Monday, August 12, 2013


 August 2013

Eileen Segal, President
In This Issue
* Leadership Commission
* Membership is Year Round!
* FLPTA Education Commission
* Important Upcoming Dates
* Thank you to our Sponsors
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The 2012-2013 legislative sessions has given PTA a strong name in the State of Florida. Florida PTA played a large role in the defeat of the Parent Empowerment Bill and the passing of the Texting and Driving Bill. We have been fortunate to have been an influence in the direction of these bills as well as other crucial legislation that affects the lives of our children.  
As we continue our Advocacy efforts, we welcome back our Legislative Committee chaired by Mindy Gould from Miami-Dade County and our Resolutions Committee chaired by Linda Kearschner from Pinellas County. Both of these PTA leaders have proven their dedication and leadership to PTA.
The goals of these committees are

Mindy Haas,  
President Elect 

(For All PTA Members in Florida)  
ONLY $30 per person! 


Leadership Commission
I am so excited about the hard work that the Leadership Commissioncommittee chairs have been doing!  

I am proud of Lauren Miller, ourStudent Involvement chair, for taking on the issue of texting while driving! She is working to spread the word through county councils and local units about ways to pledge to prevent this everyday hazard.

I'm excited about the work Joe Piecorais doing with the M.E.N. committee!  Plans are underway for our next MEN's Summit, to be held in April at the state office, are coming together and I'm sure the workshops and guest speakers will be incredible!

Jenny Dyess, the Family /Community Engagement chair has been a busy, making valuable connections to help bring new programs and information to help strengthen our families and bridge the gap between school and home!

Our Leadership/Convention chair,Karen Gardner, and her "intern" Jen Martinez have already started on plans for 2014!  Mark your calendars now to be there in July!

It's the goal of the Leadership Commission to provide the tools and resources necessary to help county councils and local units identify and grow potential leaders.  If YOU are interested in serving in a leadership capacity in your local unit or county, it's never too late!  Get in touch with them today and take a may be the best move you ever make, and it will change your life for the better!!

Cindy Gerhardt,
Vice President for Leadership   

Message from the President 

Summer is quickly coming to an end and we all are gearing up for a new school year. Florida PTA held a very successful Leadership / Convention, at Innisbrook Golf Resort.  We had over 1200 attendees and our National PTA's Membership Chair, Derrick Bryd, brought greetings from our newly elected National PTA President Otha Thornton.   Beth Devalos, MSW LCSW, from Seminole County Public Schools spoke about the children in Florida who are hungry and homeless. Dr. Tony Bennett, Florida Education Commissioner spoke to us on how important Parent Involvement is and what is Common Core. Patty Hightower, President of Florida's School Board Association brought us greetings on their behalf. We presented two awards to Senators Detert and Bullard for their advocacy efforts on behalf of all the children in Florida.

 A heart felt thank you goes out to my Executive Committee, especially VP for Leadership, Cindy Gerhardt and our Event Chair, Karen Gardner.  Their tireless efforts along with the outstanding office staff made the event a huge success.  Based upon your positive feedback, I believe you all left inspired and empowered.

If you didn't attend, you can still benefit from our workshops, go to our website and download our PowerPoint presentations. When you prepare your budgets this year, include a line item to attend next year's Leadership / Convention. Also check with your Council for the date of their Fall Leadership training. If you don't have a Council, no problem, call our State office and they will help you find training close to you or we will come to you.

By now as a Local Unit President, you have met with your board, formed a budget committee, planned your calendar, and checked your bylaws to make sure they are up to date. I hope you have arranged monthly meetings with your principal.  Have you decided how you are going to run you membership campaign? Did you receive your kit of materials and membership cards from the state office?   Check our website for our incentives for our membership campaign. By the way, the number one reason people don't rejoin or join PTA is no one asked!

As I embark on my second year as your Florida PTA President, I want to wish you all a most successful school year each an everyone one of you make a difference in all of Florida's children's lives. Please do not hesitate to contact me or the state office, we are here to serve you our members!  

Why PTA? Because our children matter!!!

Eileen L. Segal
Florida PTA President  
Membership is Year Round
Thank you for being a PTA member and volunteer in Florida! The Membership Development Team is comprised of the following committees:
Awards Committee  
Linda Nestor 
Cultural Arts Committee 
Deanna Neal

Tammy Coker  
Resource Development Committee    

Tammy Weaver 
Much of what each committee does is listed on the website and in the Florida PTA Kit of Materials.

Kay M. Stagray,  
Vice President for Membership Development 
Florida PTA Education Commission wants to know ...."Did you hear about...?"  
by Faye Norris, Vice President of Education 
This is the commission that wants to make sure you are kept informed regarding topics/issues concerning our children and youth.  Our committees, as indicated below, were very busy at our recent PTA Leadership Convention providing you with information that will allow you to be educated in dealing with educational, health and diversity issues with regard to our children. Some of the workshops we provided for you included Diversity Means, Alphabet Soup, Planning a Health & Wellness Fair and Navigating the Special Education Process. Thank you for the numerous positive comments that we received regarding how well the information met your needs. To obtain additional information relative to education, exceptional child, diversity, health and wellness, please feel free to contact:

Diversity Outreach Committee
LaTasha Green-Cobb, 
Educates on the meaning of diversity; promotes diversity and inclusion in local units; reviews publications for inclusive content; assists in identifying potential leaders for the Board of Directors.
Education/Learning Transitions  
Danielle Thomas, Chair 

Provides information on funding for education; raises awareness of appropriate learning programs; identifies importance of early interventions; educates parents on curriculum and testing.
Exceptional Child   
Enrique Escallon, Chair  

Provides resource information to families of children with exceptionalities; disseminates information on IDEA laws and their affects; highlights activities designed to help care givers foster development in children with exceptionalities.

Health and Wellness 
Curtis Cobb, Chair    

Encourages the constant evaluation of the effects of health and safety practices on children; promotes activities and resources that foster a healthy and safe environment for children; provides information to parents/teachers relative to importance of nutrition and exercise.

Our goal is to continue to be a resource for you in all of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us. If we do not know the answer, we will research the information for you. We are here for you, the children and youth of Florida.....because our children matter!   
08/13/13  Reflections Webinar (See Reflections Forms on for details!) 
09/10/13  Reflections Webinar (See Reflections Forms on for details!)
10/01/13  Golden Early Bird Award
10/08/13  Reflections Webinar (See Reflections Forms on for details!)
(If your fiscal year ends June 30, then your filing deadline is November 15th. You can file any time between the close of your fiscal year and the deadline. Do not be late.)    
11/15/13  Reflections (2015-16) Theme Search Deadline (see for details!)  
12/01/13  Bronze Early Bird Award
12/15/13  Deadline for Dues submission for Reflections PTA participants

Saturday, August 10, 2013

La Comunidad de Ciudad Doral Elige a sus Representantes ante La Organización MUD

La Comunidad de Ciudad Doral Elige a sus Representantes ante La Organización MUD  
  Sábado,10 de Agosto de 2013
Hotel Aloft,Ciudad Doral
Por: Nelly Arguello

Los Venezolanos de Ciudad Doral, se dieron cita este Sábado,para escoger a los Lideres que los Representaran localmente ante la Organización Mesa de la Unidad Democrática de Venezuela'MUD".

Los Candidatos fueron los siguientes:Carmen Jaquelin,Julio Moreno,Siul Narvaez,Luis Prieto,JulioRodriguez y Gustavo Sanchez.
Quedando Electos como Representantes  :Luis Prieto,Gustavo Sanchez,Siul Narvaez y Julio Moreno.

Cave destacar que la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática es una coalición de Partidos Políticos de Venezuela de tendencias socialdemocratas,democristianas,centristas y laboristas opositores alRégimen Castromadurista actual que somete al Pueblo Venezolano a vivir con miedo y escasez, en un Paísdonde se ha Institucionalizado la corrupción,con una ausencia total de políticas de salud,seguridad y abastecimiento.

Por tal motivo ahora mas que nunca nuestro país nos necesita a todos unidos, sin intereses personales,partidistas o de ninguna otra Ã­ndole, que no sea participar activamente para lograr ese fin común, que se llama Venezuela.
Por tanto Felicitamos a los Representantes electos, por asumir el reto de convertirse enfacilitadores de la Unidad.


QUIENES SOMOS - LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: Latin People News - Quienes Somos

QUIENES SOMOS - LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: Latin People News - Quienes Somos: Nuestro Equipo esta conformado de la siguiente manera: Junta Directiva: Juan Fanti - Presidente-Owner Corina Silva DeFanti - VicePresid...

La Mesa de la Unidad capitulo Weston durante las elecciones de sus representantes.

Friday, August 9, 2013

LA MUD QUIERE TU OPINION FECHA: VIERNES 9 DE AGOSTO DE 2013 HORA: DE 6:00 A 9:00 p.m. (rogamos puntualidad) LUGAR: RICK CASE HONDA (Weston) 15700 Rick Case Honda Way, Davie, Florida, 33331


HORA: DE 6:00 A 9:00 p.m. (rogamos puntualidad)
15700 Rick Case Honda Way, Davie, Florida, 33331

El Secretario Ejecutivo de la MUD de Venezuela, ha iniciado la reorganización de la MUD-VENEX Miami (correspondiente a la distribución geográfica del anterior Consulado General de Miami) y la designación de los dirigentes regionales para tal fin. 
A tales efectos ha sido designado un comité integrado por las siguientes personas: Raul Andres Leoni (coordinador), Nidia Villegas, Beatriz Olavarria, Gisela Parra, Raul Lopez Perez y Many Camargo. 
Dicha reorganización tiene como finalidad reunir a la mayor cantidad de representantes de la sociedad civil organizada, los partidos políticos, las organizaciones representativas de venezolanos y los ciudadanos independientes de: Weston, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Southwest Ranches, Cooper City, Davie, Plantation, Lauderhill y Sunrise. 
La finalidad es poder designar a dos miembros principales y a dos miembros suplentes de nuestro nucleo, como representantes para la elección de la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la MUD-VENEX Miami, en su primera asamblea general a celebrarse el 17 de agosto del presente año. 
Para votar necesitas tu cédula de identidad o pasaporte venezolano, tu licencia de conducir o un comprobante de domicilio que demuestre tu residencia en las ciudades mencionadas. 
Si estas interesado en ser representante, por favor revisa los anexos para conocer los requisitos y obtener la planilla de postulación. 
Por favor reenvía este correo a tus amigos residentes en las ciudades de nuestro núcleo.

Gracias y te esperamos.   





~Federal Emergency Management Agency grant will help form a statewide assessment of sinkhole vulnerability. ~

TALLAHASSEE – A $1.08 million federal grant will allow the Florida Geological Survey, in conjunction with the Florida Division of Emergency Management, to conduct a statewide assessment of sinkhole vulnerability in Florida starting this fall.
The grant was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in conjunction with the Florida Division of Emergency Management. The three-year project will start with geologists conducting a one-year pilot study in Hamilton, Columbia and Suwannee counties.The results of the pilot study will culminate in the production of a model that will generate a map showing the relative vulnerability of these counties to potential sinkhole formation. The resulting model will then be used to produce a statewide map during the following two years.
“Florida’s geology is complex and this grant will allow the Florida Geological Survey to produce a predictive tool that will refine our understanding of sinkhole occurrence throughout the state,” said Dr. Jon Arthur, Director of the Florida Geological Survey. “Ultimately, this assessment will aid planners, builders and environmental regulators for the betterment of human health and safety as well as the economy.”
Sinkholes are a common, natural feature of Florida's landscape because Florida sits on several thousand feet of porous limestone. Porous limestone aquifers can produce billions of gallons of fresh water. Naturally acidic groundwater and rainwater dissolves limestone, leaving behind void spaces. The resulting void spaces can lead to the formation of sinkholes, caves, and springs, all of which are called karst features.
The information gathered will help improve the State of Florida Enhanced Hazard Mitigation Plan risk assessment section on sinkholes as well as its corresponding mitigation strategies. An appendix to the State Hazard Mitigation Plan will be added to the project’s full findings.
“The Florida Division of Emergency Management is pleased to be a part of this project,” said FDEM Director Bryan W. Koon. “Sinkholes present a potential hazard to many Floridians throughout the state. By better understanding sinkhole vulnerability in Florida, we will be better able to prevent loss of life and property and keep Florida’s families safe.”
The request was sparked by Tropical Storm Debby, which brought heavy rainfall to Florida in June 2012, triggering the formation of sinkholes. In the months leading up to Tropical Storm Debby’s record rainfall event, most of Florida had been experiencing extreme drought conditions, resulting in lowered water levels in our aquifers. The result was an outbreak of sinkholes when rainwater caused dry underground voids -- previously filled with water -- to collapse.
Benefits of the project include more effective mitigation planning to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of sinkholes on Florida’s population and infrastructure; better understanding of sinkhole susceptibility; an increased understanding of Florida's karst terrain and hydrogeology, and how that affects the state. The assessment will help environmental regulators, growth management planners, the construction industry and local governments in developing protective designs as additional information about Florida's geology will facilitate planning for possible sinkhole occurrences.
For more information about sinkholes, visit DEP's Online Newsroom or the Florida Geological Survey website.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs=August 8 - August 14, 2013

The City of Miami Beach provides this information to you as a courtesy. The inclusion of this information does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any event. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information is correct at the time of distribution, information is subject to change. The City of Miami Beach cannot be held liable for exchange of monies, ticket transactions or cancellations with the individual event producers/venues.
The Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, with guidance from the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council, develops, coordinates and promotes the performing and visual arts groups in Miami Beach. To date, Cultural Affairs has awarded over $9 million in grants to approximately 130 diverse not-for-profit arts groups, which contribute so richly to the artistic landscape of the City, proving that the Council plays an integral leadership role in supporting, promoting and advocating the unique and extensive scope of cultural offerings in Miami Beach.
For more events visit:


Thursday, August 8, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 10 - Sunday, August 11, 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Nine years after their acclaimed, Oscar-nominated collaboration Before Sunset, director Richard Linklater and actors/screenwriters Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy update one of the most iconic love stories in contemporary cinema. 
Thursday, August 8, 9:10 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Julian, an American fugitive from justice, runs a boxing club in Bangkok as a front for his drug business. His mother, the head of a vast criminal organization, arrives from the US to collect the body of her favorite son, Billy. (In English and Thai w/ English subtitles).
Friday, August 9, 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 10 - Sunday, August 11, 5:00 p.m. and7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 14, 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Johann, a guard at the grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum encounters Anne, a foreign visitor called to Austria because of a medical emergency. Never having been to Austria and with little money, she wanders the city in limbo, taking the museum as her refuge. In English and German w/ English subtitles.
Miami Children's Theatre presents: Beauty and the Beast
Friday, August 9, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 10, 7:00 p.m.
Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road
MCT has had a GREAT first summer on Miami Beach at the Colony Theater.  Our inaugural camp at the Colony has been met with rave reviews from the campers and their families. This group of young actors has been working hard for the past four weeks on this show and they can't wait to show off. Tickets $15.
hot nights cool jazz | south florida saxophonists
Friday, August 9, 7:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
South Florida saxophonists Gary Keller, Gary Lindsay, Ed Calle, and Mike Brignolahave created a contemporary sound unique among saxophone quartets. The group performs both originals and their own arrangements of songs from a diverse array of musical legends, including John Coltrane, Paul Simon, Pat Metheny, James Taylor, Thad Jones, and Chucho Valdez.
Library Salon & Cocktail Series: Women in Motion FREE
Friday, August 9, 7:00 p.m.
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Wolfsonian chief librarian, Dr. Frank Luca, and rare book cataloguer, Dr. Nicolae Harsanyi, host an evening of entertainment and enlightenment in conjunction with the exhibition Women in Motion. Tour starts promptly at 7:00pm. The conversation continues over cocktails from the collection period. Space is limited; advance reservation required.
Mat Collishaw
Opens August 10, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art is proud to present a solo exhibition by London-based artist Mat Collishaw. An artist whose wide-ranging practice includes sculpture, photography, and new media, Collishaw explores dark and subversive subject matter, often dealing with issues that are morally and politically charged.Exhibition continues through October 13, 2013. 
Museum Tours
Saturday, August 10, 2:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Docent led tours of the museum exhibitions. For more Info: www.bassmuseum.orgor call 305.673.7530 Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission).
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation
Continues through August 11, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation is a presentation of the video artist's recent projects. This exhibition will present two major video installations, including an entirely new exploration of her noted film The Rape of the Sabine Women. The exhibition continues through August 11, 2013. 
Modern Meals: Remaking American Foods from Farm to Kitchen
Continues through August 18, 2013
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Modern Mealsexamines how people in the U.S. began eating foods that were mass-produced in the first half of the 20th century. Images and artifacts from The Wolfsonian's collection illustrate the movement of food from the field, to the factory, supermarket, and kitchen table, in order to explore how modern technology, design, and business practices created new meanings for food and eating in this era.
Women in Motion: Fitness, Sport, and the Female Figure
Continues through August 18, 2013
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Women in Motiondisplays images of physically active women produced by governments, fitness advocates, advertisers, and artists in Europe and the United States during the first half of the twentieth century. Both exhibitions examine aspects of everyday culture in the early 20th century that are still of great concern today, from the methods through which our foods are produced, to equal access to athletic opportunities for women. 
Art Deco Inspired FREE
Continues through August 31, 2013
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
The Art Deco era spans the time period between the two World Wars.  During that time all genres of art were influenced by the frivolity of the 1920s, the austerity of the 1930s and drive of the 1940s. Art Deco Inspired will showcase several local artists who have been inspired by our local historic Art Deco. Visitors will see how a historic style has influenced contemporary artists.
Bat Mitzvah Comes Of Age
Continues through September 15, 2013
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
On Saturday morning, March 18, 1922 - two years after American women received the right to vote - Judith Kaplan, daughter of Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, became the first American girl to mark her bat mitzvah during a public worship service. In the decades that followed, many other girls and women became the "first" in their communities, helping to reshape American Judaism.
I-95 South FREE
Continues through September 29, 2013
ArtCenter South Florida, 800/810/924 Lincoln Road
I-95 South brings together seven emerging artists based in Miami and New York, two diverse and culturally rich metropolitan cities. The exhibition asserts the importance of place and how that influences medium, technique, narrative and iconography.Together, they have reinvented the "canvas," developed new languages and reinterpreted their heritages.
Chapungu artists--Fresh out of Fairchild FREE
Continues through November 16, 2013
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
These monolithic stone sculptures are carved by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. The pieces express human ecology at its core, and will be on display throughout the Garden.
Pleasure, Fear and the Pursuit of Happiness FREE
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Nayda Collazo-Llorens will be installing 2D textual art along the meandering concrete pathways in the Garden. The text is based on thoughts and memories--both real and imagined--collected from Miami Beach locals and visitors. An opening reception will be held June 28, 5-7 p.m.
Untitled ([construction of good)]
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
The Wolfsonian-FIU presents a new site-specific exhibit, Untitled ([construction of good)] by artist Bhakti Baxter in The Wolfsonian Bridge Tender House beginning November 29th. The installation will take place in the steel structure created in the Art Deco style outside of the museum entrance. The focus of the exhibit will be on the construction of good for mankind, focusing on how the meanings of things are perpetually shaped by their human and historical contexts.
Egyptian Gallery
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art invites visitors to experience the ancient world at the only Egyptian Gallery in Florida.  The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about one of the world's oldest and most mysterious civilizations from its surviving objects, including an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy.
Watercolors-English and American
World Erotic Art Museum, 1205 Washington Avenue
The extraordinary persona of Sylvie Jones, the famed London artist who has also written such popular children's books as "Who's in the Tub," will be on view. Tickets are $15 with no one under 18 admitted. 
Art and Design in the Modern Age: Selections from the Wolfsonian Collection
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
The nearly 300 works on display, 1885 to 1945,  provide insight into the ways design has influenced and adapted to the modern world.
Artcenter/South Florida Artists-In-Residence Ongoing
 Artcenter/South Florida, 800, 810 and 924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter/South Florida ("ACSF") announces the arrival of four new Artists-in-Residence and welcomes visitors to their working studios. 
Selections from the Collection
Bass Museum of Art2100 Collins Avenue
The permanent collection of the Bass Museum of Art spans more than five hundred years and four continents, including works from Renaissance and Baroque paintings; Rococo court painting and English portraiture; painting and sculpture of North America and much more.
MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida
OngoingJewish Museum of Florida301 Washington Avenue
More than 500 photos and artifacts that depict the Jewish experience in Florida since 1763. The exhibit includes three films and a timeline wall of Jewish history.
Nightly -- Varying Times
1342 Washington Avenue
Jazid is proud to be the longest-running nightclub on Miami Beach with live music every night of the week. Jazid's diverse music includes a multi-cultural mix of Latin and American jazz, funk, cumbia, reggae, rock, and more.
Van Dyke Cafe
Live Jazz Nightly
846 Lincoln Road
Join us Upstairs at the Van Dyke, the perfect place to enjoy live music, lounge and socialize. 
Free Fridays at the Wolf  FREE 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. 
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 pm. 
Guided, Private and Self-Guided Tours of the Art Deco Historic District
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
All tours take approximately 90 minutes. Prices vary.
Art Deco Bike and Segway Tours
Bike and Roll, 210 Tenth Street
$39 adults/$29 kids and students.