Rick Case Hyundai Weston
Valor: $5

Check out the pictures of our most recent events!

              B2B Weston - Mission Utica             B2B Weston - John Mcdonald
        Yasmin Uddin & Graciela Beltran-Uddin

Salon de Las Americas              B2B Doral - Moises Peraza          

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