Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Latin People News LPN: City of Weston eNewsletter | Newsday Tuesday | 08/...

Latin People News LPN: City of Weston eNewsletter | Newsday Tuesday | 08/...: NEWS FROM THE CITY OF WESTON August 20, 2019 ...

August 20, 2019
Back to School - Protect Kids Traveling to and from School
No matter how skilled of a driver you are, it's a good idea to reflect on the basics of traffic safety from time to time just to make sure that you are being careful enough to keep yourself - and other drivers and pedestrians - as safe as possible. There is no better time than when students are headed back to school, and that means more children and buses on the roads.
Permitting Services on the Web
The City of Weston enforces State and local regulations to promote safe standards for residential and commercial development. The following is a list of common permit types within their respective divisions which will direct you to the City of Weston's ePermit Portal.
Hurricane - After the Storm
Hurricane Series #9: After the Storm
Long after a hurricane passes, its aftermath remains. Downed power lines, fallen trees, and flooding create special problems that may be felt even after the storm has ended. Preparing your home and family before a hurricane occurs and knowing how to react after a storm has passed, are fundamental to protecting your property and keeping you and your loved ones safe and secure.
Local Business Tax Receipt Renewal
All businesses in Weston are required to have an active Local Business Tax Receipt (BTR) before engaging in any business transactions in the City of Weston. This includes home-based businesses. Local Business Tax Receipts are due and payable on or before September 30th of each yearIt is the responsibility of each business owner to notify the City should there be any changes.
Water Smart Weston
We know water is everywhere. So, to make it easy, use a checklist to check off potential hazards in and around your home to ensure that your children are safe. 
Monthly Tips on How to Keep Your Kids on Track!
Kick off another exciting and fun-filled school year with these monthly tips that can help you prepare for the new school year and keep the success going all year long.
Healthy Living Tips
Go, Slow, Whoa: Snacking Tips
Snacks can help children get the nutrients needed to grow. For younger children, help them get just enough to satisfy their hunger. Let older kids make their own snacks by keeping healthy foods in the kitchen. Go, Slow, WHOA is a simple way to recognize foods that are the smartest choices.
Batter Up!
It's time to play ball! Registration is now open for the Weston Explosion Recreational Softball League for players of all levels ages 4-16. T-ball evaluations are coming up soon, so register today to be a part of the Fall season.
Don't Miss Out on Upcoming Events and Meetings
Don't miss out on upcoming events hosted by the City of Weston. Check out the online event calendar regularly throughout the year. 

17200 Royal Palm Boulevard
Weston, Florida 33326

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Latin People News LPN: Save the Date! Resilience Discussion with Jacobs E...

Latin People News LPN: Save the Date! Resilience Discussion with Jacobs E...: Resilience Conversation Series Save the Date! Thursday, September 5 at 7 PM Join the City...


Latin People News LPN: Water News You Can Use

Latin People News LPN: Water News You Can Use: District Project Uses Hydraulic Carving to Restore Watersheds The land at Balm Boyette Scrub Nature Preserve in Wimauma has...

WaterNews You Can Use
Balm Boyette hydraulic carving project
Conservation and Restoration

District Project Uses Hydraulic Carving to Restore Watersheds

The land at Balm Boyette Scrub Nature Preserve in Wimauma hasn’t heard running water since it was mined in the 1960s. The District’s SWIM Program is using hydraulic carving to restore the stream that was previously there. Watch to learn more about how the District uses hydraulic carving to restore watersheds.

AGSWM retention pond

Farmers Create Sustainable Fields with District Help

The District’s Agricultural Ground and Surface Water Management Program helps farmers create a field layout that benefits the environment while still producing quality crops. Learn how the program promotes an environmentally sustainable agricultural operation.
Scott Letasi presenting to group

District Leader Shares Career Advice at Meeting

District leader, Scott Letasi, provided young professionals with valuable career advice at the American Water Resources Association’s (AWRA) Young Professionals Lunch and Learn hosted at the District. Read here to learn tips for building a solid career foundation.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

El incidente de seguridad de Capital One: Es hora de que revises tu informe de crédito

Si todavía necesitabas un empujón para comenzar a vigilar tu informe de crédito para protegerte del robo de identidad, Capital One te lo entregó al anunciar que un incidente de seguridad datos ha expuesto la información personal de 106 millones de sus clientes y solicitantes de tarjetas de crédito en los Estados Unidos y Canadá.
La noticia del incidente de seguridad datos de Capital One llega solo una semana después de que la Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC) anunciara que Equifax acordó pagar hasta $700 millones para resolver una demanda presentada por la FTC, la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB) y 50 estados y territorios, como resultado del incidente de seguridad de datos del gigante de informes de crédito que afectó a cerca de 147 millones de personas en el 2017.

En el incidente de seguridad de datos de Capital One se vieron afectadas 100 millones de personas en los Estados Unidos y 6 millones en Canadá. El banco ha declarado que la mayor parte de la información robada fue de las solicitudes de tarjetas de crédito de consumidores y pequeñas empresas. La información robada incluye nombres, fechas de nacimiento, direcciones, números de teléfono y más, todo proveniente de solicitudes presentadas entre 2005 y principios de 2019.
Para los titulares de tarjetas de crédito, la información robada incluye puntajes de crédito, límites de crédito, saldos, historial de pagos, información de contacto y algunos datos de transacciones. El banco ha declarado que el pirata informático también robó alrededor de 140,000 números de Seguro Social, 80,000 números de cuentas bancarias vinculadas de titulares de tarjetas de crédito aseguradas, así como los Números de Seguro Social de aproximadamente un millón de canadienses.
Capital One ha publicado información sobre el incidente de seguridad de datos y afirma que notificará a las personas afectadas y les ofrecerá servicios gratuitos de monitoreo de crédito y protección de identidad. Sin embargo, independientemente de si fuiste afectado o no, verifica ahora tu informe de crédito gratuito y toma otras medidas para protegerte contra el robo de identidad.

Dale un vistazo a estos artículos para leer los conceptos básicos sobre informes de crédito y monitoreo de crédito. Y una cosa más: un incidente de seguridad de datos es un imán para los estafadores. Mantente atento a correos electrónicos y llamadas que fingen ser de Capital One o del gobierno. Ni el banco ni el gobierno te enviarán un correo electrónico o te llamarán para pedirte información de tu tarjeta de crédito, cuenta bancaria o tu número de Seguro Social.

Visita robodeidentidad.gov/robodedatos para más información sobre cómo protegerte después de un incidente de seguridad de datos.
¿Su fuente para un informe de crédito verdaderamente gratuito? AnnualCreditReport.com
Su informe de crédito afecta su habilidad de obtener un préstamo o empleo, y puede ayudarle evitar el robo de identidad. Usted puede obtener un informe de crédito verdaderamente gratuito de AnnualCreditReport.com.