Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July is Recreation and Park Month

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
July 3, 2013 Newsletter
Enjoy Summertime Fun
July is Recreation and Park Month  
Donald Forgione, Director
Donald Forgione, Director, Florida Park Service
Summer marks the beginning of a season when residents and visitors can enjoy Florida's famous sunshine. July is celebrated as National Park and Recreation Month and is considered the optimal time to enjoy Florida's natural treasures.

During the summertime, people are naturally drawn to our waters for recreation and fun with family and friends. Whether we spend our time splashing in the cool surf, building sand castles atop the warm sand on one of our many beaches, snorkeling in our freshwater springs, canoeing or kayaking on the rivers or sitting beneath the shade of a tree by the side of a lake, I encourage everyone to think safety first.

Two key components for safety in Florida are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and using an ample amount of sunscreen when you'll spend time in the sun. Always keep watchful eyes on loved ones swimming in our waters. Become aware of Florida's system of warning flags that aid beach goers and swimmers judge surf conditions. If you are boating or canoeing, always wear your life jacket or other personal floatation device. Everyone is bound to have an enjoyable experience as long as we apply these safety rules. 
Fishing is one of the best activities for experiencing Florida's waters. Children always enjoy the process of learning how to bait the hook, cast a line and reel in the big catch. As always, think safety first when it comes to sharp hooks, insects and the amount of time you spend exposed to the sun.
If you are looking for a place for outdoor fun this summer, check our website for the closest state park or state trail. You can also like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or share photos on Pinterest. Our handle is @flstateparks. If you like your information on the go, download our new mobile app by PocketRanger ® for iPhones and Androids.
See you at the park.
Donald V. Forgione, Director of the Florida Park Service
An Important Safety Message from the Florida Department of Children and Families
The Sunshine State is filled with opportunities for fun this summer! When the heat gets too hot, Floridians take advantage of our beautiful sandy shores and swimming facilities. These endless opportunities for swimming cause supervision, prevention and emergency preparedness to be especially important. Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4. The Florida Department of Children and Families offers the following safety tips:
1) Watch - Supervise children at all times.
2) Stop - Put up barriers like fences, alarms or pool covers.
3) Prepare - Be prepared in case of emergency.

Swim safety postcards are available in English and Spanish at no cost to you! Together we can keep Florida’s children happy and swimming safely this summer! 
Reading is Fun ~ Especially in the Summertime
Florida's First Lady Ann Scott Encourages Students to Continue Reading through the Summer  
First Lady Ann Scott
First Lady Ann Scott reads a book with young people.
Last week, Florida First Lady Ann Scott continued the 2013 Summer Literacy Adventure by reading to students attending a local YMCA camp at the Ybor City Museum State Park.
Mrs. Scott encouraged students to keep reading during the summer months and was joined by representatives from the Florida Department of Education and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
"I want to challenge all of Florida's students to join me in taking the Summer Literacy Adventure Pledge," said Mrs. Scott. "Florida's state parks have the perfect atmosphere for students and their families to discover nature and have fun together while reading as many books as possible."
The 2013 Summer Literacy Adventure is geared toward helping children stay motivated and excited about reading and literacy. Studies show students who read throughout the summer months are better able to retain what they learned during the school year.
Students can fill out their Summer Literacy Adventure pledge form on the Just Read, Florida! website. At the end of the summer, the school with the most pledges will receive admission passes for each student to any state park, good for up to eight people. The school will also receive a special visit from Mrs. Scott in the fall.
"Literacy is very important at all ages," said Florida Park Service Director Donald Forgione. "We are very proud to work with First Lady Ann Scott to help children be excited about reading and staying active through the summer."
Students who take the reading pledge may utilize a free online tool to search for books based on their reading ability and interests. MetaMetrics offers a unique resource called "Find a Book, Florida" that uses Lexile measures, a widely adopted reading metric, that can guide a reader to the appropriate books.
For more information, visit 2013 Summer Literacy Adventure.
The Florida Department of Education's Just Read, Florida! office offers a 2013 Summer Reading List and tips for parents to keep their children learning. To learn about these resources and more, visit Just Read, Florida!.
Point. Shoot. Win a Prize
Enter your photos in the monthly photo contest
Photography is popular in state parks.
Do you have great photos of your family vacation taken at a state park? Enter your photos in the monthly state parks and state trails photo contest. You will be entered for a chance to win a journal, called a Florida State Parks Passport, which chronicles your visits to state parks and allows you to collect a stamp for each park you visit.
Each photographer must register to receive a Photographer ID number. Photos can be emailed to enter the contest. On the first of each month, up to 40 photos are selected for online voting throughout the month. At the end of the month, the votes are tallied and the winner receives a Florida State Park Passport.
The twelve monthly winners are entered into the Annual Photo Contest for a chance to win a Family Annual Entrance Pass. That contest is judged by professional photographers. 
More Summer Fun at Florida State Parks
Upcoming Special Events
    Mobile App for Smartphones Plan your state park adventures using the new Pocket Ranger® app for your smartphone.The FREE Florida State Parks Pocket Ranger® mobile app is available now on iTunes, Android Market and

Invitacion de Latin People News a compartir en nuestro booth el domingo 14 de julio en el Town Center de la ciudad de Weston.




Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Querida Petra:

Tus padres siempre te dijeron que mentir y apoderarte de cosas ajenas es malo; por eso hoy, con tristeza, no puedo entender lo de tu camisón que tan grande te queda. Es que se ve que no es tuyo, Petra.Tus compañeritos ya sabemos lo que pasó en la escuela el día de la rifa del camisón.

Por favor, desmiénteme si me equivoco.La maestra, como es costumbre, rifó el camisón anual. A cada niño le dieron un papelito y la maestra nos pidió que anotáramos el nombre del muchachito que merecía el camisón.La maestra contó a los niños y pasó lista para estar segura de cuántos había. Todos votamos y escribimos el nombre del niño que queríamos que ganara.Cuando la maestra contó los votos, la cosa empezó a ponerse rara porque éramos 40 niños y se contaron 45 votos. Lo peor vino después, cuando casi todos los votos eran para ti, Petra, a quien casi nadie quería.

La cosa nos pareció mas rara aún y cuando le preguntamos a la maestra qué estaba pasando, nos regañó y dijo:-Si siguen preguntando y con esa desconfianza les suspendo el recreo o se me van del salón. ¡Ya lo saben!Los niños nos quedamos anótitos, perdón, atónitos, ante la actitud sospechosa de la maestra; pero la cosa se puso peor cuando tú, Petra, le dijiste a la maestra:-Mamá…Mamá… Así, así, así es que se educa…-¿Mamá…? – gritamos todos los niños al unísono.-¡La maestra es la mamá de Petra!Cuando protestamos, fuimos a la dirección a reclamar y tú, Petra, te adelantaste y llegaste de primera con tu camisón puesto.

La segunda sorpresa vino cuando escuchamos lo que le dijiste a la directora:-¡Tía! ¡Tía…! Yo me gané el camisón y ellos me lo quieren quitar.¡La directora era tu tía! Y nos mandó a todos al salón para calmar los ánimos y, supuestamente, para verificar la votación. Cuando llegamos al salón, la maestra había escondido la lista y la cajita donde habíamos votado. A un niñito que estaba protestando le tiraron un borrador y le partieron un ojo, a nosotros nos amenazó con rasparnos o expulsarnos del colegio si no reconocíamos el triunfo de Petra.
Total, Petra, al final te quedaste con tu camisón robado, pero tu castigo es que te queda grande y feo, que nadie te quiere y que, además, todos en el salón sabemos exactamente lo que pasó...

Claudio Nazoa  

Enviado por: Hugo Urribarri


          Hispanic Women of Distinction

Monday, July 1, 2013



~Grab family and friends and head to a state park this month for outdoor fun~


From bike riding in John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, kayaking in Koreshan State Historic Site, snorkeling in Blue Spring State Park or fishing in O'Leno State Park, there is an activity for everyone to enjoy during Recreation and Parks Month.

TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida State Parks and Office of Greenways and Trails invites visitors and residents to visit a state park and trail for outdoor recreation, events and family fun all throughout July. Governor Rick Scott proclaimed July as Recreation and Parks month, observing that parks and recreation programs build family unity, strengthen neighborhood involvement and promote cultural diversity.
"July is the perfect time for residents and visitors to take the time to enjoy the many activities available at one of our award-winning state parks and trails," said Florida Park Service Director Donald Forgione. "Florida's state parks are a great place for families and friends to experience the outdoors and build a healthy lifestyle together."
Recreation and Parks Month recognizes the importance of recreational and educational opportunities available at parks and trails, including boosting economies, attracting new business and increasing tourism. During the 2011-2012 fiscal year, nearly 25 million people visited Florida's 171 state parks and state trails.
This July, the Department encourages residents and visitors to visit a state park in their district for exciting events and activities. An easy way to plan a fun trip to a park this July is to download the Florida state parks mobile app, available for free download for smartphone users. This interactive guide gives users access to all state parks and trails with information on park amenities, facility maps and a real-time calendar of events.
Kick off Recreation and Parks Month by attending an event being hosted this week at a state park or trail:
Northwest District:

Americana Under the Stars

5:00 to 11:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 4

Topsail Hill Preserve State Park

Santa Rosa Beach

Guided Kayak Paddle on Lake Hall

6:30 to 8:30 a.m.

Saturday, July 6

Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park


Northeast District:

First Weekend Union Garrisons

9:00 a.m.

Saturday, July 6 and Sunday, July 7

Fort Clinch State Park

Fernandina Beach 

Central District:

Crabbing for Beginners

10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Friday, July 5

Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area

Flagler Beach


Kayak the Pellicer Creek Aquatic Preserve

8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 7

Faver-Dykes State Park

St. Augustine 

Southwest District:

Patriotic Family Fun Day

4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, July 6

Dade Battlefield Historic State Park


Southeast District:

Independence Day Picnic

11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, July 4

Barnacle Historic State Park

Coconut Grove


Learn to Kayak

10:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Sunday, July 7

John D. MacArthur Beach State Park

North Palm Beach




  Miles de hispanos se darán cita de nuevo para celebrar la independencia de Colombia y Venezuela, festividad que se realizará por décimo año, el próximo domingo 14 de julio, en el Weston Town Center, en el Ciudad de Weston, entre la una de la tarde y las nueve de la noche, es una de los eventos más importante de celebración de la independencia, para los colombianos y venezolanos que viven en el sur de la Florida.
   Año tras año de éxito, la Fiesta de Independencia vuelve este 2013, para mostrar lo mejor del talento  colombiano y venezolano. Contando con una amplia gama de colaboradores y sponsor que le brindará unas horas de entretenimiento ameno en familia.
    Para esta fiesta contaremos con un elenco artístico que nos hará vibrar con nuestros ritmos, como son por Colombia, Jhon Onofre, Tirso y su Banda Salsa, Gabriel Cisneros y su Banda, el tenor Ernesto García, por Venezuela a Karolina con K, Edward Mena, Venezuela Ritmo y Tambor, entre otros y la animación de Iván Van Hernández de Caracol Radio.
Personalidades de la vida pública como el Cónsul General de Colombia Marta Jaramillo, el Alcalde de la ciudad Weston y todos sus comisionados, también asistirán por el Condado Martin Kiar, Chip Lamarca, y Dale Holnes, por la ciudad de Pembroke Pines el Comisionario Ángelo Castillo y el Congresista por el Estado de Florida Mario Diaz-Balart entre otros.                                                    
  Importantes medios de comunicación participaran en el evento, donde tendremos lo mejor de nuestras comidas típicas, artesanías y artistas, encargados de engalanar esta fiesta familiar y gratuita.
  Para conocer más detalles del Festival los invitamos a ponerse en contacto con Americas Community Center al teléfono: (954) 323.9526 o través de nuestra página:

El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami Tomas Regalado y El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral Luigi Boria entregaron las llaves de ambas ciudades a la Honorable Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Miami Tomas Regalado y El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral Luigi Boria entregaron las llaves de ambas ciudades a la Honorable Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

En acto se llevo a cabo en el Restaurante Casa Marin Ubicado en la 97 y la Coral Way.El dia de ayer Sabado, 29 a las 8:00 pm.

 Declaro para Latin People News...
"Me siento muy feliz en este día con este maravilloso reconocimiento de parte de Tomas Regalado, así como agradezco al Alcalde Luigi Boria, a ellos y a todos los que con su afecto y reconocimiento me han hecho vivir este momento tan especial. 

Al preguntarle sobre Venezuela, contesto conmovida: "que estoy muy pendiente con lo que esta sucediendo en Venezuela, con este Gobierno Ilegitimo"

. Expreso su solidaridad para con el pueblo Venezolano por el cual siente un profundo afecto

Por Nelly Arguello, Latin People News.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Hoy con el Gobernador de la Florida Rick Scott

Juan Fanti Director/CEO de Latin People News y 
el Gobernador de Florida Rick Scott

Luigi Boria Alcalde de la ciuidad de Doral, el Gobernador Rick Scott y
 Fabio Andrade de Americas Community Center


8401 NW 53rd Terrace
Doral, FL 33166
305-59 DORAL (305-593-6725)

The Mayor of the City of Doral Luigi Boria and the City Council adopt a resolution by unanimous vote giving their firm support and solidarity for the group of Cuban refugees currently under harsh detention conditions in Bahamas
(Doral, FL) - On the Special meeting of the City of Doral Council held on  Tuesday June 25, 2013, Mayor Luigi Boria and the City Council passed by a unanimous vote a resolution expressing their support and solidarity for the Cuban refugees that are currently detained by the government of Bahamas. This flagrant case of violations of human rights and the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees was made known in the United States through a video showing an alleged security guard of the Bahamas Detention Center physically abusing Cuban migrants.
In this resolution proposed by Vice Mayor Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera, all Council members expressed their solidarity towards this group of Cuban refugees, who made landfall in the Bahamas escaping from the brutal and repressive Castro regime. The Council denounced the abuse of these Cuban refugees, currently at risk of repatriation to Cuba, while also calling for a halt to all mistreatment and for their humane treatment.
Lastly, the City Council made an open request to the US Department of State and the UN Commission on Human Rights to investigate such harsh human rights violations, designate these Cuban citizens as political refugees, and grant them political asylum.
8401 NW 53rd Terrace
Doral, FL 33166
305-59 DORAL (305-593-6725)
El Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral Luigi Boria y el Concejo de la Ciudad adoptan por unanimidad una resolución expresando firme respaldo y solidaridad con el grupo de refugiados cubanos detenidos bajo condiciones deplorables por el gobierno de Bahamas
(Doral, FL) - En la reunión especial del Concejo de la Ciudad de Doral celebrada el martes 25 de junio de 2013, el Alcalde Luigi Boria y el Concejo de la Ciudad aprobaron por unanimidad una resolución expresando su respaldo y solidaridad con los refugiados cubanos que se encuentran en estos momentos detenidos por el gobierno de Bahamas. Este caso de flagrante violación de los derechos humanos y de la Convención de 1951 sobre el Status de Refugiados fue dado a conocer en los Estados Unidos mediante un video que mostraba a un presunto guardia del centro de detenciones de Bahamas pateando a los migrantes cubanos.
En esta resolución presentada por la Vice Alcaldesa Bettina Rodríguez-Aguilera, todos los miembros del Concejo manifestaron su irrestricta solidaridad con este grupo de refugiados cubanos que llegaron a Bahamas huyendo del brutal y represivo régimen castrista. El concejo denunció el abuso perpetrado contra estos refugiaos cubanos, actualmente en riesgo de ser deportados a Cuba, a la vez que solicitó enérgicamente que cesaran los maltratos y que se diera un trato humano a estas personas.
Por último, el Concejo de la ciudad hizo un llamado al Departamento de Estado de los EEUU y a la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la ONU para que investiguen estas deplorables violaciones a los derechos humanos, para que designen a estos ciudadanos cubanos como refugiados, y para que se les conceda asilo político.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Senate Just Passed Commonsense Immigration Reform

Breaking News: Senate Just Passed Commonsense Immigration Reform

Today, on a bipartisan vote of 68-32, the Senate resoundingly approved historic immigration reform legislation, showing that the time has come to fix our nation’s broken immigration system. In response to the vote, President Obama issued a statement, lauding the Senate’s action:
Today, the Senate did its job.  It’s now up to the House to do the same. 
As this process moves forward, I urge everyone who cares about this issue to keep a watchful eye.  Now is the time when opponents will try their hardest to pull this bipartisan effort apart so they can stop commonsense reform from becoming a reality.  We cannot let that happen.  If you’re among the clear majority of Americans who support reform – from CEOs to labor leaders, law enforcement to clergy – reach out to your Member of Congress.  Tell them to do the right thing.  Tell them to pass commonsense reform so that our businesses and workers are all playing by the same rules and everyone who’s in this country is paying their fair share in taxes. 
We have a unique opportunity to fix our broken system in a way that upholds our traditions as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.  We just need Congress to finish the job.
To read the full statement click here.
Thank you all for your continued efforts to advance immigration reform!  With momentum from today’s Senate vote, attention now shifts to the House of Representatives. 
Please continue to make your voices heard and remind folks that NOW is the TIME to enact commonsense immigration reform.  As always, please share with your networks.
Julie Chávez Rodriguez
Associate Director
White House | Office of Public Engagement

More Updates

This week, in an effort to highlight one of the many benefits of immigration reform, the President met with CEOs, business owners, and entrepreneurs.  The President and business representatives discussed their shared belief that achieving immigration reform holds meaningful economic promise for the United States.  The meeting occurred on the heels of last week’s release of the Congressional Budget Office’s official score of the Senate’s bipartisan immigration bill, which concluded that the legislation would reduce federal deficits by approximately $200 billion over the next 10 years and close to $700 billion in the second decade.  CBO also found that commonsense immigration reform will increase real GDP by 3.3% ($700 billion) between 2013–2023 and 5.4% ($1.4 trillion) between 2023–2033.  Citing these findings, the President reiterated his support for reform in his Weekly Address, stressing that it is time for Congress to pass commonsense immigration reform.
The Treasury Department has released an informational graph to summarize the CBO’s findings and highlight the potential impacts of the immigration bill.

Agency Updates

Readout of Secretary Napolitano’s Calls with Major City and County Police Chiefs and Sheriffs
June 19, 2013
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano spoke with major city and county police chiefs and sheriffs to discuss the need for commonsense immigration reform to strengthen border security, building upon the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) historic gains achieved over the past four years.
DHS Announces Re-designation and 18-Month Extension of Temporary Protected Status for Syria
June 17, 2013
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has re-designated Syria for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and extended the existing TPS designation for the country from Oct. 1, 2013, through March 31, 2015.
Readout of Secretary Napolitano’s Visit to New York
June 14, 2013
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano traveled to New York where she met with business community leaders to discuss the need for commonsense immigration reform, which is critical to our nation’s economic health and prosperity.
Readout of Secretary Napolitano’s Call with Southwest Border Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
June 10, 2013
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano hosted a conference call with Southwest Border Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to discuss the need for commonsense reform to strengthen border security, building upon the Department’s historic gains achieved over the past four years.
Secretary Napolitano and CBP Acting Commissioner Winkowski Participate in Global Entry Enrollment Center and Gallery Ribbon Cutting
June 6, 2013
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Acting Commissioner Thomas Winkowski participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Global Entry enrollment center and gallery at CBP Headquarters to mark the fifth anniversary of Global Entry.  Beginning June 10, applicants will be able to complete their Global Entry interview at the new Washington, D.C. enrollment center.

Blog Highlights

Western Officials Demand a 21st Century Immigration System
June 25, 2013
Officials in the West wrap up our series by sharing what bringing our legal immigration system into the 21st century would mean to them.
Leaders Across the Southwest Say It's Time to Fix the Broken Immigration System
June 24, 2013
Officials in the Southwest explain why the time is now to fix the broken immigration system.
In the Northeast, Leaders Demand an Immigration System that Lives up to Our Heritage as a Nation of Laws and a Nation of Immigrants
June 21, 2013
Officials in the Northeast explain how commonsense immigration reform is consistent with our heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants.
A Great Way to Save $1,000,000,000,000
June 20, 2013
The Congressional Budget Office, the nonpartisan experts who analyze the financial impact of legislation, believes that Senate immigration bill will reduce the deficit by almost $1 trillion over the next two decades.
Leaders Across the Midwest Urge Immigration Reform to Strengthen the Economy
June 20, 2013
Leaders in the Midwest share why they support immigration reform and how fixing the broken immigration system will help their communities by strengthening the economy, spurring innovation, and increasing U.S. trade and exports.
State and Local Officials in the South Speak Up to Fix the Broken Immigration System
June 19, 2013
Governors, mayors, county executives, state legislators, attorneys general, and treasurers from the South share why they support immigration reform and how fixing the broken immigration system would impact their communities.
My Big American Family
June 17, 2013
May Chen shares the story of her immigration to America.
Deferred Action Remains a Smart and Sensible Immigration Policy, but Congress Still Needs to Act 
June 14, 2013
DACA is just one of the many steps the Department of Homeland Security has taken to make our immigration enforcement policies smarter and more effective at focusing on our priorities. These steps all ensure that our immigration enforcement can focus on high-priority individuals instead of clogging the system with low priority cases.
Ansel Adams and My Dad: No Picture Taken
June 12, 2013
Frances E. Francis shares how her father proved his American spirit through acts of courage and persistence, similar to the millions of immigrants who make up the landscape of our great nation.
White House Staffers Share Their Immigration Stories
June 12, 2013
The United States is a nation of immigrants. And the White House, like nearly every other American office, is full of staffers whose stories started in countries all over the world.  We asked some of them to share their own immigration stories and explain why they think it’s so important to fix our broken immigration system once and for all.

Get Involved

A Conversation With USCIS
The USCIS Public Engagement Division invites you to attend a free national Spanish-language event.  Our representatives will share agency updates, discuss immigration-related topics, and will be available to answer your questions.  The event will take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 from 7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.  Participants can call in via teleconference at 1-888-989-4980 (Password: Enlace) or watch live via web stream  For more information, please, or to learn more about USCIS resources available in Spanish, please visit

Informacion enviado por: Fabio Andrade,de Americas Community Center