Tuesday, August 6, 2024

City of Weston. Newsday Tuesday | August 6, 2024

Boletín electrónico semanal

6 de agosto de 2024

Próxima reunión de la Comisión:

Lunes 19 de agosto de 2024 | 19 h

Texto del presupuesto de la ciudad sobre un fondo con billetes de dólar superpuestos uno sobre otro

Presupuesto propuesto para el año fiscal 2025 por el administrador de la ciudad

Es probable que su hogar o negocio sea su mayor inversión, y su decisión de vivir o abrir un negocio en Weston estuvo influenciada por varios factores, entre ellos la seguridad, el estilo de vida, la estética y la estabilidad financiera. Le recomendamos que revise los presupuestos propuestos por el administrador de la ciudad para el año fiscal 2025. El presupuesto incluye un mensaje informativo, objetivos, una descripción general de los proyectos de este año y una evaluación de la salud fiscal de Weston, todo lo cual respalda su decisión de vivir en Weston y el valor de su inversión.

Las audiencias presupuestarias sobre los presupuestos propuestos se llevan a cabo en septiembre y se le anima a participar.  

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Escuelas de Broward

¡Es hora de volver al cole!

A medida que el verano se acerca a su fin, los padres y los estudiantes se preparan para el nuevo año escolar que comienza el 12 de agosto. Si su hijo es estudiante de una de las escuelas públicas con calificación A de Weston, consulte los recursos de regreso a clases disponibles en las escuelas públicas del condado de Broward que se encuentran en el siguiente enlace. Encuentre información sobre la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes, inscríbase para el transporte en autobús, abra una cuenta para el almuerzo escolar, descargue el calendario y más. Los padres también pueden registrarse como voluntarios para el nuevo año escolar.

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Registro de Población Vulnerable

Registro de refugios para personas con necesidades especiales

Si usted o un ser querido necesita asistencia especial en caso de que un huracán u otra emergencia amenace nuestra área, debe revisar y registrarse en uno o ambos registros enumerados. El momento de registrarse es AHORA, antes de que una tormenta amenace nuestra área.

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Nuevos paneles de comunicación en Weston Parks

Nuestro equipo de Parques está constantemente buscando maneras de hacer que nuestros parques y áreas de juegos sean más accesibles para los residentes de Weston con diferentes capacidades y necesidades. Con ese espíritu, recientemente han instalado tableros de comunicación con símbolos en varios parques de Weston. Los tableros presentan pictogramas simples que representan sustantivos/pronombres, verbos, sentimientos, actividades y eventos del patio de juegos, así como letras y números. Los tableros ayudan a los niños pequeños con diferentes capacidades de comunicación a interactuar con amigos y expresarse en estas instalaciones. La mayoría de los tableros también ofrecen títulos en inglés y español. Los tableros de comunicación se han instalado en los siguientes parques: Bonaventure, Emerald Estates, Gator Run, Peace Mount y Tequesta Trace.

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Llamados urgentes para donantes de sangre

OneBlood, el centro de sangre con sede en Orlando, sufrió un ciberataque que dejó fuera de servicio algunos de sus sistemas. Durante este tiempo, el Departamento de Salud de Florida en el condado de Broward está animando a los floridanos a considerar la posibilidad de donar sangre en centros de sangre alternativos como LifeSouth, SunCoast y otros centros de sangre locales. Haga clic a continuación para ver los centros de sangre comunitarios y ayudar donando sangre hoy mismo.

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Agua inteligente en Weston

De regreso a la escuela, de regreso a la natación

El hecho de que el verano esté a punto de terminar no significa que las clases de natación deban esperar. Incluya las clases de natación en el calendario de actividades de su hijo o adolescente este otoño. Si su hijo tiene 8 años o menos, puede solicitar un cupón para clases de natación (por un valor de $40 de descuento en las clases de natación) proporcionado por SWIM Central. Los padres también pueden solicitar un cupón para las clases cuando soliciten una para su hijo. Recuerde que el ahogamiento es una tragedia que se puede prevenir. Aprender a nadar es clave para mantener a su familia segura cerca del agua.

Cupón para clases de natación
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Consejo para el consumidor de la FTC

Cómo evitar estafas de inmigración

El último anuncio del nuevo proceso de inmigración para cónyuges e hijastros de ciudadanos estadounidenses no solo ha captado la atención del público, sino también de los estafadores, que prometen acceso especial o temprano a los programas de inmigración. La Comisión Federal de Comercio tiene consejos sobre cómo evitar la última estafa de inmigración.

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Consejo para una vida saludable

Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Inmunización

Agosto es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Inmunización. Protéjase y proteja a su familia manteniéndose al día con las vacunas de rutina, especialmente ahora que comienza el nuevo año escolar. Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades brindan orientación sobre la inmunización para niños, adultos, mujeres embarazadas y viajeros, así como recursos sobre la importancia de las vacunas y cómo funcionan.

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Requisitos de vacunación para las escuelas públicas del condado de Broward

Club de mayores de 55 años

Viaje social a Dania Pointe

El 55+ Club, un grupo para adultos activos que tiene su base en el Centro Comunitario de Weston, organizará una excursión a Dania Pointe el miércoles 21 de agosto. El autobús sale del Centro Comunitario de Weston a las 11 a. m. ¡Asegúrese de reservar su lugar hoy!

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Salir a cenar en Lauderdale

1 de agosto - 30 de septiembre

Una de las ventajas del verano en el sur de Florida es Dine Out Lauderdale , que se extiende más allá de Fort Lauderdale. Desde el 1 de agosto hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2024, 168 restaurantes y establecimientos de comida participantes en todo Broward ofrecerán menús de precio fijo de $35 para el almuerzo, $45, $55 o una opción de lujo de $75 para la cena. También hay descuentos y experiencias adicionales disponibles.

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Solicite el voto por correo antes del 8 de agosto para las elecciones primarias

Cualquier votante registrado de Florida puede votar por correo. Aunque haya votado por correo en el pasado, ahora debe solicitar nuevamente su boleta de voto por correo para las próximas elecciones. La fecha límite para solicitar una boleta de voto por correo para las elecciones primarias es el 8 de agosto. Para las elecciones generales, la fecha límite es el 24 de octubre.

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Votación anticipada para las primarias del 20 de agosto

10 - 18 de agosto

Los votantes del condado de Broward tienen opciones. Si prefiere Si desea votar en persona, pero no quiere esperar hasta el día de las elecciones, la votación anticipada es para usted. La votación anticipada está disponible en lugares de todo el condado, incluidas la mayoría de las bibliotecas del condado de Broward, del 10 al 18 de agosto, de 10 a. m. a 7 p. m.  

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Descargue su boleta de muestra

El fin de semana termina el feriado de impuestos sobre las ventas por el regreso a clases

El año escolar comienza nuevamente la semana que viene. Asegúrese de que su hijo esté preparado para el próximo año escolar con ropa, calzado, accesorios, útiles escolares, computadoras y más, todos exentos de impuestos. El feriado de impuestos sobre las ventas de regreso a clases en Florida finaliza este domingo 11 de agosto. Haga clic a continuación para ver los artículos que califican

google.com, pub-1335146159728384, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, August 2, 2024

Gun Deaths in the US: Analyzing At-Risk Demographics in 2024

Gun deaths in America are a highly publicized and politicized talking point. Unfortunately, we rarely see solution-oriented discussions, and the most at-risk demographics are often overlooked.

The anti-gun lobby and American politicians speak often about children and adolescent gun deaths, while rarely speaking about the people who are actually dying. This article will analyze the most at-risk demographics, and shift conversations where they matter.

Report Highlights:

  • Urban areas have 7.5 firearm-related deaths per 100k people.

  • Large suburban areas, small towns, and rural areas have 6 firearm-related deaths per 100k people.

  • Individuals between 20 and 24 die at higher rates than any other age group (24.3 per 100k).

  • Black Americans comprise 20% of the nation’s firearm deaths and represent only 4% of the population.

  • Black Americans are more likely to be murdered with a firearm, and black American teens and adolescents die at much higher rates than other races.

  • White and Native Americans are more likely to commit firearm-related suicides than any other race.

We strive to provide accurate and reliable information sourced from reputable databases. Our sources for this article are available here.

Gun Deaths in the US - Report Highlights

The Most At-Risk Demographics

The United States has had some form of federal gun control legislation for 90 years. Unfortunately, firearm-related deaths continue to occur at higher rates than other Western countries (and lower rates than many South American and African countries).

The U.S. is a unique country, however, and pinpointing solutions is challenging. To begin having more meaningful conversations about firearm-related deaths, it’s time to start discussing high-risk areas and the individuals most at-risk of firearm-related deaths.

By Population Size

To better identify at-risk demographics, we must explore the correlation between population sizes and firearm-related deaths. More than half of all firearm-related deaths occur in large and medium-sized cities. Naturally, cities have more people, so total deaths should be higher. However, that isn’t the case.

Large suburban areas with one million or more people have lower homicide rates (per 100k people) than medium cities with between 250k and 999,999 people. Essentially, we’ve narrowed down the most at-risk people to metropolitan areas, as opposed to suburbs, small cities or towns, and rural communities.

The Discussion

Large and medium cities contributed 7.5 deaths per 100k people in 2023, whereas all other areas, including suburban areas with more than one million people, contributed only 6 per 100k combined.

Therefore, we must explore crime rates, and the effects of policing and criminal justice policies in densely populated cities with more than 250,000 residents.

Total Firearm-Related Homicides by Population of Metropolitan Statistical Area in 2023

By Age

We’ve all heard the media and politicians saying that guns are the number one killer of kids. Unfortunately, those who consistently debunk this misinformation are also missing a critical and life-saving discussion: What age groups are most at risk?

Exploring all firearm-related deaths (including homicide, suicide, unintentional shootings, and police intervention) by age group better helps us understand where we can focus our resources to bring down the entire nation’s homicide rates.

Children and adolescents below fourteen and younger are rarely killed with firearms. Individuals aged 20-24 had the highest rate of firearm deaths per capita at 24.3/100k in 2022 and 22.5/100k in 2023.

Next, individuals aged 25-29 had the second highest rate of firearm-related deaths at 23.5/100k in 2022 and 21/100k in 2023.

Adults aged 30 to 44 comprise the third, fourth, and fifth highest per capita rates, followed by teens (14-19) at 16.7/100k.

The Discussion

Not all of America’s children are at risk of firearm-related death, and blanket “guns are the number one killer of kids” statements deter meaningful conversations away from those who are most at risk of gun violence.

The risk of firearm-related death doesn’t begin until individuals reach age fourteen and peaks between age 19 and 24. The rates decline after individuals reach 34 years of age. Therefore, we must focus life-saving interventions and conversations to the most at-risk age groups.

Gun Death Percentage by Age Group and Population from 2022-2023

By Race

Unfortunately, there are racial disparities among gun death victims. Although melanin levels do not affect criminality, there is a correlation between race and firearm-related deaths in the United States.

Black Americans are far more likely to die from a gun-related death than any other demographic. Unfortunately, black Americans of all age groups succumb to more fatal firearm injuries than any other demographic in all metropolitan statistical areas.

However, black males between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate of 89 per 100k in large cities and 77 per 100k in medium-sized cities. Black teens are also more likely to die than any other demographic in any other MSA in the same age group. Black teens between the ages of 15 and 19 die at a rate of 62.8 per 100k in large cities and 55.5 per 100k in medium-sized cities.

The Discussion

Young black Americans between the ages of 14 and 34 comprise 20% of the nation’s gun deaths and only 4% of the nation’s population. Conversely, white Americans in this same age group contribute only 14% of the nation’s gun deaths and comprise 14% of the population.

Sadly, black Americans comprise more firearm-related deaths than the population size would indicate, and many more than other races in the same age groups. To better combat firearm-related deaths in the U.S. we must discuss the disproportionality of deaths affecting black Americans.

Average Percentage of Gun Deaths Based on Races in the U.S. from 2022 - 2023

Analyzing Risk Factors for Gun Deaths

Firearm deaths in the U.S. are a highly concentrated issue. Unfortunately, the root issue is rarely addressed due to misinformation and political grandstanding.

Upon analyzing risk factors, we see that Black Americans living in large or medium-sized urban cities between the ages of 15 and 40 die at a rate of 67.6 per 100,000 people. For comparison, white Americans in the same age group die at a rate of only 14 per 100,00 people.

Furthermore, Black Americans are far more likely to die in an urban area but are also more likely to die in small towns compared to white and Hispanic Americans.

Although many politicians and lobby groups are focused on children, children in America are the least likely to die from a bullet. Therefore, we must shift the conversation where it matters to effect change.

At-Risk Demographics Gun Homicides and Suicides

The root cause of suicides is much different than homicides, and therefore, we must address them separately. 58% of all gun deaths in the U.S. are self-inflicted.

Unfortunately, the issue is rarely addressed because media personalities and lobby groups prefer to use all-encompassing terminology such as “gun violence,” skewing the conversation from tangible solutions.

By Homicides

Fewer than half of all gun-related deaths in 2022 and 2023 were homicides. Therefore, Americans are much safer than anti-gun lobby groups would have us believe. However, there are risk factors that we can explore to understand the problem better and find tangible solutions.

By Location

Americans are more likely to succumb to a firearm-related murder in large urban areas than any other population size. With 8.6 firearm-related homicides per 100k in 2022 in large cities and 5.8 per 100k in medium-sized cities, local law enforcement agencies, DAs, and mayors around the country can shift focus to densely populated areas.

Large and medium-sized cities in America contribute four victims for every 100,000 people, whereas all other areas contribute only two per 100,000. Therefore, national firearm-related homicide rates are primarily concentrated in urban areas.

By Age & Race

As discussed previously, young to middle-aged Black Americans are more likely to die from gunshots than any other race. Unfortunately, the most at-risk demographic for firearm-related homicide is Black Americans between the ages of 20 to 24.

However, Black American children are also more likely to die in a firearm-related homicide. Black teens die at a rate of 58 per 100k, while black children (under 14) die at a rate of 9 per 100k.

Native American teens are also at a high risk for firearm-related homicide at 14 per 100k. Comparatively, white American children die at a rate of 1 per 100k, and teens die at a rate of 2 per 100k.

Firearm-Related Homicides Based on Age Group and Races in 2023

By Suicides

Suicides comprise more than half the nation’s firearm-related deaths. Suicide is a unique issue, and the tool is inconsequential to those who are determined to end their lives. However, if we explore the correlation between at-risk demographics, we can begin to have more meaningful discussions that save lives.

By Location

Contrary to homicides, firearm-related homicides are much more likely to occur in rural areas. Those in small towns or rural communities commit suicide with a firearm at a rate of 13 per 100,000 people.

On the contrary, those in more populated areas commit suicide with a firearm at a rate of 8 per 100k. Therefore, those living in rural communities are at a higher risk of firearm-related suicide than those in other areas.

Total Firearm-Related Suicides by Population of Metropolitan Statistical Area in 2023

By Age & Race

Identifying the most at-risk demographics for suicide can be helpful to better allocate resources to saving lives. In the U.S., Native Americans and white Americans are more likely to commit suicide than any other demographic. However, age seems to matter as well.

Native Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 commit suicide with a firearm at much higher rates than any other demographic. Young to middle age Native Americans commit suicide with a firearm at a rate of 18 per 100k, while White Americans between the ages of 75 and 84 commit suicide at a rate of 19 per 100k. Comparatively, the national average is 9.2 firearm-related suicides for every 100,000 people.

Firearm-Related Suicides Based on Age Group and Races in 2023

At-Risk Americans Matter, Too

To better combat firearm deaths in the U.S., we must first acknowledge who is most at risk. Focusing on a one-size-fits-all solution or federal legislation does little to tackle the underlying issues of firearm-related deaths in our country.

Unfortunately, conversations often turn to children. Although tragic, children are the least likely demographic to succumb to firearm-related deaths. Until we begin having solution-oriented conversations, public policy, advocacy, and political outrage will continue to fail the most at-risk Americans.


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