Florida Department of Environmental Protection | May 31, 2013 Newsletter | |||
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Friday, May 31, 2013
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~Taking steps to properly store or dispose of hazardous waste can prevent spills~
TALLAHASSEE – The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins Saturday, June 1 and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection reminds Floridians that now is the time to prepare by ensuring all hazardous materials are properly secured and stored. In addition to the devastation a storm causes on a community, high winds and water levels can cause the release of pollutants into the environment. Boats are often sunk and garages are often flooded, releasing fuels, oils and other chemicals into the environment.
Governor Rick Scott said, “Saturday marks the official start of the 2013 hurricane season. Last year was predicted to be a slow season, but with three weather events impacting Florida, as well as the landfall of Hurricane Sandy, we saw firsthand how one storm can significantly alter a community. Last year also marked the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew, a hurricane that devastated many Florida communities and changed the way we prepare and respond to a disaster. Following the storm, the world witnessed the resilience of Florida’s citizens as we recovered and rebuilt our communities.
“We’ve worked to keep Florida families safe by investing more than $22 million this year in state and federal funding to ensure this community is protected as best possible for hurricanes. Preparing for the upcoming hurricane season should be a priority for every Florida family – and that’s why it’s so importance families ‘GET A PLAN!’ and visit www.floridadisaster.org for critical life saving tips.”
If potentially hazardous materials are left unsecured or are secured in a low-lying area that can be exposed if it lies in a flood zone, this could create environmental or safety hazards during a powerful storm. Hazardous materials left near windows can easily become exposed as well. These materials should be stored in accordance with manufacturer's directions as well as state or federal regulations. Placing materials on secured shelving can limit the likelihood of spillage.
“Predictions for the 2013 Atlantic hurricane season indicate the likelihood of a busy season with a greater than normal chance of impacts in Florida,” said Gwen Keenan, Director of DEP's Office of Emergency Response. “Private citizens, businesses and organizations should take the opportunity to minimize their hazardous material holdings before the season and secure necessary hazardous substances to reduce the possibility of an inadvertent spill that could threaten the safety of people and the environment."
The Department suggests checking your garages, sheds, boats and other recreational vehicles to identify any unwanted household hazardous waste. It is best to properly dispose of these materials, rather than having to be concerned with storing them should a hurricane approach the state. Material may be disposed of according to manufacturer's guidelines on the container or at a county household hazardous waste facility. Attention to hazardous materials before a storm arrives can help protect your family, property and Florida's environment after the storm passes. Visit DEP's Hazardous Waste website to find a facility near you and to get information about disposing of waste.
“Last year, Tropical Storms Debby and Beryl and Hurricanes Isaac and Sandy reminded Floridians the impacts tropical systems can have on our communities,” said Bryan W. Koon, Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. “The start of this year’s hurricane season is an excellent reminder for all Floridians to review their family and business emergency plans and disaster supply kits and learn what they can do to be prepared for this season.”
Warmer-than-average water temperatures in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, as well as El Niño is not being expected to develop and suppress hurricane formation have lead to predictions of a very active 2013 hurricane season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has predicted a 70 percent chance of 13 to 20 named storms, with between 7 and 11 of those becoming hurricanes; 3 to 6 becoming category 3 or higher hurricanes.
Hazardous materials that should be properly disposed of or stored securely:
- Paints
- Pesticides
- Waste containers
- Chlorine cylinders for swimming pools
- Compressed gases
Storm preparation tips for boat owners:
- Develop a severe weather preparedness plan and ask your marina for their site specific preparedness plan.
- Remove portable containers and cans of paint, fuel, oils and cleaners. Either properly dispose or store securely.
- If it is possible and still safe, remove boats from the water and onto the upland. If this is not possible, move vessel out of slips and into open or highly protected waters.
- All boats, whether in the water or on a trailer, should be secured with extra safety lines. Boats in the water should be secured with extra lines and additional fenders.
- Remove portable marine sanitation devices, loose gear and equipment.
- Secure all hatches, doorways and windows to prevent water intrusion.
The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season officially runs June 1 until November 30 and Floridians should be prepared for all possibilities. This includes storing adequate water, gasoline and non-perishable foods. Other hurricane preparedness tips are provided by the Florida Division of Emergency Management.
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Friday, May 31, 2013
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Thursday, May 30, 2013
A continuación dejamos saber las ciudades ya activadas1-Atlanta/Georgia/USA: Centennial Olympic Park Marietta St. al Frente de CNN2- Charlotte/North Carolina/USA : The Charlotte Observer 600 S. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 282023- Buenos Aires/Argentina: Exterior Facultad de derecho, Avenida Figueroa Alcorta 2263
4-Miami/Florida/USA: Calle Ocho , desde la 12 a 17 Ave. Del SW. Desde las 2:00 pm5-Madrid/España: Parque el Retiro- Entrada por la Calle Alcalá, desde las 18:00 hasta las 20:00 pm.6-Dublin/Irlanda: Domingo 2 de Junio de 5 pm en adelante en O'Connell St Lower frente al Post Office...7-Puerto España/ Trinidad y Tobago: en frente de " TGI Friday ", será una vuelta alrededor de Queen's Park Savannah, a las 2pm.8- Londres/Inglaterra: 10 downing st, 2:00 pm9- Guadalajara- Jalisco/ México:Punto de encuentro en glorieta La Minerva, a las 14 horas10-San Diego / California: 2 de Junio en la plaza de las Naciones Unidas en San Diego California.11- Los Angeles/California: 6430 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028 En frente al edificio de CNN. 11 am hora LA.12-Minneapolis/Minnesota/USA: 4655 46th Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 5541713-Ciudad Panamá/ Panamá: el Parque Andrés Bello de la Avenida Argentina (Bella Vista), a las 3 PM.
14-San Juan/Puerto Rico: Capitolio de Puerto Rico, sector de Puerta de Tierra, en la ciudad de San Juan, capital de Puerto Rico, a las 2:00 pm
15-New York/ New York:Frente al edif. De las Naciones Unidas, calle 47 con 1era Ave. Desde las 2:00 a 4:00 pm.16- Pescara/Italia: Montesilvano Provincia de Pescara,la direccion es la siguente Via Aldo Moro con Via Filandia y Straburgo en"Terrazza sul Mare" el horario pautado es desde las 18:00 a las 21:00.17-Tampa/Florida/USA: 3000 North Dale Mabry at Northeast Colombus ave Tampa Fl.18-Playa Del Carmen/México: Parque Leona Vicario, Avenida Juarez, entre las avenidas 15 y 20, Colonia Centro, desde las 14:00 a 16:00
19- Bogotá/ Colombia: Parque el Virrey, Calle 87 con Carrera 18, costado norte.20- Estonia/Tallin: Senaatintori(Senator Square) desde las 5:00 pm21- Helsinki/Finlandia: Senaatintori(Senator Square) desde las 5:00 pm22- Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil: Av. Atlántica Posto # 623- Bilbao/España: Calle Lehendakary Aguirre Plaza Levanta, desde la 16:00 pm24- Frankfurt-Alemania: Roemerplatz Frankfurt del Menor, desde las 10:30 a la ¡1:00 pm.25- San José/California-USA: 1855 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA.26- Nashville/Tennessee /USA : Centennial Park 2500W end Ave Nashville. Hora 1 p.m.27- Adelaide/Australia: Outside the Parliament House of South Australia (SA)
28-Montevideo/Uruguay: KIBON (Rambla Presidente Charles de Gaulle) a las 2pm (14 hrs hora local)29-Sevilla/España: Avenida La Palmera, en la estatua de Simón Bolívar, DESDE LAS 18:00 hasta las 20 hrs.30-Vigo/España: Caravana hacia PlazaDel Retiro en Madrid.31-Sydney/Australia: Opera House (Entrance stairs) (NSW)32-Turín/Italia: Piazza Castello, Turin h. 2 pm33-Beirut/El Líbano: frente a la embajada Venezolana en el Libano en la zona de el zalka, la hora no sera a las 10:00 a.m(hora del Libano en 2:00 pm Vzla)34-Philadelphia/Pennsylvania: Filadelfia, Delaware y el Sur de Nueva Jersey se moviliza, este próximo 2 de Junio en el INDEPENDENCE MALL al lado de La Campana de la Libertad.35- Stromsborg/Stockholm/Suecia: Ragnar Östbergs plan vid Stadshuset, a las 12 m.36- Cancun/México: se hara en la glorieta del Ceviche,(redoma) para que nuestro horario coincida la haremos a la 1:00 pm37- Granada/España: desde la Plaza del Triunfo hasta Fuente de las batallas. En Granada capital, a las 5pm.38- Santa cruz de Tenerife/Canarias: desde LA PLAZA ESPAÑA DE SANTA CURZ DE TENERIFE desde las 18:00 hasta las 21:00 hrs.39- Lima/Perú: El lugar tentativo sera: Parque Kennedy Ovalo de Miraflores, Lima -Peru.40- Las Palmas/ Canarias: Parque San Telmo, a las 6:00 pm41-Nápoles/Italia: Piazza del Plebiscito, 80132 Napoli, Italy, a las 2 pm.42- Brisbane/Australia: King George Square (QLD)43- Melbourne/Australia: Federation Square (VIC)44- Perth/Australia: Forest Place (WA)
45-Distrito Federal/México: El Angel de la Indepedencia, desde las 11:3046-Sacramento/California: 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA - 11 AM a 2 PM-47- Bruselas/Bélgica: Place de la Monnaie - 1000 Bruselas, de 2:00 a 5:00 pm48- Holanda/ estará viajando a Bruselas/Belgicas49- Luxemburgo/ van reunir en la Capital de Europa venezolanos de Bélgica , Holanda y Luxemburgo,50- Santander/España: LA PLAZA DEL AYUNTAMIENTO, en Santander - Provincia de Cantabria - España en el horario de 12:00 a 15:00 .51-Berlin/Alemania; Frente de la Estatúa Simón Bolívar, Potsdamer Str. 37, Instituto Ibero-Americano, desde las 11:00 hasta las 2:00 pm52- Fort Myer/Florida: Monroe St/ Main St. Frente a la Corte, zip code 33901- a las 2:00 pm.53- Puerto Ordaz/Edo. Bolívar-Vzla: El Paseo Caroní, de frente a la Cruz del Papa, en Altavista, a las 2:00 pm54- Gotemburgo/ Suecia: Gustav Adolfs Torg, a las 2:00 pm55- Cusco/Peru: Plaza de Armas del Cusco in Cuzco, Cusco, Peru a las 2:00pm56-Lisboa/Portugal: Marcha Embajada Venezolana en Lisboa hasta la estatua del Libertador en la Avenida da Liberdade, desde las 4:00 pm.57 -Washington DC, Maryland y Virginia: Bolívar Park. Virginia Avenue NW esquina 18th St. NW. Washington, DC 2024058-Orlando-Lake Eola/Florida: 520 East Central Blvd.Orlando 32801, frente al busto de Sión Bolívar. A las 2:00 pm.59- Oslo/ Noruega: frente a Stortinget en Oslo. Desde las 14:00 hasta las 15:0060- Richmond/ Virginia: Short Pump Town Center, 11800 W Broad St, Richmond VA 2323. Hora: 10 am - 1 pm. Hora de llegada a DC: 2 pm
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Thursday, May 30, 2013
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On June 5th at 7:45 am at Rick Case Honda in Weston, Merchant Processing Solutions, Inc. (MPS), a Florida corporation, is honored to present a recognition award to Fabio Andrade and The Americas Community Center for the leadership and support they provide to the local business community here in South Florida.
Thanks to his organization, hard work and dedication, our Company has been able to connect with great business owners and professionals that have helped to increase our client base and network.The Americas Community Center is an amazing organization that focuses on educating and connecting business owners to build relationships and teaches themthe importance of establishing strong relationships through a networking environment and “givers gain” approach.We are forever thankful to have Fabio Andrade’s leadership and commitment to our business community. His organization has been, and continues to be, a vehicle for supporting business exchange and growth.El 5 de Junio a las 7:45 am en El Rick Case Honda en Weston, Merchant Processing Solutions, Inc. (MPS) una corporación registrada en la Florida tiene el honor de presentar un reconocimiento a Fabio Andrade y Las Américas Community Center por su constante labor y liderazgo a la comunidad empresarial del sur de la Florida.Gracias a Su organización, trabajo duro y dedicación, nuestra empresa ha podido lograr importantes contactos empresariales y profesionales que han ayudado al crecimiento de nuestra red social y empresarial.Las Américas Community Center es una magnifica organización que se enfoca en educar y conectar a los dueños de negocios para procrear nuevos contactos e intercambiar negocios. Fabio nos enseña lo importante que es cultivar y crear relaciones empresariales solidas desde un ambiente de intercambio y de ayuda y de dar antes de recibir.Estamos infinitamente agradecidos por tener un profesional del calibre de Fabio Andrade comprometido con nuestra comunidad, su organización es un verdadero vehículo para el intercambio y crecimiento de su negocio.Claudia M MosleyVice President, CFOMerchant Processing Solutions (MPS)Success Through Meaningful Action6499 N. Powerline Road, Suite 208Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309Cell 954-560-7548Phone 866-925-1677Fax 866-925-9677
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Thursday, May 30, 2013
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013
WEST PALM BEACH – Today, Governor Rick Scott signed into law HB 7065, which provides $32 million, annually, in state funding for the Governor’s $880 million long-term Everglades restoration plan. The $32 million is an historic step forward in restoring America’s Everglades by improving water quality and water flow. The Governor signed the bill as part of a ceremony at the Florida Atlantic University Pine Jog Environmental Education Center in West Palm Beach.
Governor Scott said, “I was proud to work with state, local and federal officials to create the $880 million Everglades Restoration Plan, which will ensure we’re doing what it takes to protect and properly manage our nation’s most delicate natural treasure. In this session alone, we’ll invest $70 million for supporting the Everglades – and by signing HB 7065, we’ll provide $32 million in recurring dollars for the Everglades, which is a huge win for Florida’s environment.”
Senator Wilton Simpson said, “I was proud to work with Governor Scott to provide $32 million in annual funding to support Florida’s Everglades. These dollars will help protect, restore and create a more sustainable ecosystem for this natural treasure.”
Representative Matt Caldwell said, “Governor Scott did a great job in working with all stakeholders to create the $880 million Everglades restoration plan – and our job is now to fund it. By providing $32 million annually for the Everglades, we’re doing our part in supporting this world-renowned ecosystem, which provides limitless benefits to our state and nation.”
The goal of the Governor’s $880 million Everglades Restoration plan is to improve water quality and water flow throughout the Everglades. Improvements to the health of the Everglades ecosystem are important for fish and animal habitat as well as the health of the South Florida economy.
The plan is funded, in part, by a $32 million annual appropriation and is a partnership between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Water Management District, stakeholders in the Everglades Agricultural Area and all of South Florida to address water quality in the Everglades. The Water Management District has already achieved several milestones ahead of schedule.
The Governor’s landmark water quality plan includes:
- 6,500 acres of additional stormwater treatment areas, which are man-made managed wetlands that naturally remove phosphorus from water prior to the water being discharged into the Everglades.
- 110,000 acre-feet of water storage capabilities in flow equalization basins, or reservoirs that work with the proposed and existing stormwater treatment areas to regulate flows and optimize treatment efficiency.
- Other components of the plan include engineering projects in existing treatment areas and the modification of conveyance features necessary to move the water through the South Florida Water Management District’s massive flood control and water delivery features.
The Governor’s plan was presented to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the Fall of 2011. After coordination with EPA, the final plan was included in permits and orders issued by the Department of Environmental Protection in September of 2012.
DEP Secretary Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr. said, “Governor Scott’s leadership has resulted in a major step toward improving and protecting one of our nation’s greatest natural resources. Protecting the health of the Everglades is essential to getting the water right, in terms of quality and quantity.”
South Florida Water Management District Chair Dan O’Keefe said, “Everglades restoration is critically important for South Florida, and the District thanks Governor Scott and the Florida Legislature for their ongoing support in restoring this national treasure.”
Eric Eikenberg, CEO, Everglades Foundation said, "We strongly support Governor Scott's Water Quality Plan and recognize the priority he has placed on protecting and restoring America's Everglades."
Robert Coker, Senior Vice President, U.S. Sugar Corp. said, “The farmers within the Everglades Agriculture Area believe strongly in Everglades restoration and we appreciate Governor Scott’s leadership in developing a financially feasible plan to move forward.”
Pepe Fanjul, Jr., Executive Vice President, Florida Crystals Corp. said, “This bill represents the great partnership between agriculture, environmentalists and our state’s leadership in coming together to build upon the success we've had and to finally solve the important issue of Everglades restoration.”
Eric Draper, Executive Director, Audubon Florida said, “We commend the Governor’s leadership on the Everglades Water Quality Plan and getting the legislature to ratify the plan through House Bill 7065 endorses a good standard for Everglades water quality, provides the basis for funding the plan and will, in a short period of time, produce cleaner water going into the Everglades.”
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
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Comando Simón Bolívar – Weston, FL
27 de Mayo de 2013
Invitado Especial: Periodista Carines Moncada TV y Radio .
Fecha: Viernes 31 de Mayo de 2013.
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Lugar: Café Canela 15960 W. State Road 84. Weston, FL 33326.
Queremos denunciar públicamente, ante el mundo entero, el estado deplorable en el cual se encuentra la Democracia Venezolana, ya que con Globovisión se va el espejismo de Libertad de Opinion. Ahora todos sabemos que estamos bajo una Tiranía comunista que nos ha sido impuesta por los Dictadores Cubanos.
Invitamos a todos los venezolanos, así como Medios de Comunicación, que quieran informar a la Comunidad Hispana del Sur de la Florida y el Mundo, sobre lo que está sucediendo actualmente en Venezuela y hoy sucumbe en la desidia y la Corrupción rojita. ¿Será éste el fin del chavismo sin Chávez?. Triunfara la Democracia?. Comparta su opinión con nosotros.
Oscar Ganem
Comando Simón Bolívar
Medios de Comunicación: Favor confirmar asistencia a través del correo electrónico: Prensa.csb.weston@gmail.com …561 503 9959
Juan Fanti - 200 Global Financial Solutions
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
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Cortesia Latin People News,
Photo: Juan Fanti
Ubicación: Florida, USA
West State Road 84, Weston, Florida 33326, EEUU
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