Monday, May 13, 2013


This Wednesday May 15:

Weston's Networking Breakfast
Dear Juan,

This week at our B2B:

Learn how to increase business opportunities with Follow-up Campaign and Email Marketing
Mr. Alexander Lara
Alexander Lara


Use this opportunity to:

- Expand your network of contacts
- Share information of your company or service
- Learn about new topics
- Develop and drive your business!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Place: Rick Case Honda
15700 Rick Case Honda Way
2nd Floor Community Room
Weston, Fl 33331

Time: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM Cost $10.00

Registration: 7:50AM

Bring a Friend!
For more information, find us at:

This Thursday May 16th at our Doral Breakfast:
The City of Doral presents:
City of Doral
Business development and incentives for small businesses
Ms. Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera
Address: Carlos Albizu University
2173 NW 99th Ave Miami, FL 33172
Time: 8:00 AM- 9:30 AM Cost



Invitamos a nuestros Amigos Venezolanos y a los Medios de Comunicacion Social, a un Encuentro en Café Canela Weston, en donde haremos un Análisis actual sobre la Industria Petrolera en Venezuela.

Invitado Especial: Ing. Horacio Medina (PDVSA).

Queremos escuchar tu Opinión.

Lugar: Café Canela en Weston.
Dia: Jueves 16 de Mayo 2013.
Hora: 7:00 pm.

Oscar Ganem
Comando Simon Bolivar.




May 10, 2013
Continue to Provide Input on Convention Center Development
Final Presentations/Public Input on Tuesday, May 14, 10:30AM & 2:30PM
Commission Workshop, Wednesday, May 15, 10AM
Planning Board, Thursday, May 16, 3PM

Miami Beach is in the process of developing the Miami Beach Convention Center District. Two top qualified teams have been short-listed to develop plans with your input. City Commission is expected to make a decision on which team they will select to proceed to the next phase of development in June.

Click here for additional upcoming meetings, videos, information and more. Email us your comments
Memorial Day Weekend: Traffic Patterns Change
Community Meeting: Monday, May 13, 6:00 p.m.
Thousands of visitors are encouraged to "Respect the Scene" for the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Plans on how to mitigate traffic and the large crowds are ready. Traffic plan calls for one-way of Collins Avenue (btwn 5 ST & Espanola) and Washington Avenue (btwn 5 to 15 Streets) nightly at 7:00 p.m. til dawn. Ocean Drive will be expanded for pedestrians and closed to vehicles. DUI checks and tag readers are also part of the plan. Residents are encouraged to use the Venetian Causeway to re-enter the city.
For more on the plan & maps.
Doing the Right Thing! Golf Club Employee Finds $36K in Cash & Returns It
City Commission Honors Rachel Castillo

Castillo was going about her job of offering drink and snacks to golfers on the greens when she found a bag filled with cash -- not just a few bucks, but $36,000. She never thought of keeping any of it and reported it to police. After an investigation, police found the person who misplaced the cash - an elderly man. Her actions made headlines across the country. Job well done Rachel! 
Hurricane Preparation Workshops
May 16 & 30 | Free & Open to the Public
May is Hurricane Preparedness Month. Miami Beach and Miami-Dade officials are hosting hurricane preparation workshops to remind residents of evacuation procedures and the importance of preparing for a storm before hurricane season (June 1 - November 30).
Thursday, May 16, 2 p.m.: Rebecca Towers, 200 Alton Road
Thursday, May 30, 2 p.m.: Four Freedom ouse, 3800 Collins Avenue
More information about how to prepare for hurricane season, including early registrations: visit 
Alton Road Construction: Detour Up Ahead
Northbound at 17 Street will be Detoured to Meridian Avenue for Several Months
Over the next two years, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will be working on major improvements to the road's infrastructure below and above the ground from 5 Street (including flyover) through Michigan Avenue.
Improvements to Collins Avenue between 5 Street and Lincoln Road begin June 3.
Special Commission Meeting to Discuss Boardwalk
Monday, May 20, 9AM

Special City Commission Meeting on Monday, May 20, 2013 at 9:00 a.m., at the Commission Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida to discuss the City's Boardwalk between 23 and 46 streets. All interested parties are invited to attend. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the City Manager's Office, at 305-673-7010.  
I recycle because
Recycle, It's Easy & It's the Law 
All residential buildings and businesses must have recycling programs. It is required by City Code. Contact your waste hauler or other recycling company to initiate a recycling program for your building or business.  

Free Outdoor Movies
SoundScape on Wednesdays 8PM, North Shore Bandshell on Fridays 8PM
TEXT MBFilm to 91011 to Subscribe for SoundScape Film Updates.

Season ends at the end of May. Send us your movie title suggestions for next season, email Movie Suggestion

Share event invitation.

More details: and  
Learn More How Sand Dunes Protect Your Properties 
Volunteer Opportunities and Workshops in June

Dune RestorationVolunteer Dune Restoration Event
Saturday, June 1
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Volunteer registration begins at 8:30 AM
Pancoast Park (meet west of the dunes near 36th Street)

FREE Beach and Dune Workshop
Wednesday, June 19
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Commission Chambers (City Hall, 3rd Floor)
More details.
Free Credit Counseling for Financial Literacy
City Hall Workshops: June 12, August 29, November 13

City of Miami Beach's Office of Community Services has partnered with Clearpoint Credi COunseling to provide free financial literacy workshops to residents.

The bilingual workshops will address topics such as budgeting, fundamentals of banking, wise use of credit, buying a home, family financial stability, how to open a small business and how credit works in your small business.

The workshops will be held at City Hall, first floor conference room. For more information,
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest 
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest logoEvery Fourth Wednesday of the Month in 2013
5PM - 10PM, North Shore Bandshell, 73 St & Collins Av

Wednesday, May 22
Food Trucks: 5PM - 10PM
Live music: 6PM - 9PM

Share the event with your Facebook friends & family
More >  
It's WasteFULL Weekends
Keep It Clean the First Weekend of Every Month |  June 1  & 2  | 8AM - 8PM
During WasteFull Weekends, take your bulk trash to the two dumpster locations: 
75 St + Dickens Avenue (North Beach) < RECYCLE HERE
541 Jefferson Avenue (South Beach)
Remember to recycle, it's the law!
Download Free Miami Beach Report It App 
Ask and Receive Answers, Report Problems, Request Services, Track and More  

Miami Beach Report It AppFrequently asked questions, request services and even express concerns on this online center. There is an extensive knowledge base of the most common questions asked. If the question is not listed, you can submit it for inclusion. 

Learn more about Report It. |  Report It Online 

Just download Miami Beach Report It from any phone app store. It's free.
How to Download to your Phone
Caring for Animals
Keep Public Areas Clean & Follow the Code

Spay & Neuter / Volunteer
The Meow Mobile comes to Miami Beach twice a month to spay and neuter community cats at North Shore Open Space Park. This program is made possible by a grant from PetSmart Charities, Inc. Upcoming dates: May 18, June 1 & 15. For an appointment and/or to volunteer: meowmobile@thecatnetwork.org305.233.9958.

Feed Them, Don't Litter
Be aware of littering laws. If you are feeding stray animals, food cannot be placed directly on the ground including plants or leaves and sand dunes. Also when using plates, cans or other containers, these objects must be removed immediately. Do not trespass in sand dunes.

Contact Code Compliance at 305.673.7555 if you see any dogs off leash; any dogs owners failing to clean after the animal; and littering; or any trespassing in sand dunes.
Free Condominium Workshops for Residents & Boards
3PM - 7PM
June 7: Meetings & Legislative Updates
September 17: 
Elections, Rules & Official Records
December 13: 
Budgeting and Financial Reporting

Miami Beach City Hall, Commission Chamber, third floor
1700 Convention Center Drive

The State of Florida Condominium Ombudsman's Office offers a series of courses on a quarterly basis in partnership with the City of Miami Beach. Miami Beach also has a condo ombudsman to assist condo dwellers.More info and assistance:
Stop Government Corruption 
Report Suspected Wrongdoing to FBI

Your cooperation is needed to root out corruption. If you suspect any wrongdoing of a government employee, please report it anonymously to the FBI hotline at 305.944.9101.
Free Pediatric Mobile Clinic By Appointment
University of Miami Pediatric Mobile Clinic & the City of Miami Beach

FREE health care services to youth with no access or limited access to health care / medical insurance. To make an appointment, please call 305.243.6407.

Flamingo Park, 11 Street & Jefferson (PAL)

North Shore Park and Youth Center, 501 72 Street

More info:, click on the Education tab. 
Traffic Alert: Road Construction Projects
Alton Road Improvements
Plan Travel Accordingly | Lane Closures Monday - Friday between 9AM - 3:30PM
Contact for Alton Rd project info: Heather Leslie, 305.905.5876 or

For real-time traffic reports, call 511 or go to
Check out the city's online GIS Traffic report. Call 511 for up-to-the-minute traffic reports throughout South Florida. Also listen to MB Radio 1670AM for weekly updates in Miami Beach.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Nelly Arguello

Una Excelente Iniciativa del Alcalde de Ciudad Doral, poner en marcha varios proyectos mejorar el insoportable Congestionamiento de la misma.

El Alcalde de Ciudad Doral Luigi Boria, anuncia excelentes proyectos, que mejoraran el flujo vehicular, peatonal y el transporte pesado. Estas mejoras podrán ser posibles en vista de que a finales de este año La Ciudad de  Doral tendrá un superávit de 40 Millones de Dólares.

Dentro de las mejoras se encuentra,  la pavimentación de un terreno ubicado en la Avenida 97. La cual permitirá el acceso a los camiones que transportan la basura a la Incineradora, estos camiones comenzaran a transitar por la 74 calle, descongestionando así la 58 calle.

También anuncio que se construirá un cruce peatonal en la calle 33 con la Avenida 87, esta calle llega hasta la Avenida 117, sugirió el uso de esta vía ya que mejoraría de manera sustancial el tráfico en la 25 y la 41 calle.

Anuncio la colocación de unos relojes para la vía los cuales beneficiaran tanto a los peatones, como a conductores.
En la Calle 114 ya comenzaron las obras, las otras comenzaran a finales de este año, con un tiempo aproximado de duración de 2 años de duración.


Un día especial, un ser único, capaz de cualquier sacrificio, constante, amoroso, valiente, fuerte, en fin una Madre.
Un ser que posee tantos atributos que es imposible describir tanta maravilla en palabras.
A Ustedes las Felicito de todo corazón, porque las conozco y sé que cada una de Ustedes lo han entregado todo por sus Hijos, incondicionalmente.
Porque desde el primer día que estuvo  su bebe entre sus brazos, entendieron lo que realmente significaba la maravilla más perfecta de la creación de Dios y se comprometieron ante la indefensa presencia de esa criaturita tan hermosa que tenían en sus brazos, entendieron de qué tamaño era el compromiso.
No fueron a ninguna escuela para ser mamas perfectas, lucharon ante tantas adversidades, pero hoy tienen la mayor de las satisfacciones; son hombres y mujeres de bien, algunos ya les has concedido la maravillosa dicha de ser abuelas "el privilegio de ver otra generación”.
Quiero Felicitarlas en este día tan especial, a todas ustedes, madres hermosas y decirles que ustedes no sé por lo que estén pasando en este momento, ni si su relación con sus hijos este realmente perfecta, pero quiero cierren sus ojos por un momento y recuerden; cuanto han luchado, cuanto le han entregado, cuantos años de lucha y entenderán que lo entregaron todo y serán madres hasta el último día de sus vidas, tan solo porque no se renuncia a ese Cargo. Quiero pedirte que te des un abrazo allí donde estas, felicítense ustedes mismas y levantando la cara al cielo denle gracias al señor con estas palabras: gracias por tanta misericordia, porque sin ti no hubiese sido posible transitar este empedrado camino, porque solo tu guía me ha podido llevar hasta aquí.
Yo en este día levanto una plegaria a Dios por mi Madre; que descanse en paz, que el Señor la tenga en su gloria.
Yo  aunque que nunca la tuve físicamente, siempre ha estado conmigo, quiero hoy darle las gracias públicamente, por  traerme al mundo y decirle a través de estas líneas, cuanto la amo.
También quiero decirle hoy a todas ustedes,  queridas Mamas que: las amo, las respeto y las admiro muchísimo...gracias por su amor y amistad, para con migo.
Reciban un beso, fuerte abrazo y una lluvia de bendiciones.


Saturday, May 11, 2013














Friday, May 10, 2013

Mayor Luigi Boria nominates GrayRobinson P.A. as the new legal counsel for the City of Doral

8401 NW 53rd Terrace
Doral, FL 33166
305-59 DORAL (305-593-6725)

Press Release
Mayor Luigi Boria nominates GrayRobinson P.A. as the new legal counsel for the City of Doral
(Doral, FL) On Friday May 10th, 2013, Mayor Luigi Boria called a special Council meeting to nominate GrayRobinson P.A. as the City Attorney for the City of Doral. The Mayor and City Council voted unanimously to approve the nomination of the prestigious corporate law firm comprised of over 270 seasoned attorneys throughout eleven offices across Florida, providing legal services for several local governments.
Mayor Luigi Boria stated “given that the City of Doral continues to grow and that we continue to thrive as a municipality, I knew that our next City Attorney would have to have certain important qualities in order to be successful and continue to propel our City forward. The position was advertised by our Human Resources Department, and I have personally spoken to several individuals and firms interested in representing the City of Doral as our legal counsel. I was looking for a combination of experience, professionalism, accompanied by a strong experienced support team. After several weeks of searching, I made the decision to go with an attorney and a firm that I believe encompasses all of the previously mentioned characteristics.”
Mr. John Herin will be the designee from GrayRobinson P.A. advising the Mayor and City Council as well as City staff. After his remarks, Mayor Boria invited Mr. Herin to give a brief presentation and answer questions from fellow Council Members. 
8401 NW 53rd Terrace
Doral, FL 33166
305-59 DORAL (305-593-6725)

Comunicado de Prensa
El Alcalde Luigi Boria nomina a GrayRobinson P.A. como la nueva firma legal de la Ciudad de Doral
(Doral, FL) El viernes 10 de mayo el Alcalde Luigi Boria convocó una reunión especial del Concejo para nominar a GrayRobinson P.A. como la firma de abogados de la Ciudad de Doral.  El Alcalde y el Concejo de la ciudad votaron unánimemente a favor de la nominación de esta prestigiosa firma corporativa de abogados conformada por 270 abogados de sólida experiencia que trabajan en once oficinas diseminadas en el estado de Florida, prestando servicios legales a varios gobiernos locales.
El Alcalde Luigi Boria expresó “dado que la Ciudad de Doral continúa creciendo y que continuamos expandiéndonos como municipalidad, comprendí que el nuevo abogado de la Ciudad debería poseer cualidades importantes a fin de tener éxito en su gestión y continuar impulsando hacia adelante a nuestra Ciudad. La posición fue anunciada públicamente por nuestro Departamento de Recursos Humanos, y yo conversé personalmente con varias firmas que manifestaron su interés en servir a la Ciudad de Doral en calidad de consejeros legales. Lo que yo busqué fue una combinación de experiencia y profesionalismo,  que a su vez estuviera respaldada por un equipo de apoyo de sólida trayectoria.  Tras varias semanas de búsqueda, tomé la decisión de escoger a una firma de abogados que en mi opinión reunía todas las características y cualidades previamente mencionadas.
El Sr. John Herin será el abogado designado de GrayRobinson P.A. para dar consejo legal al Alcalde, a los demás miembros del Concejo, así como a los funcionarios de la Ciudad. Luego de concluir su intervención, el Alcalde Boria invitó al Sr. Herin a que hiciera una breve presentación y respondiera preguntas de sus colegas miembros del Concejo.



~Grant will increase knowledge of geology, which helps improve land-use planning in northeastern area of Florida~

TALLAHASSEE – The Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida Geological Survey has been awarded $193,183 by the U.S Geological Survey to produce a detailed geologic map of a portion of northeast Florida. The STATEMAP grant is the fourth-highest award amount distributed nationwide this year for work that will begin in September and is expected to be publicly available for digital download by December 2014.
“The funding provided by the USGS allows us to produce a geologic map in support of the societal, economic and scientific welfare needs of Florida,” said STATEMAP Project Manager Rick Green. “Our goal is to make these findings readily available and accessible to the public.”
The benefits of this type of mapping include a more comprehensive understanding of the distribution of rock, mineral and groundwater resources, including vulnerability of aquifers to contamination. These maps are also important in providing shallow subsurface geological information that can be used in understanding sinkholes and other geologic hazards.
The mapping effort involves extensive field work over a 12 month period, including visits to accessible rock and sediment exposures in mines and other excavated areas, as well as natural exposures in rivers, streams, sinkholes and springs. To better understand the underlying geologic units, project staff inspect rock and sediment samples from hundreds of wells, including new wells drilled in support of the project to fill data gaps. Extensive data management and map making in a geographic information system platform is also involved.
This work is conducted under the STATEMAP component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, which serves to create a national geologic database that is accessible to the public. The STATEMAP Advisory Council, which is comprised of geologists and engineers in Florida, prioritized the St. Augustine quadrangle as the primary focus for this year’s work.
The approximately 2,000 square mile area was approved due to its location adjacent to current project mapping underway in the Daytona Beach area, as well as an additional project being conducted along the northeast coast of Florida funded by the National Park Service and Florida Geological Survey. This will allow the Florida Geological Survey to maximize its resources and expand upon existing data.
Since its inception in 1994, this component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program has funded more than $4.6 million in support of mapping to benefit Florida’s residents and environment, covering an area of more than 13,000 square miles.
Data gathered by the STATEMAP program is also used by other agencies in Florida. The Florida Department of Transportation used information from mapped STATEMAP projects for an assessment of strategic aggregate reserves in the state and to develop a better understanding of the geology in support of projects, such as the Florida Future Corridors program.
The maps are published annually and released in segments online. To learn more about mapping projects in your area, visit

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


City of Miami Beach Cultural Affairs=May 9 - May 15, 2013
Subscribe to More News & Information
The City of Miami Beach 
For more events visit:


Wednesday, May 8, 8:00 p.m.
Exostage @ Miami Beach SoundScape, 500 17 Street
Enjoy free movies every Wednesday night! This week: Sunset Boulevard (1950) Directed by Billy Wilder. Presented in partnership with Miami Beach Cinemathequecelebrating the 20th anniversary of the 1993 Miami Beach Film Society screening of SUNSET BOULEVARD on the side of the Marlin Hotel! The SoundScape Cinema Series is presented generously by the Marilyn and Edward Gadinsky Charitable Foundation and held at the new Miami Beach SoundScape ExoStage, corner of 17 Street and Washington Avenue. Bring your blanket or beach chair and picnic! No glass please.
Miami Beach Arts in the Parks Presents: SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD FREE
Saturday, May 11, 7:00 p.m.
North Shore Park Band Shell, 7275 Collins Avenue
Miami Children's Theater production of the acclaimed Jason Robert Brown song cycle starring 10 high school seniors on their way to Broadway.
Opens May 9, 2013
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
Five unique books created by fifth grade students will be on display in the lobby of The Wolfsonian-Florida International University focusing on social and political themes reflected by objects in the collection. This exhibition is the final product of Page at a Time-a long-running interdisciplinary arts-education program created by The Wolfsonian in collaboration with Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The exhibition continues through June 2, 2013
Art Club for Adults
Thursday, May 9, 1:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The mission of this program is to stimulate creativity and provide an opportunity for discussions about art and life. Each week features a different program or activity for the class. For more Info: or call 305.673.7530. Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission)
An Evening of Water Ballet FREE
Thursday, May 9, 6:30 p.m.
National Hotel Pool Deck, 1655 Collins Avenue.
The 2013 Miami Dance Festival continues with Plunge plus a new water ballet choreographed by Delma Iles.
MDPL's Spring Lecture Series- Architects on Architects: Today's Architects and the Historic Architects Who Influenced Them FREE
Thursday, May 9, 7:00 p.m.
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
Lecturer: Allan Shulman; Title:"Igor Polevitzky in Miami: Inventing the Tropics".
Thursday, May 9, 7:00 p.m. and 9:10 p.m.
Saturday, May 11 through Sunday, May 12, 9:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Cinematheque, 1130 Washington Avenue
To The Wonder boldly and lyrically explores the complexities of love in all its forms. Parisian single mother Marina (Olga Kurylenko) and Midwestern tourist Neil (Ben Affleck) fall madly in love in France and relocate to Oklahoma with Marina's young daughter to start a life together. Also stars Javier Bardem) and Rachel McAdams.
The German Judiciary and Nazism FREE
Friday, May 10, 1:00 p.m. 
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
Judge Juergen Maruhn, Presiding Judge of the Appellate Court in Frankfurt, Germany, will head a Lunch & Learn program exploring the German judicial system during Adolf Hilter's reign. Judge Maruhn will explain how the courts allowed decisions to be made contrary to moral and natural law.
NWSA Theatre Department Presents: The Laramie Project LIVE
Friday, May 10, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 11, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 12, 2:00 p.m.
Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road
One of the most important American plays about human rights is Moises Kaufman's documentary theatre masterpiece The Laramie Project. The play is the reaction to the real-life murder of Matthew Shepard who was gay. Complied of actual interviews, reactions and news stories from the town's citizens, The Laramie Project stands as a living testament that education and compassion can triumph over hate. Tickets: $10/$15.
Friday, May 10, 8:00 p.m.
SoBe Institute of the Arts, 2100 Washington Avenue
SoBe Arts celebrates the 200th anniversary of Wagner's birth with Marina Radiushina and Milana Strezeva, pianists performing music by Wagner and composers influenced by him in the 19th & 20th centuries. Join us prior to the concert for ART SPEAKS at 7:00 p.m.: A pre-concert talk about how Wagner's musical ideas influenced everything from movie soundtracks to 20th century experimental music.
Bandshell Movie Night: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol FREE
Friday, May 10, 8:00 p.m.
North Shore Park Band Shell, 7275 Collins Avenue
Come out and enjoy a movie under the stars at our new North Shore Park Band Shell... FREE! Movie and start times are subject to change.
Garden Tours
Saturday, May 11, 2:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Have you ever wanted to know more about the Garden's role in the history of Miami Beach, or what the heck that tree with the spines is out by the gate entrance? Guided tours are back! We have knowledgeable docents ready to show you just how much is really packed into our 2.6 acres, every Saturday at 2 p.m. Tours generally last 30 minutes with a suggested $5 donation.
Museum Tours
Saturday, May 11, 2:00 p.m.
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Docent led tours of the museum exhibitions. For more Info: www.bassmuseum.orgor call 305.673.7530 Members and Miami Beach Residents: free. Non-members: $8 (cost of museum admission).
A Voice with a Future
Saturday, May 11, 7:00 p.m.
New Word Center, 500 17 Street
A Voice with a Future will feature new works from Haitian-American composer Sydney Guillaume and New York based composer Jim Papoulis. as well as other contemporary multicultural works performed a cappella, with a chamber orchestra, or with a percussion ensemble. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for students, seniors, and children.
Cathedral Classics
Sunday, May 12, 4:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Community Church, 1620 Drexel Avenue
This concert features favorite choral masterpieces including Gregorio Allegri's haunting Miserere, Randall Thompson's timeless Alleluia, as well as pieces selected by our audience.
Music in Beautiful Spaces: Scandinavia Explored
Sunday, May 12, 4:00 p.m.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, 2000 Convention Center Drive
Scandinavia Exploredfeatures guest soprano Anna Hersey, a recent Fullbright fellow, arranged with string quartet accompaniment. The program will include the Grieg String Quartet in G minor, Op. 27 and the Kokkonen String Quartet #3. Wine reception to follow. Online tickets: $20 adults, $10 students and seniors.
Piano in the Parks FREE
Sunday, May 12, 7:00 p.m.
Miami Beach SoundScape, 500 17 Street
Enjoy Classical, Jazz and other piano duos under the stars! Featuring Mia Vassilev, Kristin Camacho, Dionisio Camacha, Jordan Christenson and Jake Shapiro. Come throw down a blanket and enjoy!
Fantasy Theatre Factory Presents: Gordon Gumshoe - Fairytale Detective FREE
Tuesday, May 14, 4:00 p.m. Miami Beach Library, 227 22nd Street
Wednesday, May 15, 3:00 p.m. North Shore Park Youth Center, 501 72 Street
Throughout Fairytale Forest, vital pieces of treasured tales have gone missing. Unless they turn up soon, the stories will be lost forever! Join in the fun as Gordon Gumshoe navigates the caper of a lifetime - complete with twists, crazy characters, hi-jinks, and a surprise ending. Gordon depends upon his audience of Junior Detectives to point out clues, deliver messages, and maybe even save the day.
The Secret & Sacred Knowledge of the Music Business from Creation to Exploitation
Wednesday May 15, 7:00 p.m.
SoBe Institute of the Arts, 2100 Washington Avenue
Join us for an entertaining and provocative series by Steven Machat, Attorney/Producer, who shares a lifetime of first hand working knowledge on how to live and make a living in the entertainment world. Mr. Machat will share his personal experiences working with  celebrities over his long career; from Genesis, Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel, to Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Cost - $50 per session / $450 for the series (when purchased in advance). 
Wednesday, May 15, 8:00 p.m.
Exostage @ Miami Beach SoundScape, 500 17 Street
Enjoy free movies every Wednesday night! This week: Jaws (1975) Directed by Steven Spielberg. The SoundScape Cinema Series is presented generously by the Marilyn and Edward Gadinsky Charitable Foundation and held at the new Miami Beach SoundScape ExoStage, corner of 17 Street and Washington Avenue. Bring your blanket or beach chair and picnic! No glass please.
Picasso to Koons: The Artist as Jeweler 
Continues through July 21, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The exhibition of some 200 works by 135 artists is an intimate, often whimsical side of some of the greatest artists of recent times, each offering a singular vision of adornment. The exceptional and little-known works of wearable sculpture will reward viewers with new insights into the creative wellsprings of such artistic giants as Georges Braque, Max Ernst, Lucio Fontana, Louise Nevelson, Anthony Caro, Yoko Ono, and Anish Kapoor.
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation
Continues through August 11, 2013
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
Eve Sussman | Rufus Corporation is a presentation of the video artist's recent projects. This exhibition will present two major video installations, including an entirely new exploration of her noted film The Rape of the Sabine Women. The exhibition continues through August 11, 2013. 
Bat Mitzvah Comes Of Age
Continues through September 15, 2013
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, 301 Washington Avenue
On Saturday morning, March 18, 1922 - two years after American women received the right to vote - Judith Kaplan, daughter of Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan, became the first American girl to mark her bat mitzvah during a public worship service. In the decades that followed, many other girls and women became the "first" in their communities, helping to reshape American Judaism.
Untitled ([construction of good)]
The Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
The Wolfsonian-FIU presents a new site-specific exhibit, Untitled ([construction of good)] by artist Bhakti Baxter in The Wolfsonian Bridge Tender House beginning November 29th. The installation will take place in the steel structure created in the Art Deco style outside of the museum entrance. The focus of the exhibit will be on the construction of good for mankind, focusing on how the meanings of things are perpetually shaped by their human and historical contexts.
Egyptian Gallery
Bass Museum of Art, 2100 Collins Avenue
The Bass Museum of Art invites visitors to experience the ancient world at the only Egyptian Gallery in Florida.  The gallery offers a unique opportunity to learn about one of the world's oldest and most mysterious civilizations from its surviving objects, including an Egyptian sarcophagus and mummy.
Watercolors-English and American
World Erotic Art Museum, 1205 Washington Avenue
The extraordinary persona of Sylvie Jones, the famed London artist who has also written such popular children's books as "Who's in the Tub," will be on view. Tickets are $15 with no one under 18 admitted. 
Art and Design in the Modern Age: Selections from the Wolfsonian Collection
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
The nearly 300 works on display, 1885 to 1945,  provide insight into the ways design has influenced and adapted to the modern world.
Artcenter/South Florida Artists-In-Residence Ongoing
 Artcenter/South Florida, 800, 810 and 924 Lincoln Road
ArtCenter/South Florida ("ACSF") announces the arrival of four new Artists-in-Residence and welcomes visitors to their working studios. 
Selections from the Collection
Bass Museum of Art2100 Collins Avenue
The permanent collection of the Bass Museum of Art spans more than five hundred years and four continents, including works from Renaissance and Baroque paintings; Rococo court painting and English portraiture; painting and sculpture of North America and much more.
MOSAIC: Jewish Life in Florida
OngoingJewish Museum of Florida301 Washington Avenue
More than 500 photos and artifacts that depict the Jewish experience in Florida since 1763. The exhibit includes three films and a timeline wall of Jewish history.
Nightly -- Varying Times
1342 Washington Avenue
Jazid is proud to be the longest-running nightclub on Miami Beach with live music every night of the week. Jazid's diverse music includes a multi-cultural mix of Latin and American jazz, funk, cumbia, reggae, rock, and more.
Van Dyke Cafe
Live Jazz Nightly
846 Lincoln Road
Join us Upstairs at the Van Dyke, the perfect place to enjoy live music, lounge and socialize. 
Free Fridays at the Wolf  FREE 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. 
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave.
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 pm. 
Guided, Private and Self-Guided Tours of the Art Deco Historic District
Art Deco Welcome Center, 1001 Ocean Drive
All tours take approximately 90 minutes. Prices vary.
Art Deco Bike and Segway Tours
Bike and Roll, 210 Tenth Street
$39 adults/$29 kids and students.