Wednesday, June 12, 2013


 June 12 - June  19, 2013  


Happening This Week!

The Colony Theater
Break the Floor Presents: SHAPING SOUND
Wednesday, June 12, 8:00pm
The Fillmore Miami Beach
Grizzly Bear
Tuesday, June 18, 8:30pm
American Black Film Festival 2013
June 19-23, 2013
Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road 
Fridays at the Wolf* 
Fridays, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Wolfsonian-FIU, 1001 Washington Ave
FREE gallery admission with the support of The Miami Herald. Tours begin at 6:00 p.m. with innovative programming at 7:00 p.m.

FREE Gallery Admission to: The Wolfsonian
1001 Washington Avenue 

Passes to go out and enjoy a FREE gallery admission for one adult each are available now in our office location provided below.

City of Miami Beach
Tourism and Cultural Development Office
1755 Meridian Avenue, Suite 500
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Please reply to this email if you are interested!  

For additional listing of cultural events going on in Miami Beach this season visit:
Coming Soon
Food Truck & Music Festival FREE
Wednesday, June 26, 5:00 p.m. 
North Shore Park Band Shell, 7275 Collins Avenue
Click here for more info

 Ongoing Events & Attractions
Lincoln Road Outdoor Antiques
& Collectibles Market
Every other Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Lincoln Road Farmers' Market
Every Sunday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Click for more> 

Normandy Village Marketplace
7802 Rue Vendome, at the Normandy Isle Fountain 
Every Saturday, Free
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Click for more>

The Market at St. John's on the Lake
4760 Pinetree Drive, Miami Beach, 33140
Every Thursday(Seasonal), Free
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Jewish Museum of Florida
301 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach 33139,
Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Mondays
For information: 305-672-5044 
For Current Exhibitions and more info Click for more>

World Erotic Art Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

Bass Museum 
For Current Exhibitions Click for more> 

The Fillmore at the Jackie Gleason Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Colony Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>  

Byron Carlyle Theater
For Calendar of Events Click for more>

La Biblioteca de Weston invita a la presentación del libro “el anclaje del subdesarrollo” de Carolina Jaimes Branger


La Biblioteca de Weston invita a la presentación del libro
“el anclaje del subdesarrollo”
de Carolina Jaimes Branger


          Fecha: Lunes 22 de Julio de 2013
        Hora:   6:00 pm. a 7:30 pm.
        Lugar: Weston Branch Library-Multipurpose Room
                     4205 Bonaventure Blvd. Weston, FL. 33332

        Contactos: Waleska Diaz 954-357-5420 ext. 5309
                             Raisa Mendez 954-599-5540

        Entrada Libre          


Invita a la conferencia del Dr. Jon Aizpúrua
“Bolívar de carne y hueso”
Luces y sombras del Libertador en el aniversario 230 de su natalicio.

 Jon Aizpúrua, reconocido y polifacético intelectual venezolano, comprometido con la democracia; en sus
  apasionantes conferencias sobre variados temas, alerta los peligros del populismo y el autoritarismo.

Fecha: Miércoles 24 de Julio de 2013
Hora:  6:00 pm. a 7:30 pm.                                                                                                                                Contactos: Waleska Diaz 954-357-5420 ext.5309
Lugar: Weston Branch Library-Multipurpose Room                                                                                                          Raisa Méndez 954-599-5540

            4205 Bonaventure Blvd. Weston, Fl. 33332                           Entrada Libre



Entrevistar al Dr. Argenis Ecarri Ex Alcalde de la ciudad de Valencia, Venezuela en nuestras oficinas de Ciudad Doral.
 Jueves, 23 de mayo 2013

¿Doctor Ecarri, cómo ve usted la situación actual de Venezuela, bajo el mandato de Nicolás Maduro y los Castro?

Nos encontramos frente a una Venezuela saqueada. En este instante el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, Diosdado Cabello y de Raúl Castro, más vale decir, el Comunismo Cubano Venezolano en nuestro país, se desmorona, evidentemente que la corrupción y la anarquía, son factores que están incidiendo en socavar las bases del pueblo venezolano, ya la ineficiencia, ya  la falta de capacidad para gobernar un País, han llevado a que las políticas instauradas por el chavismo, ahora ausentes y cada vez más lejana, la imagen de Chávez, del Madurismo, del Diosdadocabellismo y de Raúl Castro han deteriorado sus instituciones más importantes.
Hoy tenemos un país quebrado totalmente en sus valores fundamentales, como son: la educación, la salud y el trabajo, hay un alto índice de desempleo; en los hospitales no hay los insumos necesarios, para poder brindar una asistencia de calidad al paciente, dos personas en la misma cama y en ocasiones, tienen que atenderlos hasta en el suelo o mandar a los familiares a comprar lo necesario, para poder asistirlos y tienen que traer hasta sus propias sabanas; motivo por el cual, los médicos, enfermeras y todo el personal que labora en los Hospitales y las instituciones de salud, salen a protestar todas las semanas. Por la falta de una política que se oriente hacia un nivel de aceptación ciudadana. El aspecto general de los Hospitales de todo el país está en las últimas condiciones. En cuanto a la estructura vial no hay una carretera, ni una autopista que se le pueda decir, Dios te guarde, parece que hubo una Guerra y hubiéramos sido víctimas de un ataque aéreo, en casi todas las principales vías de comunicación.
En algunos colegios los profesores por temor, se ven forzados a dar clases debajo de los arboles más frondosos de los patios de algunas escuelas, ya que las estructuras están en muy malas condiciones.
La Falta de una Política de seguridad, ha dejado como resultado más de 200 mil venezolanos muertos en manos del hampa, en los 14 años de continuismo Castrista Venezolano, sin contar los secuestros y los atracos. No es posible que en los 14 años del Chavismo, Madurismo y con 21 programas de seguridad no, han podido controlar la delincuencia y la alta criminalidad. Más del 90% de los Crímenes que se cometen quedan impunes.
¿Yo me pregunto dónde está la Política ciudadana para trabajar por el pueblo?
Si hablamos de la parte Ecológica de Venezuela nos encontramos con un Orinoco desbastado en sus partes altas.
El Caroní, el lago de Maracaibo, Cochincha, La balsa, el lago de Valencia, tucutunemo y muchos otros lagos del País, están contaminados. Se toma agua contaminado en toda Venezuela, sin que haya una política de saneamiento.

¿Qué opina sobre la supuesta grabación de Mario Silva?

Este fue por muchos años, el conductor del programa la Hojilla, alto miembro del PSUV, voz oficial del Gobierno de Venezuela y Candidato a Gobernador del Estado Carabobo .Esa grabación refleja la guerra interna del Chavismo, una altísima corrupción, un país colonizado, por otros de menores condiciones políticas, económicas y sociales; como es el país Cubano. La traición a la patria de venezolanos, que informan al G2. La Institución Cubana, que se encarga de la Inteligencia y contrainteligencia, tanto en Cuba como en Venezuela.
El Gobierno Comunista tiembla, ante la realidad que se avecina, como es la vuelta de la democracia, liderada por ese Líder que ha sabido identificarse con la mayoría de la población venezolana, como es Henrique Capriles Radonski, al cual se le fue arrebatado el triunfo, más temprano que tarde será Presidente.
…”Mientras en el Chavismo existe una guerra a muerte.”

Doctor Ecarri basándonos en las condicionas de desabastecimiento, saqueo y negligencia gubernamental de la cual es víctima Venezuela actualmente - ¿Usted realmente cree que es con los Votos que salimos de este gobierno? ¿Cree que hay peligro de un estallido social en el País?

Hay varias vías, por la que se ve venir la salida del comunismo: contestando la primera de tus preguntas, Si hay peligro de un estallido social.
Por experiencias anteriores no solamente de Venezuela, sino en otros Países. La perdida paulatina del apoyo popular, así como; la falta de respuestas a las necesidades colectivas del Pueblo Venezolano, producto de una malas políticas de suministro, va a traer como consecuencia una manifestación popular, no porque nadie la promueva, no porque nadie la impulse, sino por la falta de consistencia, por la falta de eficacia del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro de políticas gubernamentales, que atiendan de forma correcta, el desabastecimiento, como puede ser que exista actualmente una falta total de los principales productos de la cesta básica del Venezolano. No hay harina, azúcar, café, aceite, mantequilla, papel higiénico y pare de contar. No puede ser mientras en Venezuela se este importando aproximadamente el 82% del  consumo Nacional, tanto en alimentos como en especias, los empresarios Venezolanos, los industriales, los ganaderos, los comerciantes, están quebrados, porque no hay una política de puertos. Hay una política de comprarles a los agricultores y empresarios de otros países con los pocos dolares que quedan en Venezuela.
No se asiste una política de incremento del desarrollo industrial y empresarial de Venezuela.
La otra es que todos los días es más aceptada la tesis de un Referéndum Revocatorio, no solamente del Gobierno Nacional, sino también parlamentario, para que tenga consonancia con un parlamento que debe dar muestras de ecuanimidad de independencia, partiendo de ese referéndum pueda nombrarse, un Tribunal Supremo de Justicia ecuánime, que atienda al interés nacional que pueda nombrase un consejo Nacional Electoral, que también atienda al interés Nacional, una  Fiscalía General de la Nación y un Contralor General de la Nación con atención a un reclamo general del País, y esto es una tesis que va germinando de abajo hacia arriba y no estrictamente por promociones.

Oscar Ganen Pregunto: Qué opinión tiene Argenis Ecarri con respecto a esta posición que mantiene el doctor Fernández vinculado al Dialogo, frente al abismo en que se encuentra el gobierno de, Raúl Castro y de Nicolás Maduro.

Hoy más que nunca se necesitan líderes que tengan experiencia como estadistas, por ejemplo: Eduardo Fernández es una persona altamente relacionada a gobiernos que representan, la expresión democrática en el mundo.
Hoy más que nunca en una Venezuela que carece del apoyo Internacional, reiterando que no sea basado, en un interés de regalías, relaciones de respeto mutuo, y de interés en la democracia y libertad.
Eduardo tiene una amplia experiencia política y un alto nivel de formulación lo cual se va a requerir en los próximos años.
El Gobierno Democrático que sustituya en los próximos tiempos al Castro comunismo en Venezuela se va a requerir de esa experiencia, honestidad, responsabilidad para orientar a Venezuela a una auténtica democracia, por el sentir libre, libre como el viento, libre como deben ser los pueblos.

Cuando Constituimos MOVE Miami?

Estamos muy interesados como movimiento ecológico en Venezuela y en el mundo, de crear una Organización en USA, básicamente en Florida del Movimiento Ecológico para contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad y buscar la verdadera sustentabilidad y humanización de quienes viven en este Estado, por lo que ya hemos establecido conversaciones con Dirigentes de este Estado y coterráneos Venezolanos, además de los Gobiernos de los Ayuntamientos en el Estado de la Florida, para llevar adelante una política de defensa del planeta verde, donde podemos avizorar que el recalentamiento global y sus consecuencias se puede salvar desde este planeta, que lo tenemos más cerca.
Estos cambios basados en el sobrecalentamiento global deben empezar por nuestra casa, nuestras comunidades.
Termino anunciando que próximamente recibiremos la visita de Manuel Díaz, miembro de la global Green, un líder Mundial de los Ecologistas, Director General Nacional en Venezuela y de los ecologistas y presidente de Partidos Ecologistas Verde de América.
Esta prevista una visita para llevar adelante, la Juramentación de ese primer núcleo que llevaran a cabo las políticas de defensa en de la humanidad.

Entrevista realizada por: Nelly Arguello, Directora Relaciones Institucionales Doral y Oscar Ganem Director de Relaciones Publicas.

Latin People News

Tuesday, June 11, 2013



Aprovecha nuestras ofertas por contratos a meses y asiste a una ventana publicitaria en el Town Center de Weston donde mas de 3000 personas veran tu publicidad, durante la celebracion del aniversario de las Independencias de Colombia y Venezuela.

Domingo, 14 de julio de 2013
Desde las 2:00 p.m hasta las 9:00 p.m

Ponte pronto en contacto con nosotros al email:
o al telefono: (954) 261-2280




Miami, FL - Junio 10, 2013.  La Academia Internacional de Coaching  será la anfitriona del Seminario "Coaching Emocional y Cambio de Imagen" que se llevará a cabo el próximo 29 y 30 de Junio en el Hotel Hampton Inn, 3620 NW 79th Ave., Doral, FL 33166, donde harán gala calificados expertos.
Qué relación hay entre la autoestima y la imagen corporal?  Nuestra apariencia es la representación directa de cómo pensamos, sentimos y nos vemos nosotros mismos, y todo profesional debe trasmitir aquellas cualidades que desea proyectar.
Dirigido a toda persona que quiera ascender de posición y no sabe cómo representar esa imagen, personas que tengan baja aceptación o negación de su imagen, profesionales inseguros con miedo escénico, personas que necesitan mejorar su aspecto físico y no lo logran, no solamente por falta de voluntad, sino porque no han tenido las herramientas apropiadas para hacerlo.

Para mayor información, contactar a:
Carmen Teresa Luengo
Teléfono: 305-562-6935

Monday, June 10, 2013



~State to facilitate transition as Coast Guard active monitoring ends~

TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Department of Enviornmental Protection is developing a volunteer-based, beach watch pilot program in the Panhandle to continue monitoring oil on our beaches following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Department's Office of Emergency Response is designing this pilot program.
The pilot program will endeavor to mirror successful volunteer beach monitoring efforts in other states by enlisting the assistance of concerned residents to observe specific stretches of shoreline and to report any pollution of concern. The program will provide training, organization and a communication network to interested residents so they can augment Department efforts. The goal is for the program to work in concert with any established watch groups and provide a coordination mechanism to maximize efforts.
On April 20, 2010, an offshore oil drilling platform, Deepwater Horizon, exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, 50 miles from the coast of Louisiana, causing the largest oil spill in U.S. history. Florida experienced the first oiling in state waters on June 4, 2010. This program will provide a long-term solution to the monitoring of Florida's Gulf Coast beaches for oil that may wash ashore from that spill or any future incident. It will bring together the Department, Florida panhandle counties and environmental groups, all of whom have a vested interest in ensuring the state's beaches remain oil free.
"The Department is committed to ensuring that any continuing impacts to Florida beaches are documented and remedied swiftly and completely," said Office of Emergency Response Director Gwen Keenan. "Trained employees will provide the necessary transitional monitoring while working in partnership with the Coast Guard."
For the last three years, the United States Coast Guard has been the lead agency overseeing BP’s efforts to rid the Gulf Coast beaches of tar balls, tar mats and other oil materials from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Coast Guard had supervised the BP-funded teams to patrol the beach. Throughout this period, the Department has assisted with the monitoring of the Gulf Coast counties.
June 1 marked the end of the active monitoring phase. The Coast Guard, as the Federal On-Scene Coordinator, moved Florida’s beaches out of active monitoring, based on the routinely minimal amounts of oiled debris being recovered from Florida's beaches in recent months.
Until the "Beach Watch" pilot program is operational, the Department will maintain a team, under the direction of the Office of Emergency Response, to monitor beaches for oil product. These employees, who have been part of the clean up and monitoring efforts for more than two years, will spend three days per week checking “hot spots” in Escambia County and the other days in the counties and state parks to the east. Oil product found will be removed on-site if possible or staff will report larger quanitities to the Coast Guard for removal by an oil spill contractor. The team will remain with Department for 6-12 months, depending on necessity.
If you are interested in participating in the "Beach Watch" pilot program please check the Office of Emergency Response page on the Department website for updates on the program's development.
Report any tar balls, or suspected tar balls to the National Reporting Center hotline at 1-800-424-8802. The center’s website is When calling, be sure to have as much detailed information as possible, such as street name or landmark and the size and description of the oily product. 

Miami Beach Traffic Alert - Intersection Closed: 21 Street/Washington Avenue

The intersection at 21 Street and Washington Avenue will remain closed to vehicular traffic through tomorrow, due to unforeseen circumstances with the street and drainage construction.

Local traffic will be allowed to enter through Park Avenue and motorists will be detoured through 22 and 19 streets. The road is expected to reopen by the end of the day tomorrow, June 11. 

This schedule is subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this process.
For more information:
Public Information Officer, Monica Diaz 786.531.3798


We are looking for sponsors!

Use this excellent opportunity to promote your company in our Independence Fiesta 2013!

For more information about the booths or stands please contact Patricia Ontiveros.

Estamos buscando patrocinadores!

Esta es una excelente oportunidad para promover su empresa en nuestra Fiesta de Independencia 2013!

Para mas informacion sobre los booths o stands porfavor contactar a Patricia Ontiveros.

The Americas Community Center

Sunday, June 9, 2013


June 7, 2013
It's Hurricane Season! Plan, Prepare and Register 

Tropical Storm Andrea formed and impacted Florida less than one week into the season. Miami Beach residents are reminded that Miami Beach is an evacuation zone and there are important preparations and procedures before and after a hurricane that you need to know. Hurricane season is from June 1 through November 30.
More information about how to prepare for hurricane season, including early registrations such as condo managers' re-entry passes, special needs, and pet evacuation): visit 
Take it to the Park with Coca-Cola this Summer
Vote in the America is Your Park Campaign from June 6 - July 15

Get active and help your favorite park win up to $100,000 for improvements. For more information and to vote for your favorite Miami Beach park, go to
Are You Ready for Some Football?
Miami Beach Breaks Ground on Flamingo Park Football Field & Track
Groundbreaking Snap Ceremony, Friday, June 14, 9:30 a.m.
This off-season, the City of Miami Beach executes the rehabilitation a football field and more in time for the fall kick-off. The improvements, which also include a new track and renovation of the bleacher buildings, aim to rehabilitate the home of Miami Beach Senior High School's Hi-Tides.
Come Celebrate the New Recycling Bins Along Lincoln Road
Purchased in Partnership with Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Miami Beach Partnership LogoJoin us for a ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, June, 26 2013 at 9:30 am at Euclid Circle to announce the placement of new recycling bins along
Lincoln Road.

In partnership with Coca-Cola, the City's recycling partner, we will be placing 43 dual-unit recycling bins along Lincoln Road. These recycling bins were custom designed by Coca-Cola to be more consistent with the unique design characteristics of the City of Miami Beach.

The new dual-bin design is a pilot project which, if successful, will be deployed throughout the city.
Nominate an Outstanding Miami Beach Hispanic
Deadline to Submit is June 28, 2013

During Hispanic Heritage Month, the Miami Beach Hispanic Affairs Committee will honor one Hispanic from several categories. He/she must have contributed positively to the Miami Beach community in their respective professional fields.
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest 
Miami Beach Food Truck & Music Fest logoEvery Fourth Wednesday of the Month in 2013
5PM - 10PM, North Shore Bandshell, 73 St & Collins Av

Wednesday, June 26
Food Trucks: 5PM - 10PM
Live music: 6PM - 9PM

Share the event with your Facebook friends & family
More >  
Preventing Fraud & Financial Exploitation of Elderly 
Free Workshop on June 13, 2:00 p.m. Rebecca Towers, 150 Alton Road

The Alliance for Aging will be offering a workshop on Elder Financial Exploitation as part of Global Elder Abuse Awareness Day. A presentation will be held by an Elder Abuse Specialist in Spanish and/or English.
To RSVP, contact Marcela at 305.673.7491.
Coca-Cola Presents Fire on the Fourth
Miami Beach Fire on the Fourth of July
Free Concert & Fireworks | Lummus Park Beach at 9 Street

Nicole Henry headlines this year's free Miami Beach Fourth of July celebration at 7:00 p.m. Fireworks at 9:00 p.m. Free shuttles to and from North Beach. More details coming soon.
Calendar of events:
Continue to Provide Input on Convention Center Development
View Proposed Plans at City Hall | Several Public Meetings Scheduled

Miami Beach is in the process of developing the Miami Beach Convention Center District. Two top qualified teams have been short-listed to develop plans with your input. City Commission is expected to make a decision on which team they will select to proceed to the next phase of development on in July.

Planning Board: June 25, 1PM
Land Use Committee: July 8, 5PM
Special Commission Meeting: July 12, 1PM
Regular Commission Meeting: July 17

Models are on display at City Hall, first floor, conference room. Open to the public: Monday - Friday, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays & Sundays, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Click here for additional upcoming meetings, videos, information and more. Email us your comments
Learn More How Sand Dunes Protect Your Properties 
Volunteer Opportunities and Workshops in June

Dune RestorationThank to all of the volunteers that came out to help the dunes on June 1.

FREE Beach and Dune Workshop
Wednesday, June 19
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Commission Chambers (City Hall, 3rd Floor)
More details.
New Homeowner Help Desk at Building Department
Residential Building Permit Assistance Counter on First Floor of City Hall

The Building Department opened a Miami Beach Homeowners' Help Desk to provide buidling permit assistance to Miami Beach condominium or single-family homeowners. The desk is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The service includes help with forms, processing of permits, permit research and personal assistance with necessary steps to obtain permits and inspections. Must show proof of residency. For more information, call 305.673.7610, extension 6956. 
Caring for Animals
Keep Public Areas Clean & Follow the Code

Animal Resource Officer Know of crimes against animals or other unlawful issues with animals in your neighborhood? Contact the Police Department's new animal resource officer, Mariana Jomarron at 305.673.7000, ext 3705.

Spay & Neuter / Volunteer
The Meow Mobile comes to Miami Beach twice a month to spay and neuter community cats at North Shore Open Space Park. This program is made possible by a grant from PetSmart Charities, Inc. Upcoming dates: June 15. For an appointment and/or to volunteer:

Feed Them, Don't Litter
Be aware of littering laws. If you are feeding stray animals, food cannot be placed directly on the ground including plants or leaves and sand dunes. Also when using plates, cans or other containers, these objects must be removed immediately. Do not trespass in sand dunes.

Contact Code Compliance at 305.673.7555 if you see any dogs off leash; any dogs owners failing to clean after the animal; and littering; or any trespassing in sand dunes.
Going on Summer Vacation? Prevent a Burglary 
  • Check your home alarm system to ensure it is working properly.
  • Make sure all of your doors and windows are locked.
  • Use pins on sliding doors and windows.
  • Invest in quality locks and alarm systems.
  • Set your alarm when you leave, every time - no matter how long you are away.
  • Remain vigilant. Report suspicious activity or persons are observed in your neighborhood to the police.
MBPD: 305.673.7901 (non-emergency) | 911 (emergency)
I recycle because
Recycle, It's Easy & It's the Law 
All residential buildings and businesses must have recycling programs. It is required by City Code. Contact your waste hauler or other recycling company to initiate a recycling program for your building or business.  

It's WasteFULL Weekends
Keep It Clean the First Weekend of Every Month |  July 6 & 7  | 8AM - 8PM
During WasteFull Weekends, take your bulk trash to the two dumpster locations: 
75 St + Dickens Avenue (North Beach) < RECYCLE HERE
541 Jefferson Avenue (South Beach)
Remember to recycle, it's the law!
Free Pediatric Mobile Clinic By Appointment
University of Miami Pediatric Mobile Clinic & the City of Miami Beach

FREE health care services to youth with no access or limited access to health care / medical insurance. To make an appointment, please call 305.243.6407.

JUNE 19: Flamingo Park, 11 Street & Jefferson (PAL)
JULY 10 & 25: City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive

More info:, click on the Education tab. 
Traffic Alert: Road Construction Projects
Contact for Alton Rd project info: Heather Leslie, 305.905.5876 or
For real-time traffic reports, call 511 or go to
Check out the city's online GIS Traffic report. Call 511 for up-to-the-minute traffic reports throughout South Florida. Also listen to MB Radio 1670AM for weekly updates in Miami Beach.

Also, subscribe to weekly Traffic Advisories via email. Click update profile on the bottom of this email and then add yourself to the list.

Construction information & updates>
Alton Road & Collins Avenue Construction: Detour Up Ahead
Northbound at 17 Street will be Detoured to Meridian Avenue for Several Months
More information on both projects: 305.905.5876 or
Stop Government Corruption 
Report Suspected Wrongdoing to FBI

Your cooperation is needed to root out corruption. If you suspect any wrongdoing of a government employee, please report it anonymously to the FBI hotline at 305.944.9101.
Download Free Miami Beach Report It App 
Ask and Receive Answers, Report Problems, Request Services, Track and More  

Miami Beach Report It AppFrequently asked questions, request services and even express concerns on this online center. There is an extensive knowledge base of the most common questions asked. If the question is not listed, you can submit it for inclusion. 

Learn more about Report It. |  Report It Online 

Just download Miami Beach Report It from any phone app store. It's free.
How to Download to your Phone

com-mu-ni-ca-tion (n)
An exchange of information in Miami Beach
MB Spring 2013MB Magazine (Spring Edition Now Available)

MB Videos:
MBTV is now available ATT U-Verse, Channel 99.
MBTV is also streamed live online.

Friday, June 7, 2013



~Department Clean Marina Program supports boaters and businesses statewide~


Tierra Verde Marina in St. Petersburg to recieve recognition Saturday, showing its commitment to environmental stewardship.

ST. PETERSBURG – In recognition of National Marina Day on June 8, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Office of Sustainable Initiatives will host a designation ceremony at Tierra Verde Marina in St. Petersburg on Saturday. The Department also announces creation of the Clean and Resilient Marina Initiative, which helps marinas with emergency preparedness.
On National Marina Day, marinas statewide and around the world highlight the marine industry as a family-friendly gateway to rivers, lakes and oceans, while also recognizing their important role in environmental stewardship and the protection of our waterbodies from pollution as well as ensuring their future health. Marinas throughout Florida will be participating and celebrating in unique ways - visit the list of National Marina Day Florida participants to find a location near you.
"National Marina Day is when marinas can invite the community in order to showcase their facility, the marina lifestyle and all the fun that recreating on the water can bring," said DEP Clean Marina Program Manager Brenda Leonard. "The Clean Marina Program is about protecting Florida's sensitive aquatic ecosystems that are essential to our economy and culture."
Florida has more than one million registered motorized vessels and approximately 2,000 marinas - the largest number of marine facilities in the nation. Drawing millions of visitors each year, Florida's clear waters, world-class beaches and coral reefs help support a $67.2 billion tourism industry, as well as injecting a $16.8 billion boating industry into Florida's businesses and communities.
Tierra Verde Marina is recognized as one of the best examples of environmental stewardship among Florida's marinas. Partnering with Tampa Bay Watch, the marina implements practices that address critical environmental issues such as the protection of sensitive habitats, waste management and spill prevention as well as emergency preparedness. As part of the designation ceremony and in recognition of their efforts toward protecting our ecosystems, Tierra Verde Marina will be presented with a plaque and flag on behalf of the Department.
"Tierra Verde is proud to be a part of the Clean Marina Program," said Julie Audit, Tierra Verde Marina Manager. "Our marina team is very committed to environmental stewardship and this recognition demonstrates our commitment."
In addition to an ongoing investment in clean marinas, the Department has recently partnered with the Gulf of Mexico Alliance to create the Clean and Resilient Marina Initiative. This program centers around the practice of emergency preparedeness of marinas for both wet and dry boat storage. The Department hopes to educate businesses about the best practices to help mitigate damages caused by storms, floods or hurricanes and allow them to return to normal operation as quickly as possible should such an event occur.
To learn more about the Clean and Resilient Marina Initiative, as well as other Clean Marina Program events, visit