Friday, April 5, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
200GFS INFORMA: USCIS Announces New Guidance on Form I-693 Validity Period
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced that any Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, that was properly completed and signed by a civil surgeon on or after Nov. 1, 2023, does not expire and can be used indefinitely as evidence to show that the applicant is not inadmissible on health-related grounds.
In consultation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and based on advances in public health electronic notification, USCIS has determined that a Form I-693’s evidentiary value should no longer be limited to a certain period if it is properly completed and was signed by a civil surgeon on or after Nov. 1, 2023. USCIS officers have discretion to request more evidence or a new or updated Form I-693 if they have reason to believe the applicant’s medical condition has changed since the civil surgeon signed the Form I-693, or that the Form I-693 submitted does not accurately reflect the applicant’s medical condition and the applicant may be inadmissible on health-related grounds.
If an applicant’s immigration medical examinations were completed before Nov. 1, 2023, the prior policy still applies. Before Nov. 1, 2023, civil surgeons did not need to share or report certain information to the CDC electronically. USCIS has consulted with the CDC and determined that a properly completed Form I-693 signed by a civil surgeon before Nov. 1, 2023, continues to retain evidentiary value for two years from the date of the civil surgeon’s signature. This does not apply to Forms I-693 filed by Operation Allies Welcome parolees. Their Forms I-693 retain their evidentiary value for three years from the date of the civil surgeon signature, through policy and in consultation with CDC. For more information see the USCIS Policy Manual, Volume 8, Part B, Chapter 4.
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): REGISTER YOUR FIRM TODAY WITH 200GFS
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): Qué deben saber los contribuyentes acerca de requi...
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): FIRM REGISTRATION, CALL TODAY/ REGISTRO DE EMPRESA...
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Sunday, March 17, 2024
1031 Exchange por 200GFS
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Miami Beach Spring Break Measures for March 14-17 (Medidas para las vacaciones de primavera en Miami Beach del 14 al 17 de marzo)
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Monday, March 11, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): SPRING IS TAX SEASON, CALL NOW
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): BE READY THIS EASTER/ ESTE LISTO PASCUA
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Los pagos a través de tarjetas internacionales en Venezuela quedan exonerados del Impuesto
La medida también incluye a las transacciones en divisas correspondiente a remesas.
Tampoco el impuesto los que usen tarjetas de crédito de Banesco Panamá o de plataformas como Wally Tech o Zinli.
De igual modo, los turistas que hagan uso de cuentas de bancos como Bank Of America, Chase Bank, Bancolombia, Santander o BBVA no deberán pagar el IGTF.
Sin embargo, aquellas personas que usen dólares en efectivo para sus compras, sí tendrán que pagar el 3% del monto total en establecimientos como supermercados, cadenas de farmacias, ferreterías grandes o franquicias de comida rápida calificados como sujetos pasivos especiales por el Servicio Nacional Integrado de Administración Aduanera y Tributaria (Seniat).
Esta es la tercera renovación de la exoneración a tarjetas internacionales, desde la reforma de ley hecha por la Asamblea Nacional del chavismo, para tratar de reducir el uso de los dólares en efectivo en los pagos comerciales de todo el país.
Monday, February 26, 2024
Adjustment to Premium Processing Fees Takes Effect Today (Recordatorio: el ajuste a las tarifas de procesamiento premium entra en vigor hoy)
Como se anunció anteriormente, las nuevas tarifas de procesamiento premium ajustadas a la inflación del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de EE. UU. entran en vigencia hoy, aumentando la tarifa de presentación del Formulario I-907, Solicitud de procesamiento premium. USCIS publicó una regla final anunciando el cambio el 28 de diciembre de 2023.
La Ley de Estabilización de USCIS estableció las tarifas de procesamiento de primas actuales y la autoridad para que el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ajuste las tarifas de primas cada dos años. Después de dejar estas tarifas sin cambios durante los tres años posteriores a la aprobación de la Ley, el DHS ahora está aumentando las tarifas de procesamiento premium que cobra USCIS para todos los formularios y categorías elegibles para reflejar la cantidad de inflación desde junio de 2021 hasta junio de 2023 según el Índice de Precios al Consumidor de Todos los consumidores urbanos. El ajuste aumenta ciertas tarifas de procesamiento premium de $1,500 a $1,685, de $1,750 a $1,965 y de $2,500 a $2,805.
Si USCIS recibe un Formulario I-907 con matasellos del 26 de febrero de 2024 o después, con la tarifa de presentación incorrecta, rechazaremos el Formulario I-907 y le devolveremos la tarifa de presentación. Para las presentaciones enviadas por mensajería comercial (como UPS, FedEx y DHL), la fecha del matasellos es la fecha reflejada en el recibo del servicio de mensajería.
El DHS utilizará los ingresos generados por el aumento de la tarifa de procesamiento premium para brindar servicios de procesamiento premium; realizar mejoras en los procesos de adjudicación; responder a las demandas de adjudicación, incluida la reducción de los retrasos en el procesamiento de solicitudes de beneficios; y financiar de otro modo los servicios de adjudicación y naturalización de USCIS.
La tabla completa de tarifas ajustadas es:
Forma | Tarifa anterior | Nueva tarifa |
Formulario I-129, Petición de trabajador no inmigrante | $1,500 (estatus de no inmigrante H-2B o R-1) $2,500 (Todas las demás clasificaciones disponibles del Formulario I-129 (E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-3, L-1A, L-1B, LZ, O-1, O-2, P -1, P-1S, P-2, P-2S, P-3, P-3S, Q-1, TN-1 y TN-2)) | $1,685 (estatus de no inmigrante H-2B o R-1) $2,805 (Todas las demás clasificaciones disponibles del Formulario I-129 (E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-3, L-1A, L-1B, LZ, O-1, O-2, P -1, P-1S, P-2, P-2S, P-3, P-3S, Q-1, TN-1 y TN-2)) |
Formulario I-140, Petición de inmigrante para trabajador extranjero | $2,500 (Clasificaciones basadas en el empleo (EB) E11, E12, E21 (no NIW), E31, E32, EW3, E13 y E21 (NIW)) | $2,805 (Clasificaciones basadas en el empleo (EB) E11, E12, E21 (no NIW), E31, E32, EW3, E13 y E21 (NIW)) |
Formulario I-539, Solicitud para extender/cambiar el estatus de no inmigrante | $1,750 (Formulario I-539 clasificaciones F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, J-2, E-1, E-2, E-3, L-2, H-4 , O-3, P-4 y R-2) | $1,965 (Formulario I-539 clasificaciones F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, J-2, E-1, E-2, E-3, L-2, H-4 , O-3, P-4 y R-2) |
Formulario I-765, Solicitud de Autorización de Empleo | $1,500 (Ciertos estudiantes F-1 con categorías C03A, C03B, C03C) | $1,685 (Ciertos estudiantes F-1 con categorías C03A, C03B, C03C) |
Sólo puede solicitar un procesamiento premium para un beneficio si USCIS ha anunciado en su sitio web que el procesamiento premium está disponible para ese beneficio.
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): 100 years of wisdom: Two World War II Veteran cent...
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): 200GFS, FOR ALL YOUR TAX NEEDS
Monday, February 19, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): TIRED OF THE RUNABOUT?
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions. (200GFS): FinCEN Sees Increase in BSA Reporting Involving th...
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Optometrist encourages Veterans to get glaucoma test For Veterans 50 and over, annual eye exam recommended
Arguably, no one knows the importance of the adage “the eyes are the windows to the soul” better than optometrists. Bay Pines VA optometrist Dr. Daniel Shea also believes that providing eye care is one of the most important ways to support the whole health of Veterans.
Shea joined the Bay Pines VA team nine years ago. He’s experienced mixed levels of assisting Veterans with preventative care as well as helping them manage the conditions they’re already living with. One of the most common and easily treatable diseases he encounters is glaucoma.
“During my fourth year of optometry school, I did a rotation at VA, and that’s when I knew I wanted to select VA optometry as a career. I’ve found the optometry practice here places a heavy focus on treating diseases, and it’s very gratifying to help patients alleviate their problems,” Shea said.
Encourages all Veterans to schedule routine eye exams
“Glaucoma is a condition where most people don’t experience symptoms but very slowly lose their peripheral vision. When they finally get to the doctor, they’re told the damage cannot be reversed once it’s there,” Shea shared.
If left untreated, glaucoma can leave people partially or fully blind. There are several factors that contribute to the development of this disease, including genetics and ethnicity.
Shea and his team encourage all Veterans to schedule routine eye exams with an optometrist, which includes annual optical tests for glaucoma.
“Glaucoma can affect people at any age, but it usually occurs in older patients. For patients 50 and over, it’s recommended they schedule an eye exam annually. Anyone between the ages of 20 and 50 who have no identified problems are recommended to schedule an exam every two years.”
Treatment for mild eye disease includes medicated eye drops
People who have been diagnosed with glaucoma or other eye conditions should schedule an appointment every six months. Treatment for individuals with chronic or mild eye disease typically includes the use of medicated eye drops which can help deter or prevent development of the condition.
Anyone enrolled in VA health care should speak with their primary care provider about receiving optometry services, especially since glaucoma isn’t the only disease that can be discovered through the eyes.
“Other diseases like diabetes and cancer can also be detected during these routine exams, so I urge everyone to take their eye health seriously. I’m not military, but a lot of my family is, so working here is a comfortable place for me. Treating Veterans makes me feel like I’m doing something to help them lead fuller lives.”
Otra recomendacion de
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