Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Nov 13 - Nov  20, 2013  

The City of Miami Beach provides this information to you as a courtesy. The inclusion of this information does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any event. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information is correct at the time of distribution, information is subject to change.

 Contact Us
1700 Convention Center Drive

Miami Beach, Florida 33139


Happening This Week!

Soundscape Cinema Series FREE
at Soundscape Park


Ben-Hur (1959) Directed by William Wyler
Wednesday, November 13, 2013| 8:00pm


Sign up, and you'll automatically be entered for your chance to get PLUGGED IN to:
Enter by 11:59 p.m. November 30, 2013. Must be 21 or over to enter. One entry per person    
Miami Beach Convention Center
South Florida Auto Show 2013
November 8-17, 2013

Click here for more info 
Bass Museum
FAB Special events and programming
Friday, November 15| 7:00 p.m.
Members, Miami Beach residents and bass pass: FREE
Non-members: $10

Miami Beach Jazz Festival 
The Fillmore Miami Beach at The Jackie Gleason
Saturday, November 16|6:00 pm

Dance Under the Stars:  
An Evening of Dance at the North Beach Band Shell
Saturday, November 16|7:00 pm
The Have Nots presents Eric Dasilva 
The Fillmore Miami Beach at The Jackie Gleason
Saturday, November 16|8:00 pm

Tango Lovers 
The Colony Theater
Wednesday, November 20| 5:00 p.m.

Fridays at the Wolf* 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 p.m.

FREE Gallery Admission to: The Wolfsonian
1001 Washington Avenue 

Passes to go out and enjoy a FREE gallery admission for one adult each are available now in our office location provided below.

City of Miami Beach
Tourism and Cultural Development Office
1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 500
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please reply to this email if you are interested!  

For additional listing of cultural events going on in Miami Beach this season visit:
Coming Soon
Soundscape Cinema Series FREE
at Soundscape Park


Hello, DOLLY! (1969) Directed by Gene Kelly
Wednesday, November 20, 2013| 8:00pm

Live Ultimate RUN South Beach:
Half/Quarter Marathon/5K
Nikki Beach Club
Saturday, December 14
Registration Closing Date|December 13, 2013

Holiday Concert for
Miami Beach Residents FREE


Saturday, December 21, 2013| 7:30pm

  Food Truck & Music Festival FREE
Wednesday, November 27, 2013| 5:00pm
Miami Beach's North Shore Park Band Shell & Ocean Terrace will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the typical characteristic Latin flavor of the North Beach area welcoming the Miami Beach Food Truck and Music Fest.

 Ongoing Events & Attractions
Lincoln Road Outdoor Antiques
& Collectibles Market
Every other Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Lincoln Road Farmers' Market
Every Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Normandy Village Marketplace
7802 Rue Vendome, at the Normandy Isle Fountain 
Every Saturday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Click for more>

The Market at St. John's on the Lake
4760 Pinetree Drive, Miami Beach, 33140
Every Thursday(Seasonal), Free
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Jewish Museum of Florida
301 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach 33139,
Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Mondays
For information: 305-672-5044 
For Current Exhibitions and more info Click for more>

World Erotic Art Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

Bass Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

The Fillmore at the Jackie Gleason Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Colony Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Byron Carlyle Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>

Monday, November 11, 2013


Jaime Flores, periodista que estuvo como presentador de este evento-reunion.

Carlos Alberto Velez, quien abrio este evento explicando la importancia de estar unidos los colombianos en este pais, por ser mas de 6 millones en los Estados Unidos y 60,300 colombianos registrados en la Florida, pero donde solo participan un 50%.

Don Fabio Andrade, Presidente y Miembro Fundador de Americas Community Center y trabajador constante por las comunidades con una labor de mas de 12 anos en pro de la comunidad colombiana y venezolana.

Un centenar de personas estuvieron presentes en esta reunion.

Monica Patino



SEEDS OF HOPE - Extravaganza 2013, Nov 21, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013


Te invitamos a participar en el ciclo de conferencias de Giancarlo Congolino, comenzando con este proximo martes 26 de noviembre en el Hotel Aloft de Doral, 
entra en el link:

Latin People News cancelara el 50% de las primeras 50 entradas al evento, no dejes de ir.

El poder de mi transformacion
Estrategias para una vida exitosa
Hora 6:30 pm.

Thursday, November 7, 2013




Noviembre 2013
Los premiados del 2013 Miami Beach Mes de la Hispanidad.

Día de los Veteranos: Desfile y Ceremonia/Picnic (Gratis)
Lunes, 11 de noviembre, 9AM

Muestre su aprecio a nuestras tropas mientras marchan a lo largo de la avenida Washington con bandas de música y otros grupos dinámicos. El desfile termina en el estadio de baseball en Flamingo Park, donde se llevará a cabo una ceremonia y picnic. Patrocinador principal: Miami Beach Medical Group

Si usted está interesado en formar parte del desfile, póngase en contacto 

Más información
Una Elección de Segunda Vuelta
Martes, 19 de noviembre

Tendremos una elección de segunda vuelta en la Ciudad de Miami Beach, de las 7:00 a.m. hasta las 7:00 p.m., el martes 19 de noviembre del 2013, con el propósito de elegir tres (3) Comisionados de la Ciudad en los Grupos I, II y III respectivamente. Nota: Dependiendo de los resultados del recuento conducido por el Departamento de Elecciones del Condado de Miami-Dade el viernes, 8 de noviembre del 2013, una Elección de Segunda Vuelta el 19 de noviembre del 2013 para eligir un Alcalde es también posible.

Para más información, visite la página del City Clerk de Miami Beach aqui.
Colección de Desechos Peligrosos y Trituración de Papel
Domingo, 17 de noviembre de 8AM - 3PM
En el estacionamiento sobre la calle 40 y la avenida Chase
Productos sobrantes para el hogar que contienen componentes corrosivos, tóxicos, inflamables, o reactivosson considerados como "residuos peligrosos del hogar." No los ponga en la basura o en contenedores de reciclaje regulares, llévalos a la colección bianual de residuos peligrosos el 17 de noviembre. También habrá el servicio de trituración de papel. 

Lanzamos el Concurso de Poesía Like2Love Miami Beach
Ultimo día para mandar entrada de poesía es el 2 de diciembre.

Abierto a todos. Di nos en sus propias palabras de prosa o en verso que hace que MiamiBeach sea un gran lugar para vivir, trabajar y jugar. Hay premios divertidos, como una estancia en el Hotel Catalina y un libro de Taschen (valorado en $200). Todas las poesías en el concurso serán colgados en un "árbol de poemas" en Lummus Park. Los ganadores serán anunciados en enero.

Para más información sobre el concurso y la forma de mandar su entrada, visite a la página de Like2Love Miami Beach.
Clínica Pediatra Móvil con Cita Previa
Noviembre 15 y 22, diciembre 13

Servicios de salud gratis a los jóvenes que no tienen seguro médico ni acceso o acceso limitado a la atención médica.

Para más información:, haz clic en la sección de Education. Para ser un cita, por favor llame al 305.243.6407.
Miami Beach Nombrado Uno de los Mejores Lugares de Estados Unidos para Vivir
Ocupo el lugar#5 de 100 Ciudades Habitables en Estados Unidos
Obtenga más informaciónacerca de por quése eligióMiamiBeachy en qué áreaspuntuaron más alto quelos demás.

Miami Beach es también un finalista internacional para los Premios LivCom(Premios Internacionales para Comunidades Habitables), que se centra en honrar a las comunidades que cuentan con las mejores prácticas, innovación y el liderazgo a través de tener comunidades sosteniblesambientalmente.
Representantes de la Fiscalía Estatal Ofrecen Servicios en Miami Beach Semanalmente
Todo los miércoles de 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m. en la Oficina de Servicios Comunitarios, 1700 Convention Center Drive en el primer piso.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita información sobre:
Manutención de niños, servicios para víctimas de violencia doméstica, prevención del robo de identidad, sellando o eliminando antecedentes penales, restitución para cheques sin fondo o servicios para victimas

Para más información, puede contactar la Oficina de la Fiscalía Estatal al: 305-547-0724
¿Necesita Ayuda con una Mejora en su Casa?

El Departamento de Construcción abre un escritorio para propietarios de Miami Beach

Si usted es dueño de una casa o apartamento en Miami Beach, usted recibirá asistencia especial con suspermisos de construcción.

Más información
Para Eso Hay un "App"
Miami Beach Report It App 
La nueva aplicación "ParkMe Miami Beach" le ayudará a encontrar un lugar de estacionamiento desocupado más cercano a usted, le dirá las tarifas de estacionamiento en los lotes y garajes municipales, incluyendo ocupación en tiempo real.

"Miami Beach Report It" es una plataforma simple y en tiempo real para reportar en forma instantánea cuestiones en su vecindario.

Descargue las dos aplicaciones gratis en su teléfono inteligente.
Participa para Ganar un Fin de Semana Cultural en Miami Beach

El objetivo de la campaña es para dar a conocer la escena artística y cultural de Miami Beach a nuevos públicos y duplicar el número de suscriptores al calendario semanal de Cultural Arts por correo electrónico. Los suscriptores actuales* se introducen automáticamente en el sorteo.

Para obtener información sobre los premios y *restricciones, visite
Miami Beach Mantiene los Mayores Activos

El Departamento de Parques y Recreo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach ha implementado un horario para los residentes de Miami Beach de la tercera edad, 65 años y mayores, para participar de dos de sus gimnasios completamente gratis. Los mayores pueden utilizar ambos, el gimnasio del Scott Rakow Youth Center (SRYC) y el gimnasio del North Shore Park and Youth Center (NSPYC), de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 1 p.m. completamente gratis (Todas las demás horas requieren una cuota de socio).

Para otros programas de Parques y Recreo para adultos mayores llámenos al 305.673.7730 Ã³ visite:
¡Es la Ley!
Suelta el Teléfono

Les recordamos a todos la importancia de soltar el teléfono y tomar el volante, se trata de salvar vidas y es la ley desde el 1 de octubre. Al usar su teléfono mientras manejas, reduces su capacidad visual y de reacción.

Cine al Aire Libre

Disfrute la serie de películas al aire libre que se ejecute cada miércoles por la noche hasta diciembre en el parque de SoundScape (calle 17 y avenida Washington). Películas incluyen "Les Miserables," "Hello Dolly" y "Man of Steel." Las películas se muestran en ingles. 
Para el calendario de películas, visite:
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest
El cuarto miércoles de cada mes*
North Shore Bandshell, la calle 73 con la avenida de Collins
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest logo
27 de noviembre
Camiones de la comida: 5PM - 10PM
Música en vivo: 6PM - 9PM

Comparte el evento con tus amigos de Facebook y familia
Más información
*Excepto si cae en un día de fiesta importante.

El Cuidado de los Animales
Mantenga las áreas públicas limpias y sigue el código

 Oficial de Recursos de Animales
¿Conoce sobre delitos contra animales o otros asuntos ilícitos con animales en su vecindario? Contacta la nuevo directora de recursos de animales en el Departamento de Policía, Mariana Jomarron al 305.673.7000, ext 3705.

 Esterilizar y Castrar / Necesitamos Voluntarios
El Meow Mobile viene a Miami Beach dos veces al mes para esterilizar y castrar los gatos de la comunidad en el parque de North Shore Open Space. Este programa es posible gracias a una subvención de PetSmart Charities, Inc. Próximas fechas: noviembre 9 y 23, diciembre 7 y 28. Para hacer una cita, 305.233.9958 y / o para ser un voluntario:

 Dales de Comer, pero No Dejen Basura
Se consiente sobre las leyes de basura. Si usted está alimentando a los animales callejeros, la comida no se puede colocar directamente sobre el terreno, incluyendo las plantas, hojas y las dunas de arena. También, al usar platos, latas e otros recipientes, estos objetos deben ser retirados inmediatamente. No hagas una infracción por entrar a las dunas de arena.

 Contacta el Cumplimiento de Códigos al 305.673.7555 si hay perros sin correa, ves un dueño de perros no limpiar detrás de sus animales, observa el tiradero de basura, o infracción por entrar a las dunas de arena.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jon Aizpúrua - Bolivar de Carne y Hueso



Vellisimo Spa, en la ciudad de Weston, anoche recibio a un grupo de elegantes damas de la ciudad, en donde pudieron observar los modernos equipos y tecnicas de este moderno spa.

Maria A. Díaz, Marisol Andrade, Venus Suarez, Carolina Caarbonell, Margaret Sanchez, Maria Parjus, Luciana Pirelli, Maria Elena Bettinazzi, Lorena Sepulveda, Ana Maria Clemente, Granya Gonzalez, Soraya Valero y Zulmarie Padin.


City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs= November 7 - November 13, 2013

SOUNDSCAPE CINEMA SERIES @ExoStage: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory FREE
Wednesday, November 6, 8:00 p.m.
Exostage @ Miami Beach SoundScape, 500 17 Street
Enjoy free movies every Wednesday night! This week: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) Directed by Mel Stuart; starring Gene Wilder and Jack Albertson. Co-sponsored by SunTrust Bank who will be on site with promotions and exciting opportunities for event attendees. The FREE SoundScape Cinema Series is presented generously by the Marilyn and Edward Gadinsky CharitableFoundation. Bring your blanket or beach chair and picnic! No glass please.
Art Club for Adults
Thursday, November 7, 1:30 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The mission of this program is to stimulate creativity and provide an opportunity for discussions about art and life. Each week features a different program or activity for the class. For more Info: or call 305.673.7530. Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission)
21st Century Man: CHRIS MARKER - LA JETÉE
Thursday, November 7, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Chris Marker, filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, and now videographer and digital multimedia artist, has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. Marker's La Jetée is one of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made, a tale of time travel told in still images.
Documentary Film & Discussion Two Who Dared: The Sharps' War FREE
Thursday, November 7, 7:00 p.m.
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
This film tells the dramatic story of Unitarian minister Waitstill Sharp and his wife Martha's courageous mission to rescue Jews in Nazi Europe during World War II. Please RSVP in advance.
Miami short Film Festival
November 8-15, 2013
Miami Beach Cinemetheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
With over 700 submissions from all corners of the globe, 113 short films (under 20 minutes) have been chosen to screen in The 12th Annual Miami short Film Festival. The seven day event this November will feature 23 screenings, each consisting of 4-10 films threaded thematically to create a powerhouse eighty minutes. Please visit the web site for films, screening dates and times.
F@B fridays@thebass: Dr. Adrienne von Lates Lecture Queering Art History
Friday, November 8, 7:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Members, Miami Beach residents & basspass: free | Non-members: $10
Friday, November 8 - Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
In CAMILLE CLAUDEL 1915, Juliette Binoche gives a mesmerizing performance as Auguste Rodin's protégé (and later mistress), and sister of the Christian/mystic poet Paul Claudel. Inspired by the correspondence between Paul and Camille, writer/director Bruno Dumont (Humanité, La Vie de Jesus) focuses on Camille Claudel's struggle to find understanding and recognition as an artist. (In French with English subtitles).
$2.50 Mini-Concerts
Friday, November 8, 7:00 p.m.
New World Center, 500 17 Street
Patrick Dupré Quigley, conductor. Teresa Wakim, soprano.Thirty-minute concerts for just $2.50 per ticket! Enjoy live music before or after dinner, while shopping on Lincoln Road, or before a night out - and for less than a cup of coffee! A Fellow speaks briefly from the stage to contextualize the music before it's performed.
Cycling Night at the New World Symphony
Friday, November 8, 8:00 p.m.
New World Center, 500 17 Street
Patrick Dupré Quigley, conductor. Experience a unique cycling-themed evening at the New World Symphony! In addition to a powerfully moving 30-minute concert, we're thrilled to present an evening dedicated to Miami's passionate cycling community. Post-concert the Miami Beach SoundScape will premiere of the critically acclaimed film Bicycle Dreams, by Stephen Auerbach, on the 7,000 square foot wall of the New World Center.
Stand Up 4 Nicolas: Lisa Corrao
Friday, November 8, 8:30 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
Based out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Lisa Corrao is a tiny Italian girl originally from New York. So, naturally, she has repressed rage and an innate Napoleon complex that makes her want to take on the world in a big way. Part of the Stand Up 4 Nicolas effort.
Krewella: Get Wet Live Tour
Friday November 8, 9:00 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
Krewella is an American electronic dance music group from Chicago, Illinois, formed in 2007. The group consists of Jahan Yousaf, Yasmine Yousaf and Rain Man.Their EP, Play Hard was released on June 18, 2012 exclusively on Beatport followed by an iTunes release on June 26, 2012. Their debut album, Get Wet, was released on the 24th of September, 2013 on iTunes.Their musical style draws upon house, dubstep and drum and bass.
Museum Tours
Saturday, November 9, 2:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Docent led tours of the museum exhibitions. For more Info: www.bassmuseum.orgor call 305.673.7530 Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission).
Yoga Night at the New World Symphony
Saturday, November 9, 7:00 p.m.
New World Center, 500 17 Street
Welcome to the second Yoga Night at the New World Symphony! Experience a brisk, insightful and powerfully moving 30-minute concert featuring J.S. Bach's Suite No. 3, with a brief introduction to the music by New World Symphony Fellows. Then, head out the front door of the New World Center to Miami Beach SoundScape, and participate in an hour-long yoga class under the stars!
SoBe Arts American Folk Music Festival FREE
Sunday, November 10, 2:00 p.m.
Sobe Institute of the Arts, 2100 Washington Avenue
Join SoBe Arts for another exciting Music Unites Event featuring performances by: Avocado Estates, Daphna Rose, Doug Spears, Jesse Jackson and Bob Lind.
Musical Xchange
Sunday, November 10, 2:00 p.m.
New World Center, 500 17 Street
The New World Symphony and Parsons The New School For Design will reunite for a fascinating collaboration that explores the relationship between HD digital imagery and musicians-generated multimedia effects during lice classical music concerts. During a few works, cameras will be strategically places around Fellows and on their instruments. Not just visually stimulating for audience members, these non-traditional views will also help illustrate the physical requirements of the music performed.
Music for Munchkins FREE
Sunday, November 10, 2:00 p.m.
Byron Carlyle Theater, 500 71 Street
Enjoy these fun, interactive, educational FREE 30-minute concerts geared for young children and their families.
Celebrate Our Armed Forces
Sunday, November 10, 4:30 p.m.
Byron Carlyle Theater, 500 71 Street
Ars Flores opens its 14th season with a special symphonic tribute to America's veterans and armed forces. Selections will include "The Star Spangled Banner," Dvorak's "Symphony No. 9 from the New World," Copland's "Variations on a Shaker Melody" and "Outdoor Overture," and many others. $40, $30, $15 (seniors/students)
Kristallnacht N I G H T O F B R O K E N G L A S S FREE
Sunday, November 10, 6:00 p.m.
Holocaust Memorial, 1933-1945 Meridian Avenue
Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach will commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Kristallnacht:  the Night of the Broken Glass.  All members of the community are invited to hear survivor Wendy Reis Rothfield LCSW who will speak about how she and her parents escaped the Nazi brutality in Vienna, Austria. This important evening will include noted Miami Violinist Daniel Andai, poetry readings, songs from area children and participation by the 2014 teenagers of the March of the Living. Everyone is welcome!
Jon Anderson
Sunday, November 10, 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road
An acoustic evening with the voice of YES.
Solo Spotlight FREE
Monday, November 11, 7:00 p.m.
New World Center, 500 17 Street
Presented in the intimate SunTrust Pavilion, Solo Spotlights feature one or two Fellows in recital programs they design.Free, ticket required.
Wednesday, November 13, 7:00 p.m.
ArtCenter South Florida 924 Lincoln Road, Second Floor
Join artists Amalia Caputo and Marina Font as they discuss Correspondences, their latest exhibition.
Wednesday, November 13, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
One of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made and a mind-bending free-form travelogue: La Jetée and Sans Soleil couldn't seem more different-but they're the twin pillars of an unparalleled and uncompromising career in cinema. Sans Soleil is Chris Marker's mind-bending free-form travelogue roams from Africa to Japan, guided by associative editing and an unnamed narrator. (In French with English subtitles)
Wednesday, November 13, 8:00 p.m.
Exostage @ Miami Beach SoundScape, 500 17 Street
Enjoy free movies every Wednesday night! This week: BEN-HUR (1959) Directed by William Wyler; starring Charlton Heston and Jack Hawkins. The FREE SoundScape Cinema Series is presented generously by the Marilyn and Edward Gadinsky CharitableFoundation. Bring your blanket or beach chair and picnic! No glass please.
Chapungu artists--Fresh out of Fairchild FREE
Continues through November 16, 2013
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
These monolithic stone sculptures are carved by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. The pieces express human ecology at its core, and will be on display throughout the Garden.
Continues through November 17, 2013
924 Lincoln Road, Second Floor
Correspondences presents a visual dialogue between the work of resident artist Marina Font and alumna Amalia Caputo. Correspondences explores the changing notions of identity and memory, and how these concepts are constantly transformed by one another. In Correspondences, the artists question the veracity of both, memory and photography, exposing the fragility of these concepts.
Continues through February 16, 2014
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
How did women contribute to the history of comics, and in particular, to autobiographical comics, a genre they helped birth? What is particularly Jewish and female about how they did it? And, why unveil parts of yourself and your life in comics? These are the questions posed to 18 artists, whose writings and drawings depict their own pain, laughter, shame, triumphs and self-doubts in a way that taps a collective nerve.
Continues through February 23, 2014
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
TIMEpresents a selection of historical and contemporary artworks, objects and artists' projects that engage with ideas of time. The concept of time enables us to live with a sense of order and regularity; to conceive of duration; past, present and future; and to maintain a sense of our place within this apparent continuum

Growers, Grocers & Gefilte Fish: A Gastronomic Look at Florida Jews & Food

Continues through October 5, 2014

Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
From the pierogies of Poland to the salsas of South America, this exhibition will comprise a wide range of historic items that tell the story of Floridian Jews in the food industry - those who grow, prepare, distribute, cook and serve the foods we love.
Pleasure, Fear and the Pursuit of Happiness FREE
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Nayda Collazo-Llorens will be installing 2D textual art along the meandering concrete pathways in the Garden. The text is based on thoughts and memories--both real and imagined--collected from Miami Beach locals and visitors. An opening reception will be held June 28, 5-7 p.m.
Untitled ([construction of good)]
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
The Wolfsonian-FIU presents a new site-specific exhibit, Untitled ([construction of good)] by artist Bhakti Baxter in The Wolfsonian Bridge Tender House beginning November 29th. The installation will take place in the steel structure created in the Art Deco style outside of the museum entrance. The focus of the exhibit will be on the construction of good for mankind, focusing on how the meanings of things are perpetually shaped by their human and historical contexts.
Egyptian Gallery
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art invites visitors to experience the ancient world at the only Egyptian Gallery in Florida.  The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about one of the world's oldest and most mysterious civilizations from its surviving objects, including an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy.
Watercolors-English and American
World Erotic Art Museum, 1205 Washington Avenue
The extraordinary persona of Sylvie Jones, the famed London artist who has also written such popular children's books as "Who's in the Tub," will be on view. Tickets are $15 with no one under 18 admitted. 
Art and Design in the Modern Age: Selections from the Wolfsonian Collection
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
The nearly 300 works on display, 1885 to 1945,  provide insight into the ways design has influenced and adapted to the modern world.
Artcenter/South Florida Artists-In-Residence Ongoing
 Artcenter/South Florida, 800, 810 and 924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter/South Florida ("ACSF") announces the arrival of four new Artists-in-Residence and welcomes visitors to their working studios. 
Selections from the Collection
Bass Museum of Art2100 Collins Avenue
The permanent collection of the Bass Museum of Art spans more than five hundred years and four continents, including works from Renaissance and Baroque paintings; Rococo court painting and English portraiture; painting and sculpture of North America and much more.
MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida
OngoingJewish Museum of Florida301 Washington Avenue
More than 500 photos and artifacts that depict the Jewish experience in Florida since 1763. The exhibit includes three films and a timeline wall of Jewish history.

Nightly -- Varying Times
1342 Washington Avenue
Jazid is proud to be the longest-running nightclub on Miami Beach with live music every night of the week. Jazid's diverse music includes a multi-cultural mix of Latin and American jazz, funk, cumbia, reggae, rock, and more.