Thursday, September 5, 2013








Americas Community Center Events
September 3, 2013

On Wednesday September 4th at our B2B  

Americas would like to invite you to the best 
networking breakfast in town!
 Use this opportunity to:  
- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service 
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business! 
 "El mejor encuentro de negocios en la mañana!"
We look forward to seeing you there!

Rick Case Honda 
  Rick Case Automotive Group
15700 Rick Case Honda Way  Davie, FL 33331 
Hora: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM  - Registro: 7:50Am
Costo: $10.00

Este Jueves 5 de Septiembre en el B2B de Doral

"¿Y De Tu Tiempo Que?"
Se libre... con tecnicas para conducir bien tu tiempo activo. 
Empieza a disfrutar y a vivir un tiempo productivo. 
Maria Angelica Quintero Garcia
A partir de este jueves se dará información sobre la reforma de salud. Una presentación dada por expertos en el tema para educar a pequeños empresarios.
Habrá un segmento para hacer preguntas.
Parte 1: 5 de Septiembre 2013

Healthcare Reform Basics
Guaranteed issue and child only policy with dental coverage. No Preexisting conditions

El Jueves 12 de Septiembre en el B2B de Doral
"Acuerdo de Información Tributaria entre Colombia y Los EE.UU. y medidas para evitar la doble tributación internacional"
Daniel Hurtado
Como beneficia a empresas
 e individuos que pagan doble tributación. 
Esta charla va dirigida a todo empresario que mantenga negocios o inversiones en Colombia.

Además de eso:
- Expanda su red de contactos
- Comparta información sobre su compañía o servicios  
- Aprenda de temas nuevos
- Desarrolle y promueva su negocio!
   Chamber of Commerce ACCNuevo

 Carlos Albizu University
2173 NW 99th Ave Miami, Fl. 33172 Room 250 
Hora: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM Registración:  7:50AM 
Costo: $10.00 

Charla de Productividad
Tratamientos de fertilidad 
para pacientes internacionales

Muchas parejas conciben sus hijos naturalmente.
Otras dan a luz en las cercanias de su domicilio.
Aun asi hay muchas parejas que para lograr el embarazo
deben viajar fuera de su pais para conseguir
el tratamiento adecuado que permitira el embarazo deseado

Dr. Roberto Infante
El Dr. Roberto Infante Gómez es Médico Cirujano, especializado en
Obstetricia & Ginecología y en Medicina Reproductiva. Es egresado de la 
Universidad Central de Venezuela en donde se graduó en 1983. Completo su
especialización en 1987, en el Hospital Antoine Beclere, en Clamart, Francia.
Con más de 20 años de experiencia en los aspectos relacionados con la
infertilidad de la pareja, hoy es uno de los más valiosos recursos profesionales
para las parejas que tiene el sueño de lograr el embarazo deseado.
    Dia:  4 de Septiembre 2013
Hora: 7:00pm a 9:00pm
Lugar: Rick Case Hyundai Weston
Valor: $5

Check out the pictures of our most recent events!

              B2B Weston - Mission Utica             B2B Weston - John Mcdonald
        Yasmin Uddin & Graciela Beltran-Uddin

Salon de Las Americas              B2B Doral - Moises Peraza          

Para ver mas fotos del evento ingresa a Latin People News
 Upcoming Events

Free Fibromyalgia Seminar

Dr. John Moore will educate you on how to live a healthier, happier and pain free life without the need for drugs or surgery. Feel free to ask questions and consult with 
Dr. John for free.
There will be two seminars: 
Date: 9/11/2013
Time: 12:30pm 
Location: 301 NW 103rd Ave,
Pembroke Pines, FL
(Senior Focal Point Center)
Date: 9/11/2013
Time: 12:30pm 
Location: 16835 Sheridan St. Pembroke Pines, FL
(Southwest Regional Library)
Space is limited! Call now to reserve your seat!
RSVP : Adriana @ 954-384-3275



~September is Literacy Month at Florida State Parks. Enjoy free entrance to state parks on Sunday, Sept. 8~


Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park volunteer Gretchen Scoggins reads to children at the park.

TALLAHASSEE –The Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Florida Park Service will celebrate National Literacy Month with special events at state parks statewide. The month will be celebrated in conjunction with International Literacy Day on Sunday, Sept. 8 and National Library Card Signup Month.
Florida's state parks will offer free* entrance on Sunday, Sept. 8 to visitors who bring a library card, a library book or who donate a new or gently-used, family friendly book (*excludes Skyway Fishing Pier State Park).
"Literacy is very important for people of all ages," said Florida Park Service Director Donald Forgione, "We are excited to celebrate reading and provide the best spots in the state to curl up with a good book to enjoy nature and the great outdoors."
The Florida Park Service, Department of Education and Department of State have joined together to stress the importance of literacy for all ages. This partnership follows the summertime activities of Florida’s First Lady Ann Scott, who encourages children to read through her Summer Literacy Adventure.
“Reading is the foundation for student learning and helps them prepare for success in life and in the classroom,” said Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart. “Literacy Month puts a focus on strengthening students’ skills in a fun way. I encourage parents and their children to pick up a book and read together as they experience the wonderful adventures in state parks throughout the Sunshine State.“
More than 20 events are scheduled around the state in state parks throughout September. Statewide events will be held for children providing them with the opportunity to participate in activities, accentuating the importance of literacy. Book fairs will assist with issuing library cards. Children will hear stories, read from a variety of books and partake in outdoor crafts and activities.
Children authors and illustrators will make appearances and give hands-on interaction. For example, Evelyn Gilmer will read her book Maggie the Beagle with a Broken Tail and the Baby Sea Turtles at the Ochlockonee River State Park in Sopchoppy. At De Leon Springs State park in Deland, children will get the chance to meet with author Lucy Tobias, a member of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association.
Activities and crafts will include scavenger hunts, adventure walks, games and prizes. Magic and the Gentle Carousel Therapy Horses will give performances of characters from their favorite books at O'Leno State Park in High Springs. Children can also complete craft projects at the Museum at Fort Mose Historic State Park. Book exchanges will take place where one can either donate or exchange books will other participants. Braille and books-on-tape are welcome.
Throughout September, Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Historic State Park will host events where park rangers spend time with 4th grade students in Hamilton County reading Marjorie Kinnan Rawling’s Classic novel The Yearling. Students will read in class with their teachers and visit the state park to hear more about the pioneer family braving the wilds of what is now the Ocala National Forest. The Grand Finale will take place on Wednesday, September 25 when the final chapters of the book will be read by a Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings look-a-like.
Visit our website for a complete list of literacy activities at Florida State Parks.


Photo: Te invitamos a ver a Henrique Capriles en Miami



Sale 2009 VW Beetle 2D Hatchback (no trim)

Sale 2009 VW Beetle 2D Hatchback (no trim) - 

Mileage:82,802 - Engine: 2.5L - Color: Green - CarMax 

Comments: Good Conditions, a very nice car with 

mileage over 80K - Cash: $7,500 - (954)5996219

Comienza “Rosh Hashaná”, el año nuevo judío 5774

Comienza “Rosh Hashaná”, el año nuevo judío 5774, felicidades a toda la comunidad judia en los Estados Unidos.

Israelíes celebran el Año Nuevo judío en medio de la inestabilidad regional

EFE).-  La festividad, conocida en hebreo como "Rosh Hashaná", comienza al anochecer cuando el pueblo judío iniciará el año 5774 (2013-2014), que una vez más coincide con una situación de incertidumbre y calma contenida, de las que suelen preceder a los tambores de guerra.

La jornada festiva, en la que los judíos suelen volcarse con los dulces en multitudinarios encuentros familiares, concluye el viernes a la caída del sol.

El aplazamiento de un eventual ataque estadounidense por la intención del presidente, Barack Obama, de acudir al Congreso para obtener apoyos a una intervención militar limitada, parece haber relajado en los últimos días los ánimos entre la población, por lo menos hasta que transcurra esta fiesta de dos días.

"Yo personalmente no siento ninguna amenaza. Me siento seguro porque todo lo que está ocurriendo a nuestro alrededor no es asunto nuestro", dijo a Efe Roland Kaidar, de 51 años y terapeuta de profesión.

Emigrado a Jerusalén desde Francia hace dos décadas, destacó que "si hay algo de tensión es la que este tipo de fiestas provoca en mucha gente -a quién invitar, qué regalos comprar, qué preparar de cena- pero no por la situación política".

Un sensación que contrasta con la que la semana pasada se vivió en algunos centros de reparto de máscaras antigás, a los que acudieron miles de personas.

También están los que, más acostumbrados a coexistir con este tipo de situaciones desde la misma creación del Estado en 1948, viven el momento "como cualquier otro".

"Nosotros festejamos la fiesta como siempre. La vida continúa. EEUU debe atacar a ese asesino que sigue masacrando a su propio pueblo y la guerra no llegará a nosotros porque tenemos un ejército fuerte que nos defenderá. No tenemos miedo", afirma Rachel Lev, una jubilada que ya ha vivido otros episodios similares en Jerusalén.

Tras conocerse que la ofensiva en Siria está en espera, el Ejército israelí ha desmovilizado, de momento, al millar de reservistas que habían sido convocados la semana pasada.

Con todo, las Fuerzas Armadas mantienen en alerta las baterías de su escudo anti-misiles desplegadas en el norte del país y los planes de emergencia son actualizados a diario, según la información de los servicios de inteligencia y las amenazas procedentes de Damasco, Beirut y Teherán.

En una entrevista el lunes con el diario francés "Le Figaro", el presidente sirio, Bachar Al Asad, dijo que un ataque estadounidense en el polvorín de Oriente Medio, provocará una "guerra regional".

Ante este tipo de advertencias, el primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, viene insistiendo en los últimos días en que las fuerzas de seguridad de su país están preparadas para cualquier contingencia y aconseja a la población hacer vida normal.

"Los ciudadanos israelíes deben saber que nuestros enemigos tienen muy buenas razones para no probar nuestra fuerza. Ellos saben por qué", manifestó el domingo ante los ministros de su gabinete, a quienes ha instruido no referirse a la cuestión siria o ninguna decisión de Washington al respecto.

De momento y según reveló la prensa local, el presidente Obama mantiene a Netanyahu al tanto de sus decisiones, principalmente para coordinar posiciones y dar tiempo a Israel a prepararse ante una eventual intervención en el país vecino, además de evitar críticas.

La Casa Blanca también es la principal patrocinadora del actual proceso de paz que han retomado israelíes y palestinos, y que pese al ruido circundante y los múltiples obstáculos continúa entre bambalinas en la mayor de las discreciones, algo de por si inusual.

La festividad "Rosh Hashaná" se caracteriza por la degustación de alimentos dulces, siendo típico la manzana, la granada y la miel, y el sonido del "shofar", un instrumento musical hecho con el cuerno de un carnero.

Otra de las costumbre seguidas por los más devotos es acudir a fuentes de agua como mares, ríos o manantiales para leer oraciones y a donde se arrojan trozos de pan para deshacerse simbólicamente de los "pecados e inmoralidades" del año que concluye.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs= September 5 - September 11, 2013

City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs=September 5 - September 11, 2013
Plugged IN

The Miami Beach Cultural Affairs Program, with guidance from the Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council, develops, coordinates and promotes the performing and visual arts groups in Miami Beach. To date, Cultural Affairs has awarded over $10 million in grants to approximately 130 diverse not-for-profit arts groups, which contribute so richly to the artistic landscape of the City, proving that the Council plays an integral leadership role in supporting, promoting and advocating the unique and extensive scope of cultural offerings in Miami Beach.
For more events visit:


The City of Miami Beach provides this information to you as a courtesy. The inclusion of this information does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any event. Although reasonable efforts are made to ensure the information is correct at the time of distribution, information is subject to change. The City of Miami Beach cannot be held liable for exchange of monies, ticket transactions or cancellations with the individual event producers/venues.
Art Club for Adults
Thursday, September 5, 1:30 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The mission of this program is to stimulate creativity and provide an opportunity for discussions about art and life. Each week features a different program or activity for the class. For more Info: or call 305.673.7530. Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission)
Part I of Ulrich Seidl's Paradise Trilogy- PARADISE: LOVE
Thursday, September 5, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Teresa, a 50-year-old Austrian mother, travels to the beaches of Kenya to work as a sex tourist or "Sugar Mama".  There, she moves from one Beach Boy to the next, buying their love only to be disappointed and quickly learning that here, love is strictly a business.  (In German and English with English subtitles).
Part II of Ulrich Seidl's Paradise Trilogy- PARADISE: FAITH
Thursday, September 5, 9:15 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Anna Maria, a single woman in her 50s, devotes her summer to missionary work in an effort to return Austria back to the path of virtue. One day, after years of absence, her husband returns home.  Anna Maria's life is turned upside-down and her prayers are now joined by fighting.  PARADISE: Faith - recounts the stations of the cross of a marriage and the longing for love. (In German with English subtitles.)
Opening Reception: matt collishaw
Friday, September 6, 7:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Collishaw explores dark and subversive subject matter, often dealing with issues that are morally and politically charged. Exhibition walk-through at 7:45 pm. Artist will be present.
Friday, September 6, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 7, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 8, 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
When the government of Indonesia was overthrown by the military in 1965, Anwar and his friends killed hundreds of people with his own hands. Today, Anwar is revered as a founding father of a right-wing paramilitary organization that grew out of the death squads. The Act of Killing is a journey into the memories and imaginations of the perpetrators, offering insight into the minds of mass killers. (In Indonesian and English with English subtitles)
Friday, September 6, 9:00 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
Anton Zaslavski known primarily by his stage name Zedd, is a German electronic music producer and DJ. He primarily produces in the electro house genre, but has branched out, drawing influences from progressive house, complextro and dubstep.
Friday, September 6, 9:15 p.m.
Saturday, September 7, 9:15 p.m.
Sunday, September 8, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11, 9:15 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
Notorious writer Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho) and acclaimed director Paul Schrader (writer of Taxi Driver and director of American Gigolo) join forces for this explicitly erotic thriller about youth, glamour, sex and surveillance.
North Shore National Register District Tour
Saturday, September 7, 9:30 a.m.
SE Corner of 73 Street and Collins Avenue
The tour will use the buildings and streetscape to tell three stories: 1. how the area has been preserved and what needs to be done to continue its preservation; 2. how the designs used in the area came to be; and, 3. the history of the area that provides context for stories 1 & 2. Cost: $20.
Museum Tours
Saturday, September 7, 2:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Docent led tours of the museum exhibitions. For more Info: www.bassmuseum.orgor call 305.673.7530 Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission).
I'M SO EXCITED (Los amantes pasajeros)
Saturday, September 7, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 8, 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
A very varied group of people are in a precarious situation aboard a plane flying to Mexico City. A technical failure has endangered the lives of the passengers on Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots, hardened, experienced professionals are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death. (In Spanish with English subtitles).
Studio Crawl FREE
Saturday, September 7, 7:00 p.m.
ArtCenter South Florida, 800/810/924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter's Studio Crawl, held every first Saturday of the month, invites visitors to wander throughout the ArtCenter's two buildings, exchange with our artists in their studios and view our current exhibitions.
XVIII International Ballet Festival of Miami
Saturday, September 7, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 8, 5:00 p.m.
Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, 1700 Washington Avenue
The IBFM offers the community a unique chance to share in a celebration of dance, creating a buzz and generating excitement for our dedicated local, national and international audiences including the future new young talents and bearers of the torch of dance.
Gruesome Playground Injuries FREE
Sunday, September 8, 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Another outdoor production brought to you by the Ground Up & Rising crew, this play is about two eight-year-old's lives which collide in the nurse's office. As they mature from accident-prone kids to self-destructive adults, their broken hearts and broken bones draw them ever closer. The play runs approximately one hour.
The FIU Chamber Players Series: The Early Romantics
Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 p.m.
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
The FIU Chamber Players, directed by renowned FIU violinist Robert Davidovici, present an evening of works by the early romantic composers including Mendelssohn, Beethoven, and Rossini. Soloist Robert Davidovici will be joined by the FIU Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Maestro Grzegorz Nowak, for this rare treat in the city of Miami Beach.
Bat Mitzvah Comes Of Age
Continues through September 15, 2013
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
On Saturday morning, March 18, 1922 - two years after American women received the right to vote - Judith Kaplan, daughter of Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, became the first American girl to mark her bat mitzvah during a public worship service. In the decades that followed, many other girls and women became the "first" in their communities, helping to reshape American Judaism.
I-95 South FREE
Continues through September 29, 2013
ArtCenter South Florida, 800/810/924 Lincoln Road
I-95 South brings together seven emerging artists based in Miami and New York, two diverse and culturally rich metropolitan cities. The exhibition asserts the importance of place and how that influences medium, technique, narrative and iconography.Together, they have reinvented the "canvas," developed new languages and reinterpreted their heritages.
Mat Collishaw
Continues through October 13, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art is proud to present a solo exhibition by London-based artist Mat Collishaw. An artist whose wide-ranging practice includes sculpture, photography, and new media, Collishaw explores dark and subversive subject matter, often dealing with issues that are morally and politically charged.
Hispanic Heritage Month Art Exhibit
Continues through October 31
Miami Beach City Hall Gallery, Fourth floor
1700 Convention Center Drive
Curated by ArtCenter South Florida
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation
Continues through November 3, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation is a presentation of the video artist's recent projects. This exhibition will present two major video installations, including an entirely new exploration of her noted film The Rape of the Sabine Women.
Chapungu artists--Fresh out of Fairchild FREE
Continues through November 16, 2013
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
These monolithic stone sculptures are carved by the Shona people of Zimbabwe. The pieces express human ecology at its core, and will be on display throughout the Garden.
Pleasure, Fear and the Pursuit of Happiness FREE
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Nayda Collazo-Llorens will be installing 2D textual art along the meandering concrete pathways in the Garden. The text is based on thoughts and memories--both real and imagined--collected from Miami Beach locals and visitors. An opening reception will be held June 28, 5-7 p.m.
Untitled ([construction of good)]
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
The Wolfsonian-FIU presents a new site-specific exhibit, Untitled ([construction of good)] by artist Bhakti Baxter in The Wolfsonian Bridge Tender House beginning November 29th. The installation will take place in the steel structure created in the Art Deco style outside of the museum entrance. The focus of the exhibit will be on the construction of good for mankind, focusing on how the meanings of things are perpetually shaped by their human and historical contexts.
Egyptian Gallery
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art invites visitors to experience the ancient world at the only Egyptian Gallery in Florida.  The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about one of the world's oldest and most mysterious civilizations from its surviving objects, including an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy.
Watercolors-English and American
World Erotic Art Museum, 1205 Washington Avenue
The extraordinary persona of Sylvie Jones, the famed London artist who has also written such popular children's books as "Who's in the Tub," will be on view. Tickets are $15 with no one under 18 admitted. 
Art and Design in the Modern Age: Selections from the Wolfsonian Collection
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
The nearly 300 works on display, 1885 to 1945,  provide insight into the ways design has influenced and adapted to the modern world.
Artcenter/South Florida Artists-In-Residence Ongoing
 Artcenter/South Florida, 800, 810 and 924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter/South Florida ("ACSF") announces the arrival of four new Artists-in-Residence and welcomes visitors to their working studios. 
Selections from the Collection
Bass Museum of Art2100 Collins Avenue
The permanent collection of the Bass Museum of Art spans more than five hundred years and four continents, including works from Renaissance and Baroque paintings; Rococo court painting and English portraiture; painting and sculpture of North America and much more.
MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida
OngoingJewish Museum of Florida301 Washington Avenue
More than 500 photos and artifacts that depict the Jewish experience in Florida since 1763. The exhibit includes three films and a timeline wall of Jewish history.
Nightly -- Varying Times
1342 Washington Avenue
Jazid is proud to be the longest-running nightclub on Miami Beach with live music every night of the week. Jazid's diverse music includes a multi-cultural mix of Latin and American jazz, funk, cumbia, reggae, rock, and more.
Van Dyke Cafe
Live Jazz Nightly
846 Lincoln Road
Join us Upstairs at the Van Dyke, the perfect place to enjoy live music, lounge and socialize. 
Free Fridays at the Wolf  FREE 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. 
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 pm. 
Guided, Private and Self-Guided Tours of the Art Deco Historic District
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
All tours take approximately 90 minutes. Prices vary.
Art Deco Bike and Segway Tours
Bike and Roll, 210 Tenth Street
$39 adults/$29 kids and students.