Tuesday, May 21, 2013



Americas Community Center Events
May 21, 2013


This month at our B2B
The Americas Community Center will be hosting:

Bank The Banking Industry Month
very week we will bring in a different banking institution that will teach you about the various solutions and services they can offer for you and your business. This will serve to inform you when making the correct decision about which financial to choose.

Wednesday May 22
The Weston and the Pines West branches of:


Will be speaking about:

The business products that a bank has and how a small business owner can benefit from the services that Citibank offers.

Every Wednesday:
- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business!

Rick Case Honda
15700 Rick Case Honda Way Davie, FL 33331
Hora: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Registro: 7:50Am
Costo: $10.00


Este 23 de Mayo en nuestro desayuno de negocios del Doral:

"La "Persuasión como herramienta de ventas"

Con el Conferencista:
Vicente Passariello

Vicente Passariello

El señor Passariello vuelve a Americas a petición del publico gracias a la excelente charla que dicto el mes pasado sobre el manejo efectivo del tiempo.

Every Thursday except the last of the month:
- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business!
Chamber of Commerce
Carlos Albizu University
2173 NW 99Ave.
Doral, Fl. 33172
Hora: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Registro: 7:50Am
Costo: $10.00

Especial de Charlas de Productividad:
Crea tu Vida a tu Manera

El poder de la mente
Lo que PIENSAS determina lo que creemos. Lo que CREEMOS, determina como nos sentimos. La manera en como nos SENTIMOS, influye sobre como vamos a actuar.Nuestras ACCIONES determinan nuestra VIDA.
No puedes vivir una vida positiva con una mente negativa.
Adquiere las herramientas para fortalecer tu ser y empezar a crear tu vida a tu manera!!!
MInd POwer
Con las conferencistas:
Mónica y Edith Buhler
Llevan más de 13 años impartiendo cursos sobre el auto-conocimiento y desarrollo del ser.

Día: Miércoles 5 de Junio
Hora: 6:00 - 9:00pm
Lugar: Rick Case Hyundai de Weston
Precio: $60 (Incluye un "kit" que te llevaras a la casa)

Service for Mr. Lincoln Gabriel Diaz-Balart
Americas Community center Informa a los amigos de la Familia Diaz-Balart que el servicio para su hijo y hermano El Sr. Lincoln Gabriel será este próximo Miercoles 22 de Mayo a las 11Am.
Americas Community Center informs to all the friends of the Diaz-Balart Family of the service for their Son and Brother Lincoln Gabriel will be held this Wednesday May 22 at 11AM at:
St. Kieran Church
Catholic Church
3605 S. Miami Ave, Miami Fl. 33133
Wednesday 11AM Service

St. Kieran Church

TLC: Oportunidades y Perspectivas
TLC (2)

Scholarships; Bachelors, Masters, and AA Degrees
UAC - Scholarship



~The Florida Folk Festival celebrates music, traditions and culture in White Springs~

Mainstage at the Florida Folk Festival

Performers on the main stage at the Florida Folk Festival in White Springs.

TALLAHASSEE –The 61st Annual Florida Folk Festival will be held Memorial Day weekend Friday, May 24 through Sunday, May 26 at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in White Springs.
"Since 1953, folk artists have come together to celebrate Florida's rich arts, culture and history," said Florida Park Service Director Donald Forgione. "This year's festival will feature the amazing talents of more than 300 musical acts. I'm excited to attend year after year with my family. There is always something new and different."
This year’s entertainers include a variety of talented performers: Bellamy Brothers, Jim Stafford, Ben Prestage, Moors & McCumber, Florida Hall of Fame winner Frank Thomas, Passerine, Jubal’s Kin, The Currys, Ed Cotton, Mindy Simmons & the Hot Pockets, Bing Futch, Rachel Carrick, Montine Humphries, Doug Gauss and many more!
This event will continue the grand tradition of celebrating Florida’s land, people and diverse cultural heritage. Folk artists and tradition-bearers presented each year in the Folklife Area reflect research and field documentation conducted by the Florida Department of State's Folklife Program. The Folklife Area celebrates the diverse cultures of the Lower St. Johns River Basin. Be sure to visit the Folklife Area to experience the compelling traditions and savor the flavors, sights and sounds of some of Florida's oldest and newest cultural communities.
The Florida Folk Festival is proud to be a part of the Florida Department of State's VIVA Florida 500 campaign, which celebrates 500 years of Florida rich culture and history in 2013.
Advance tickets for the Florida Folk Festival are $25.00 per day or $50.00 for the entire weekend for adults. Tickets bought at the festival gate are $30.00 per day or $60.00 for the entire weekend. Children under six years of age are admitted free of charge. Ticket prices for children between the ages of six and 16 for the entire weekend are $5.00.
Tickets provided by Elevate Ticketing and can be purchased online or on the Facebook page.
For more information, call 1-877-6FL-FOLK (1-877-635-3655) or visit Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park or the Florida Folk Festival.


Sentidas CondolenciasMayo, 2013
La familia de The Americas Community Center, se une al dolor de la familia de Lincoln, Cristina, he hijos Díaz-Balart por el fallecimiento de su hijo y hermano, ayer 19 de Mayo, 2013.

Americas hace extensivo el sentido pésame y da las condolencias a toda la Familia Díaz-Balart. Nos unimos al duelo y oramos mientras pedimos por el descanso eterno de:
Lincoln Gabriel
"Sabemos que la luz de una vida no se extingue,
cuando el cuerpo va a descansar.
Sabemos que la luz seguirá brillando en el cielo
como un recuerdo perenne de amor y paz"


The family of The Americas Community Center, unites to the grief of the Lincoln and Cristina Díaz-Balart family, for the passing of their son, on Sunday May 19th, 2013.

We unite to their grief while we raise a prayer in their honor and ask for the eternal rest of:

Lincoln Gabriel

* El servicio religioso se hará el Miércoles 22 de Mayo, los detalles serán confirmados más adelante / *The religious service will be held on Wednesday and more details will be confirmed later on.
Junta Directiva y Equipo de Americas Community Cen


This Wednesday May 23:

Weston's Networking Breakfast
Dear Juan,

This month at our B2B:

The Americas Community Center will be hosting:
The Banking Industry Month

Every week we will bring in a different banking institution that will teach you about the various solutions and services they can offer for you and your business. This will serve to inform you when making the correct decision about which financial institution to choose.

On Wednesday May 23:

Mr. Javier Mondragon

Will be presenting:

Also Use this opportunity to:

- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Place: Rick Case Honda
15700 Rick Case Honda Way
2nd Floor Community Room
Weston, Fl 33331

Time: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM Cost $10.00

Registration: 7:50AM

Bring a Friend!
For more information, find us at: http://americascc.org/b2b.html