Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Optometrist encourages Veterans to get glaucoma test For Veterans 50 and over, annual eye exam recommended

Arguably, no one knows the importance of the adage “the eyes are the windows to the soul” better than optometrists. Bay Pines VA optometrist Dr. Daniel Shea also believes that providing eye care is one of the most important ways to support the whole health of Veterans.

Shea joined the Bay Pines VA team nine years ago. He’s experienced mixed levels of assisting Veterans with preventative care as well as helping them manage the conditions they’re already living with. One of the most common and easily treatable diseases he encounters is glaucoma.

“During my fourth year of optometry school, I did a rotation at VA, and that’s when I knew I wanted to select VA optometry as a career. I’ve found the optometry practice here places a heavy focus on treating diseases, and it’s very gratifying to help patients alleviate their problems,” Shea said.

Encourages all Veterans to schedule routine eye exams

“Glaucoma is a condition where most people don’t experience symptoms but very slowly lose their peripheral vision. When they finally get to the doctor, they’re told the damage cannot be reversed once it’s there,” Shea shared. 

If left untreated, glaucoma can leave people partially or fully blind. There are several factors that contribute to the development of this disease, including genetics and ethnicity.

Shea and his team encourage all Veterans to schedule routine eye exams with an optometrist, which includes annual optical tests for glaucoma.

“Glaucoma can affect people at any age, but it usually occurs in older patients. For patients 50 and over, it’s recommended they schedule an eye exam annually. Anyone between the ages of 20 and 50 who have no identified problems are recommended to schedule an exam every two years.”

Treatment for mild eye disease includes medicated eye drops

People who have been diagnosed with glaucoma or other eye conditions should schedule an appointment every six months. Treatment for individuals with chronic or mild eye disease typically includes the use of medicated eye drops which can help deter or prevent development of the condition.

Anyone enrolled in VA health care should speak with their primary care provider about receiving optometry services, especially since glaucoma isn’t the only disease that can be discovered through the eyes.

“Other diseases like diabetes and cancer can also be detected during these routine exams, so I urge everyone to take their eye health seriously. I’m not military, but a lot of my family is, so working here is a comfortable place for me. Treating Veterans makes me feel like I’m doing something to help them lead fuller lives.”

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U.S. Department of Homeland Security Daily Digest Bulletin (Boletín de resumen diario del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU.)

La campaña azul del DHS se asocia con Lyft para educar a los conductores de viajes compartidos sobre cómo detectar y prevenir la trata de personas


Oficina de Asuntos Públicos

La campaña azul del DHS se asocia con Lyft para educar a los conductores de viajes compartidos sobre cómo detectar y prevenir la trata de personas

El alcance de Lyft comenzará con los conductores en el área de Las Vegas durante el Super Bowl 2024, ya que este delito puede ser más frecuente y pasar desapercibido durante eventos grandes.


El programa tutorial es el comienzo de una asociación única con el DHS para combatir la trata de personas en los Estados Unidos.


WASHINGTON – Hoy, la Campaña Azul del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) y Lyft, Inc. anunciaron un nuevo programa tutorial que ayudará a los conductores de viajes compartidos en los Estados Unidos y Canadá a detectar y prevenir la trata de personas. El tutorial es parte de una asociación única en su tipo entre Lyft. y Campaña Azul del DHS. Lyft. presentará los recursos sobre trata de personas de la Campaña Azul en el Centro de aprendizaje en la aplicación exclusivo para conductores de Lyft. Esta asociación ayudará a crear conciencia sobre este crimen atroz, enseñará a los conductores las señales que indican que alguien puede ser una víctima y les brindará recursos para ayudar, incluida orientación sobre cómo comunicarse con las autoridades adecuadas. 


“Un delito tan generalizado a nivel mundial como la trata de personas requiere un esfuerzo de toda la sociedad para arrojar luz sobre estos actos atroces; identificar, proteger y apoyar a las víctimas; y llevar a los perpetradores ante la justicia”, dijo el secretario de Seguridad Nacional, Alejandro N. Mayorkas . “Las asociaciones clave con el sector privado y las capacitaciones específicas son fundamentales para el éxito de nuestra misión contra la trata de personas. La nueva asociación del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional con Lyft, que enseñará a los conductores que interactúan con millones de pasajeros cada año a identificar y ayudar a desbaratar la trata de personas, ayudará a salvar vidas y evitar tragedias”. 


“La trata de personas (la explotación ilegal de una persona) es un crimen atroz. Tenemos tolerancia cero al respecto”, dijo el director ejecutivo de Lyft, David Risher . "Estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con la Campaña Azul del DHS para crear conciencia sobre el tema, de modo que el millón de personas que conducen en la plataforma Lyft puedan reconocerlo e informarlo cuando lo vean". 


Lyft se une a más de 100 socios de la Campaña Azul en las industrias del transporte, el alojamiento y el sector privado que trabajan para combatir este delito. Los socios oficiales pueden optar por recibir educación en persona de expertos en la materia de la Campaña Azul, así como materiales educativos y de concientización de marca compartida adaptados a la misión de su organización. 


Como la primera activación importante de la nueva asociación, Lyft, Inc. enviará una notificación a los conductores en el área de Las Vegas durante el Super Bowl 2024 para informarles que tienen las herramientas disponibles para reconocer las señales de este delito. Delitos como la trata de personas pueden ser más frecuentes durante eventos como el Super Bowl debido al volumen masivo de personas y al anonimato que brindan las grandes reuniones. 


La Campaña Azul es una campaña nacional de concientización pública dirigida por el Centro del DHS para contrarrestar la trata de personas (CCHT). Está diseñado para educar al público, a las fuerzas del orden y a otros socios de la industria para que reconozcan los indicadores de la trata de personas y cómo responder adecuadamente a posibles casos. El CCHT coordina los esfuerzos de 16 oficinas y componentes del DHS para combatir la trata de personas a través de operaciones de aplicación de la ley, protección y apoyo a las víctimas, inteligencia y análisis, y programas de educación y capacitación pública. Obtenga más información sobre los logros del CCHT en dhs.gov/dhs-center-countering-human-trafficking . 


Se alienta a cualquier persona que sospeche de trata de personas a denunciarlo a las autoridades; las denuncias se pueden enviar de forma anónima en línea o llamando al 866-347-2423. Las personas también pueden comunicarse con la Línea Directa Nacional contra la Trata de Personas al 888-373-7888 o humantraffickinghotline.org . 

Publicado por Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions

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Next City Commission Meeting: Monday, February 5, 2024
Weston University
A look at Planning, Zoning, Civil Engineering and More
Students from our Weston University high school program recently spent a day with Calvin, Giordano & Associates learning about career fields in disciplines they likely were not aware of such as planners, zoning officials, GIS coordinators, civil engineers, surveyors, and landscape architects. The day allowed the students to explore aspects of municipal planning and zoning. Students were privileged to welcome a distinguished alumnus, Marissa Neufeld, a proud graduate of Weston University's inaugural Class of 2002. Marissa initially interned at CGA in Engineering before embarking on a successful career as a Land Use Attorney. Without fail, she returns each year to engage with and inspire students during this special program day. She, along with all staff, encourages students to keep their minds open and explore a multitude of opportunities. 
Weston Winter Safety Expo Extravaganza
Weston families enjoyed an evening of interactive activities with a variety of public safety agencies at the Weston Winter Safety Expo last Friday. Thousands of adults, children and teens got the chance to talk to personnel and take an inside look at tools and vehicles used to serve and protect our community. 

A Special thanks to our friends at BSO Weston District and Weston Parks for collaborating to organize this fantastic event annually. 
Check out these incredible pictures.
A Picture Perfect Day to Celebrate the Arts
Last Sunday, the sun shined a spotlight on the spectacular talent and arts in Weston. Booths highlighting art, music, photography, chess and robotics clubs at various schools showcased student work and provided hands-on activities for all to enjoy. The popular 28-foot graffiti wall and various art stations hosted by the Young At Art Museum also allowed young artists to share their talents with the community. Event attendees also enjoyed performances by drama and music groups from several Weston schools. This annual event is made possible by The Arts Council of Greater Weston, the Weston Music Society, and the City of Weston. 
Chat with the Chief Tomorrow
Noon until 2 p.m.
There is never a better time to get to know someone than over a meal, and that’s why Chief Draizin is showing up at lunchtime. Connecting with the Community One Bite at a Time is the theme for this Chat with the Chief. Weston Fire Chief Todd Draizin along with his Fire Rescue command staff, the Fire Marshal’s Bureau, and Life Safety Educators will be at Mission BBQ on January 31 from noon until 2 p.m. and available to answer your questions and enjoy a chat!  
Captain Sam Cavalieri assists at the Shred-a-thon event on February 4-2023
BSO Shred-a-Thon and Operation Medicine Cabinet this Weekend
Shred away identity theft by safely disposing of sensitive documents at this free event hosted by the Broward Sheriff’s Office. Document shredding is limited to two (2) boxes (no larger than 16”L x 12”W x 12”H) per vehicle.  

Do your part to prevent prescription drug abuse by dropping off unused, unwanted, or expired medication for safe disposal, in exchange for a $5 gift card (while suppliers last). No needles or sharps will be collected.  

The event takes place on Saturday, February 3 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Weston Police Services Center, 17300 Royal Palm Boulevard.  
Babysitter Training Class
Saturday, February 17 | 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Broward Sheriff’s Office will offer the American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training Class to Weston residents ages 13 through 18 on Saturday, February 17. The class will be held at the BSO Police Services Center beginning at 9 a.m.   

BSO Life Safety Educators will teach the six-hour class, which gives teens the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and responsibly care for children and infants. Registration is first-come, first-served, so be sure to register today if you are interested. 
WestonNights Outdoor Concert in the Park
Majesty of Rock | Saturday, February 10
An incredible Journey that Styx with you! Enjoy a night of nostalgic 80s rock tunes that will bring both bands to life in one incredible concert performance by Majesty of Rock on February 10.  

Perfect for a date night or family fun night, the WestonNights Outdoor Concert series features an evening of music under the stars at Weston Regional Park. Bring lawn chairs or a blanket and arrive early. The concert will start promptly at 7 p.m.  
Weston YMCA Family Center
Fall in Love with the Y
Fall in love with the Weston YMCA Family Center on Saturday, February 10 from 9 a.m. until noon. Enjoy a morning of fun activities such as small group trainings, kids games, fitness classes, and more. This event is free and open to the community.  
Community CPR Day
Saturday, February 24 | 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Ages eight and over are invited to participate in our FREE Hands-only CPR training, which will also include how to use the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), and bleeding control techniques in the event of an emergency. Participants will receive instruction by staff members of the Broward Sheriff’s Office Fire Rescue and Cleveland Clinic Florida.  

Hands-only CPR is a simplified form of CPR using only compressions and no breaths. Drop in anytime and in just one hour, you will learn lifesaving skills. Registration is encouraged. Click below to secure your spot!   
Weston Community Center Hosts Award-Winning Code-A-Robot Team
A congratulations are in order for one of Weston’s most innovative team of students, our Code-A-Robot squad! The elementary-level team recently received the Amaze Award for robotics design and a Judges Award for “exemplary effort, perseverance, teamwork and communication skills.” Now, they have their eyes set on the state championship and have already qualified for the regional competition. Good luck team! You make Weston proud.

Think your student might be interested in coding, robotics and design? Students ages five through 14 are placed in squads of their age and level when Code-A-Robot meets at the Community Center every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Come see if the program is a fit for your child.
Weston Branch Library
Registration Open for LEGO Builders Club
Registration is now open for the LEGO Builders Club at the Weston Branch Library on Saturday, February 17 at 3 p.m. Children, ages five through 10, get to play and build using the Library’s LEGO collection. Finished creations will be displayed in the lobby. Registration is required.  
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